

A teenage love story that follows four high schoolers as they navigate a war of hearts and embark on a journey of love, friendship, and life. Kim Jeha, known for his good looks and fun personality, catches the attention of many. Park Hana, a smart and introverted girl, develops a crush on Kim Jeha and shares a close friendship with Lu Yan. Kang Soora, who believes in getting what she wants, also harbors feelings for Lu Yan. As these four characters with different personalities navigate their last year of high school, they experience love, friendship, heartbreak, and life lesson

BerboxKLZ · Urban
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24 Chs


Sitting next to Jeha sent my heart racing....the way he constantly kept having little conversations with me as we waited made me so nervous...." Here they come." He said as he stood up to help Kang Soora carry the tray.." What took you so long?" He asked...as he picked up and glass and placed it Infront of me..." Thank you." I said as I picked it up to take a sip when I noticed that it's the mango flavour and Iam allergic to mangoes..." Is something wrong?" Lu Yan asked.." I can't have mangos or anything mango flavoured." I said," Ohh sorry I didnt know that...how about I get you another flavour?" He asked as he stood up when Kang Soora grabbed his hand.." They are out of most flavours.. remember it's the only reason why we got the mango in the first place." She said..." Then how about..." He said before Jeha intervened.." Have mine." He said..." i haven't drunk from it yet." He added as he picked up mine and gave me his..." Come to think of it I've never had this flavour.." he added as I stared back at him.." Thank you." I said as I picked up my glass and had a sip..." It's nice right?" Lu Yan asked as I smiled and nodded.




....." Why didn't you guys invite me over..?" Soora asked over the phone as I placed out canned sodas on the table.." It's a boy's night out not a boy's and a girl night out." I said as she scoffed," That's classic coming from the two boys who insisted on coming to my sleepover despite it being strictly for girls." She said as Lu Yan burst I to laughter.." Do you always have to pull out that embarrassing moment eachtime..that was like a dozen years ago." He said as we sat down.." Iam going to hang up...we have to complete a total of 25 missions tonight." I said as I hang up..." 25!" Lu Yan exclaimed.." Yes..it's rare to have you sleep over to play video games with me...I have to use this chance wisely." I said...as we started playing.



" Lu Yan?" I called out....." can I ask you something?" I added..." What's with the serious tone?" He asked..." Do you like her?" I asked..." Like who?" He replied..." You know who Iam talking about...Park Hana...do you like her?" I added..." Ofcourse I like her..she and I are friends." He replied.." is that all?" I asked," Ofcourse what more could we be?" He asked.." Why are you suddenly interested in this...?" He asked.." it's nothing let's keep playing." I said as I unpaused the game.




....." You can keep reviewing that..I'll give you a small test in our next meeting." I said as I wrapped up my tutoring session.." I've been meaning to say this for some time now.." Nara( the girl I tutor said," What's wrong?" I asked.." Are you really in college?" She asked.." I mean no offence but you seem a bit young." She added as I rubbed my fingers together nervously..." What are you talking about...Iam in college I already showed my id to your mom for confirmation....now stop slacking off and review your notes." I said as I took a deep sigh and stood up to leave.." Don't forget our text next weekend." I said as I stood up to leave.....



" What will happen when you actually get caught for lying that you are a college student..in order to get tutoring gigs?" Eun ho asked as I cleaned the shelves at the convinience store....where I work as a part-timer.." That won't happen...it's been over a year already and I haven't been caught...I just have to stay smart while doing it." I said as I continued with my cleaning..." ..three part time jobs are a little too much for a highschooler don't you think?" He asked as I sighed..." It's not like I have a choice...." I replied.." It will all be over once I get into a good college graduate get a good job...." I added as a customer came in and I left to tend to them.



" You didn't have to being this today..I could have gotten it on Monday." I said as Lu Yan..." I was around here so I decided to stop over and give it to you." He said..." Well thank you...." I replied..." By the way...are you free tomorrow?" He asked..." Well it's a Sunday so yes." I replied.." Why?" I asked..." I wanted

to invite you for my birthday....well it's something Jeha and Soora are preparing for me..." He explained.." I..." I said as he cut me short.." Don't say no....I mean there aren't going to be that many people....I'll be really happy if you came." He said as I hesitated a bit.." Please be there.." he said as handed me an invitation.." I'll be waiting for you." He said as he quickly turned to leave before I could reply....." Lu Yan!" I called out as he just waved to me and left.



" Do you have a party?" Mom asked as I got startled..." Iam still thinking of a reason to decline." I said as I stood up to help her set the table.." Why would you decline an invitation...you rarely do anything except studying....it's okay to go out and have some fun." She said..." It's not about having fun..I just would rather stay home peacefully than go out and spend the entire time trying to cope with my social anxiety." I said," I think that you should go...." She advised..." I don't even have anything to wear." I said.." What do you mean? We can always get you something..." She said..." But I...." I tried to decline but mom kept giving me more reasons to go.

As I rummaged through my wardrobe trying to find something to wear, I had some one knock at the door.." Mom.." I said as I let her in.." I really don't have anything decent to wear at the party...." I said as I sat on my bed with mt face in my palms," I should have told him I was busy.." I added as I groaned...." Close your eyes.." mom said.." What?" I asked.." Close your eyes.." she repeated as I slowly shut them," Ta-da!!" She said as I opened them and saw a gift bag..." What's this?" I asked..." It's a gift from me to you." She replied as I rushed to open it..." A dress!" I exclaimed as I looked back at her with teary eyes.." When did you get this?" I asked.." Well it was something and and you dad got for you for topping the class..." She said as I spread it out..." It's beautiful." I said as I pulled her in for a hug.." Thank you." I added as she asked me to try it on which I did and looked absolutely beautiful..." So now you have to go to that party...go and have fun with your friends...that will make me so happy." She added as I hugged her tightly..." Thanks and I will." I added.


