

A teenage love story that follows four high schoolers as they navigate a war of hearts and embark on a journey of love, friendship, and life. Kim Jeha, known for his good looks and fun personality, catches the attention of many. Park Hana, a smart and introverted girl, develops a crush on Kim Jeha and shares a close friendship with Lu Yan. Kang Soora, who believes in getting what she wants, also harbors feelings for Lu Yan. As these four characters with different personalities navigate their last year of high school, they experience love, friendship, heartbreak, and life lesson

BerboxKLZ · Urban
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24 Chs



" That's it for today..." Jeha said as we concluded our self defence session....just like I have been doing the entire time..I thought of a plan to finally flip him...." Owww" I groaned as I touched my stomach.." What's wrong?" He came rushing..." I have a stomach ache.." I said as he came closer to me....I figure his guard was let down and then grabbed his arm and planted my foot...." Ahhhh." I screamed as I tried to flip him but failed..." Nice try.." he said to me as he walked away.." I've already been doing this for an entire week...at this rate Iam starting to think that I'll never flip you." I said as he chuckled.." Are you already giving up?" He asked..." Ofcourse not...O have to flip you." I replied..." Woah...what's your strong motivation..." He asked..." I need those three wishes." I replied under my breath.

" I'll get going then." I said as I turned to leave when he called me back..." I will be the one to choose where we study from on Friday.." he said.." Okay!" I replied as I waved at him and turned to leave...I looked back and noticed him still watching me.



" Back at school, we were done with our history class and I was asked to collect our work books with the help of rhe class coordinator Ji Han...and take them to the teachers lounge for grading...." Do you need any help..." Lu Yan asked.." It's okay I'll manage." I replied as I lifted the books and headed out...

On our way back from the teachers lounge, I noticed Jeha coming from the other side of the hall way...he was walking with a friend and their conversation seemed to be interesting seeing how they were chuckling...I took a peek at him and was surprised with how he reacted by waving at me with a bright smile....and then walked past me..." Omg did you see that!" Ji Han exclaimed cheerfully..." Kim Jeha just waved at us and did you see his smile" she added as she squealed..." Ahhhhh.....I can't wait to tell the girls...they are going to be so jealous." She added as she immediately walked quickly living me behind....to recall the moment when he waved at me and also his bright smile after wards that exposed his cute little corner dimples...." Get a grip Hana." I told my self as I snapped out of my thoughts and continued walking.



" Wait Friday! That's 11th November....my birthday." I said as I stared at my calendar...after recalling what Jeha had told me the other time..." What does he suddenly want to change the place where I tutor him from...is he tired of the crampy storage.... Ofcourse he is..." I said as I was startled by my phone ringing.....I picked it up and stared at the screen in shock from the name of the caller..." Jeha!" I exclaimed as I took a deep breath before picking up..." Hello.." I said..." I hope I didn't disturb your sleep?" He said..." it's okay..I haven't gone to bed." I replied..." Is anything wrong...?" I asked.." Well I was solving the exercise you left me and I have a problem with one of the questions...can you please guide me?" He asked..." Ofcourse...what's the problem..?" I asked..." Iam not sure if I can explain it properly on phone...I need to show it to you." He said..." Can we have a video call?" He asked as I almost agreed when I stared at my self in the mirror and saw my messed up hair and crampy outfit..." It's okay but can you give me five minutes?" I asked when he agreed.....after I got off the call I immediately rushed to clean my face and fix my hair and even picked our a more decent outfit...and when I was ready I gave him a call.




..." Can we have a video call...?" I suggested," Yes but can you give me five minutes.." she replied as I hung up and waited for her call....as I say there I immediately recalled the condition of my room....yes the messy condition of my room which is going to be Cleary visible in the background during the call...." Aisshhh how many times have I told Eun ho to stop having noodles in my room and leaving this junk in here..." I said as I made a quick clean up and as I started to relax, I recalled my messy clothes too....and immediate rushed to change them.

