
I Hate The Word Love

When love comes from hate it becomes powerful than anything. Jason, son of a billionaire businessman falls for an ordinary yet confident girl Zendaya who sexually abused by her step father and likes Crane, a cute and sweet guy of campus, only competition of Jason. Jason can pass any boundary to get Zendaya. Three leads, hiding their secrets while trapped in a love triangle. In this love game, whose love will become mortal?

Cyeda · Teen
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8 Chs

Escape From Hell

The next day in the morning, she woke up early—dressed and picked her important stuff. She calmly came downstairs without making any sound and then looked here and forth to see if her step dad Daniel was there or not. Then she left her house for forever and went to Ravena's house. Then they both with their luggage went to the house they rented because their house is way too far from their college and the restaurant so they decided to move on to another house. They already set up the house so they put their luggage in the house and went to the college.

At the college, they both are looking at the whole college.

"Uh…! Freedom!" Zendaya said while letting out a deep breath.

"Congrats! You finally escaped from your f#cking, disgusting step dad" Raven said with an anger in her eyes for Zendaya's step dad.

Zendaya hugs her with a bright smile. Zendaya is excited for her new life with freedom without any harassment by her step dad. She finally left that monster. On the other side, Raven is excited because of the hot boys in the college.

"So many hot boys," Raven said with an open mouth.

"Stop drooling over the hot guys. It's just the first day, put aside your flirting for a day, will you?" Zendaya said in disbelief.

"Oh God! You do what you want and let me see what I want" Raven said and kept staring at the boys.

They both were in the middle of their way to enter the classroom's area when noises came from the right side of Raven, a group of students talking and laughing loudly. Raven looked towards the noise and mesmerized at the view in front of her.

"Zenda! Look at him. So handsome—hot physique. He made me go crazy for him. Jason Musk, I heard about him. He is the son of billionaire businessman Aron Musk. He is so damn hot" Raven drooling over the heartthrob of college.

Zendaya let out a sigh and then looked at Raven, she already started walking towards Jason. Zendaya tried to stop her but Raven lost her senses over the view in front of her eyes. Zendaya decided to go to her class when a voice came from the group of students "Hey! Come here!" She looked where the voice came from. She hadn't seen Jason yet.

"Yes! You…! Come here!" A girl shouted.

Zendaya came towards the particular group of students calmly—don't want any trouble on her very first day. She stood in front of them with a poker face. When a guy in the center named Jason got up and came towards Raven.

"So handsome! Hot AF" Raven murmured but Jason heard her and smiled.

"Thanks for the compliment," Jason said to Raven.

"And you" he pointed at Zendaya and she looked directly towards him "In this college every newbie has to do what we said on their first day" Jason said while leaning a bit towards Zendaya.

"But I spared you because of the compliment you gave" Jason flirtatiously said to Raven while tugging the Raven's hair behind her ear "but your friend…!" Jason stopped.

"Zendaya…! Zendaya Afron, her name" Raven said in excitement and Zendaya hit her shoulder.

Jason lost in Zendaya and let out a compliment "Gorgeous!"

"What?" Zendaya furrowed.

"I… I said you have to do what we tell you" Jason changed the topic.

"Why? Did any teacher or principal tell students to follow your command? Or was it the rule of this college to do what you say, hmm?" Zendaya asked while crossing her arms.

"Because I said. And I don't like the people who dare to refuse me. My task for you is to kiss any boy in this group" Jason said and everyone started laughing in his group.

"I refused. Raven I will meet you at the classroom" Zendaya said and about to leave when Jason moved his leg and Zendaya tripped—fell on the ground.

Everyone stopped at their spot and were laughing at her. Some students felt bad but stayed silent because of Jason's power in this city—no one wants to be in trouble with him.

Zendaya punched the ground in anger and got up. She wiped the dust off her clothes and was about to leave when a girl came in front of her and pushed her.

"Didn't you hear what my Jason said? Kiss any boy and then you will be allowed to go to the classroom" Jason's girlfriend Rumana said.

"She is his girlfriend," Raven whispered.

Zendaya smiled because a brainstorm idea hit her mind. Then she suddenly kissed Jason's cheek and shocked everyone with her sudden action. Then she looked at Rumana while Jason shockingly looked at her.

"Now, would you like to get out of my way?" Zendaya said to Rumana in a teasing way.

She smirked and left from there.

"How dare she kiss you?" Rumana stomped her feet on the ground in anger.

"Because you said to kiss any boy and she did," Raven said and also left to her class.

"She had some courage," Bill, best friend of Jason, said to Jason.

"She is different…! It will be interesting to bully her" Jason said and murmured the last line.

In the classroom, Zendaya and Raven sit together when a guy enters the classroom. All girls are starts gossiping about him as he is popular among students.

"Who is he? Looks like a gentleman, husband material" Raven said while looking at the guy with loving eyes.

"I must tell, he is kinda cute," Zendaya said while affectionately looking at the guy.

"He is the gentleman" a girl said while lost in him.

"Sweet…" another girl said.

"Kind, caring…" another girl commented.

"Smart, intelligent and hot…!" a girl said while drooling over him.

"He is Crane, my best friend—the most popular guy in our college after Jason. He is the opposite of Jason but he didn't like it when girls chase him and treat him special. He wants to be like a normal person but who dared to ignore him when he is such a cutie—the one who is never afraid of Jason" a boy's voice came out from their back.

Raven turned and immediately felt a special connection with the voice owner and he also lost in Raven's eyes. Zendaya saw them and smiled—she fake coughed so that they came back in reality.

"And, your name?" Zendaya asked while teasingly hit Raven who just glared at her.

"Mark, and you both are new students—the one who dared to kiss Jason, right?" Mark said while pointing at Zendaya.

"How would you know?" Raven surprisingly asked.

"You are new here that's why. You kissed his cheeks is becoming the talk of the town, news spread in this college especially news related to the popular ones like a fire in the wood" Mark said with a side smile.

"Really?" Zendayas asked and Mark nodded.

"By the way I'm Raven and she is my friend Zendaya" Raven said while moving her hand for a handshake.

Meanwhile Crane came and sat beside Mark "and my name is Crane" he jumped in the conversation while moving his hand for a handshake towards Zendaya.

She smiled "Zendaya…!" She shook hands with him "The girl who…!" Mark is saying when Zendaya cut off him "who dared to kiss Jason—yeah! Yeah!" They all laughed together.

"And here he is…!" Mark said while pointing his eyebrow towards the entrance.

They all looked there and saw Jason with his bestie Bill and his gang which consist of two boys and two girls one is his girlfriend Rumana and the other is the girlfriend of his friend Tom. Jason directly looked at Zendaya and she rolled her eyes. Jason smiled at Zendaya's action.

"Why are you smiling?" Rumana asked.

"Nothing babes! Let's take our seats" Jason said and all the gang sat on their respective seats.

"Will you sit back and let your friend sit here?" Jason flirtatiously advised Raven.

Raven smiled, "Why not hottie?" Raven turned to Zendaya and whispered "Let me sit on your spot because I want to talk more with Mark, I think he is the one for me because I felt an instant connection when I saw him first."

Zendaya nods because she doesn't know why Raven wanted to exchange the seat. She got up and did as Raven said. A sound of whistle came from her other side and she turned her head to look and was shocked to see smirking Jason. She turned to Raven and gave her a deathly glare. Raven lip synced sorry and Zendaya cursed her under her breath.

Zendaya felt good for someone after so long. Will she be able to change her opinion about love…!

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