
I Hated you

Alex Lockwood isn't like every 22 year old,he doesn't have many friend just one for now,he doesn't have to hear his mom nag to him(because he moved a month after graduation)about the way he looks and what he does in other words he has a care free life,and to add to it Alex is a loner and loves it and his very supportive father.What would Alex do if he ran into one of his old classmates,will they have more than friendship? Will he ever get over his "hate" for Hunter after 4 years? Find out if you ship them?? SMUT WARNING?

Bri2121 · LGBT+
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Alex Lockwood



Short back story:Alex,never had it easy in highschool,he was always looked down upon by others.he also had it bad with relationship's (romantic) because he wouldn't give himself up so easily.

Hunter King



Short back story:Hunter is one of Alex's classmates. Hunter would watch as everyone would pick on Alex and always remember all there face and they would dispeear the next day (creepy)and know one knew it was Hunter because he always kept to himself and he gave off a scary aura that made people cower.

Cora Roberts  (Friend of Alex)



Blakely Alexander (friend of Hunter)




This is a girl