Our call session took a while..." Well thank you so much..." I said as I noticed she had fell asleep as I worked on the question...I for some reason couldn't help but stare at her through my phone screen...." She must me tired..." I said as I kept staring at her untill I heard voices in the background.....which seemed like her mom and I immediately ended she call.....




..... Happy birthday!" mom said as she fed me a spoonful of yoghurt..." thank you." I replied with a hug..." Happy birthday..." Dad added as he paced his well made breakfast Infront of me..." You should have if while it's still warm.." he added as I thanked him and proceeded to eat....

After I arrived at school....Lu Yan asked me to pick up something from his locker and when I did I found a little box with a stick note on it..wishing me a happy birthday....I couldn't help contains my happiness as I opened it and found a charm bracelet..." Do you like your gift?" He asked as I looked up at him..." It's beautiful.." I replied..." Thank you." I said..." Happy birthday Hana." He said to me with a smile as I felt teary eyed.



" You said that you were going to pick a spot for us to read...but this doesn't look like it.." I said as we stood outside an amusement park..." Well lets study a subject called fun today.." he replied.." Let's go back and study...the monthly exam is in a few weeks...." I replied as he stopped me..." We have been studying for the past weeks....work without play isn't a good thing...now come one let's go and have some fun." He said as I felt convinced not just by his words but also the screams of excitement that were coming from people inside.....

We were given wrist bands as we entered...." Get some head gears here..." A young lady at the stall said as I peeked at them..." Do you want to buy one?" Jeha asked...." Well do you?" I asked when he chuckled..." This isn't about me it's about you." He said as we went to the stall and picked out two bunny eared head gears...." Here....I'll put it on you." Jeha said as he placed it over my head..." How does it look?" I asked..." It looks good..." He replied..." I'll put on mine Too." He said as he put it on and smile..." How does it look?" He asked..." You look good too." I replied...." So what do you wish to try first...?" He asked as I looked around...." Polaroid cameras..." I said..." let's take a photo." I added as I grabbed onto his wrist.....

" Stand right there and I'll take one of you." He said as I stood somewhere and made a V sign..." Iam going to take one in 321..." He said as I smiled..." Let me see how it looks..." I said as I laughed because it was a little out of focus..." Is if bad...let me take another one." He said as I declined..." I like this one..." I replied..." Shall I take one of you too?" K asked...." How about we take one together...?" He asked...." Come on..." He added as he asked some one to help take one for us.....I stood next to him and I wasn't sure what pose to make for the photo...." Can you both stand a bit closer to eachother...?" The young lady who was helping us suggested as we moved closer and born made V signs...." Now smile..." she added as we both smiled.



I couldn't help giggle as I stared at the picture we took, never had I imagined that my first phot with Jeha would happen this way....we took many more rides and I found our another secret about Kim Jeha, he is scared of heights and so he found him self unintentionally.... holding my hand tightly the entire time we rode the boat or the roller coasters....

" Are you sure you are fine? We can just skip this one..." I said as we stepped in line to ride the Ferris wheel..." No....we have to try our everything you want....plus this ride doesn't scare me as much...it's not intense." he replied as we got on..... from above where we were you could see the beauty of the amusement park... I stared back at Kim Jeha who was admiring the scenery too," Thank you...." I O said to him..." There is no need to thank me....I did this because I wanted too." He replied..." But still I had so much fun today...thank you." I replied as he smiled....our conversation was cut short by the fireworks that exploded in the sky....we both stared at them and then to eachother and smiled....." Happy birthday Park Hana." Jeha said as I stared back at him in shock...." How did..." I asked as he cut me short..." I have something to return to you." He said as he handed me my small note book on which I had written my name and personal info including my birthdate..." Don't worry I only read the top..." He said as I smiled...." I know." I replied.....as I stared at him and he at me....with the fire works erupting I could feel the moment stop...or I'd say I wanted the moment to stop.


