
I hate that I loved you!

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned… Rizi D'Souza, once a naive heiress, falls for the charming billionaire Zain Bennetti, only to have her life shattered by his ruthless betrayal. The son of the powerful Bennetti Conglomerate, Zain is driven by a dark desire for revenge, destroying Rizi and her family without remorse. But revenge is a dish best served cold. As Rizi transforms from a fallen heiress into a skilled hacker, she plots her own retribution. On her path to vengeance, she uncovers a web of hidden schemes and truths that force her to question everything she thought she knew. Who is the real villain in this twisted game? Zain Bennetti, the infamous and powerful CEO, believes he has found satisfaction in crushing his enemies. But the void inside him grows deeper with each passing day. When the hidden truth behind his parents' death is revealed, Zain realizes he has been manipulated by those he trusted most. His world turns upside down, and he understands that he has made a grave mistake. Determined to atone for his sins, Zain embarks on a quest to find Rizi. He vows to love her, protect her, and sacrifice everything for her—even his own life. Can he win back her trust and heal the wounds he has inflicted? Join Rizi D'Souza, the fallen heiress turned hacker, and Zain Bennetti, the tormented billionaire, in a gripping tale of love, hate, and revenge. Will their journey lead to redemption, or will the darkness consume them both? If you enjoy the chapter and story, please leave a review, comment, and vote for the book. Your support will inspire me to be more creative and bring this story to life. This book is copyrighted. Copyright @2024 by Mandy_Cahayaa. All rights reserved.

Mandy_CAHAYAA · Urban
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333 Chs

Chapter 25- Susanna's birthday dinner(1)

Susanna came out of Cruz Corporation Office, she walked towards her car which was parked at a reserved location.

Her PA Lily followed her.

Suddenly her cellphone beeped.

A smile appeared on her face as she read Zain's message.

It was a cute simple birthday wish and dinner reservation details.

She felt excited.

Zain booked a dinner date for them! Usually she has to schedule their lunch and dinner dates.

"Someone looks happy?" her PA Lily commented.

Susanna blushed proudly and squealed "Yes. Zain is taking me out for a birthday dinner. More like a date!"

"Then let's hurry and book you a salon appointment." Lily glanced at her watch and made a quick call to one of the best salons in the city.

Susanna occupied the passenger seat quickly and fastened her seat belt.

"Oh god. Let's hurry."

Lily occupied the driver's side and drove toward the salon.

Susanna's mind was occupied with Zain's thoughts and their upcoming dinner. She hoped for some progress in their relationship now as her Dad has mentioned about the wedding date.

Well, she must look most beautiful for Zain so that he won't pay attention to anyone else tonight.

At Bennetti Group:

Francesco's face sunk after he heard about Zain and Susanna's dinner reservation.

With a sullen expression and puppy eyes, he looked towards Zain

"What I am gonna do alone in the evening? I came to the city for you and you threw me aside like a third wheel?"

Zain looked up to face Francesco. His friend sometimes acts as an attention seeker and a big drama queen.

Zain shook his head "Don't act like an abandoned wife! You can very well go to the 6 Barrel club and I will join you there after my dinner with Susanna."

Francesco's expression took a 180-degree turn immediately.

From sullen to gleeful.

"Bros before hoes!!" He shouted proudly.

Zain shrugged.

Rest of the afternoon passed by quickly.

In the evening, Zain bid goodbye to Francesco and left for La Gustoso.

He reached the restaurant and was guided towards the rooftop.

Zain had confused expressions on his face. He prefers his usual private room. Why they are taking him to the rooftop?

Seeing confused expressions on Zain's face, the manager quickly clarified "Mr. Bennetti, your Assistant has specifically asked us to book something good for birthday dinner for you and your fiancée. This rooftop has a cabana next to swimming pool and a perfect setup for a romantic dinner. We have decorated the place. We sincerely hope your lady will like it."

The manager guided him towards his cabana, bowed and left.

Zain pinched the space between his brow and muttered under his breath "Damn Han!"

He just wanted a simple usual dinner as always. But his good for nothing assistant has overdone it.

Now he was concerned, how Susanna will react to it.

She will be over the moon!

He should feel happy about it but instead, his cunning heart was worried if she will take it more personally.

'Why you don't want her to take this personally? As an ideal fiance, this is what you should do for her! Everyone does that. What wrong with it.' His mind argued.

'But you don't love her. Don't give her false signals and hope if you don't want to hurt her feelings.' His hearts signaled him.

His mind v/s his heart.

A complete chaos!


He pulled his hairs irritatingly and went to sit on the chair.

Susanna was yet to arrive.

She was 10 minutes late.

He hated people who don't value time but today is her birthday so he decided to let it pass.

After another 15 minutes, Susanna entered the rooftop venue.

She was dressed like a million dollars.

Everyone's eyes turned towards her.

She liked the attention.

She felt more confident and was satisfied about her looks now.

She spotted Zain clad in a tight business suit sitting under the cabana like a formidable king. His green eyes glued on the mobile screen and his long fingers typing something.

His taut cleft chin and neatly gelled hair, added an air of royalty to him.

Susanna felt giddy.

Dressed in a red fishtail evening gown, with nude makeup and curled hair, Susanna slowly walked towards Zain.

Her heart fluttered more as reached near him. She was waiting for his eyes to turn to her.

Zain was chatting with Francesco on his phone. He felt someone's presence near him.

He looked up and saw Susanna smiling at him coquettishly.

Zain raised his brows, 'isn't this bit overdressed for a birthday dinner?' His cunning heart commented inwardly.

'Whatever dude! first you forgot her birthday and now you are commenting on her dress. Shut the fuck up and compliment her. Don't kill the mood.' His mind warned him.

Zain stood up slowly "You are here. Happy Birthday. You look beautiful".

In a gentleman's way, he pulled out a chair for Susanna and gestured for her to sit down.

Before sitting down, Susanna placed a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you so much. I loved everything." She thanked him looking around the romantically decorated Cabana.

Zain sighed and nodded.

Well, now he cannot help it.

The show must go on.

Nonetheless its good that she liked it.

As soon as they settled in their places, the waiter arrived with a bottle of champagne and a cake.

He poured champagne in their respective flute glasses.

Susanna took the liberty and placed order for both of them.

She stole glances at Zain who was busy on his phone.

Zain on the other hand was coaxing Francesco over the chat.

Zain: [Go n have fun. Find a girl. There are plenty.]

Francesco: [It's boring here. Nothing is catching my eyes. All here have heavy makeup face which makes me puke.]

Zain chuckled: [Why bother that much? Anyhooo you gonna spend one night as always! 🧐]

Francesco: [Fuck Off🤬. Focus on your date.]

Susanna was getting irritated now.

'Who is he so busy chatting with?'

She cleared her throat.

Zain looked up and realized that he ignored her. He placed his phone aside and took his champagne flute. Susanna picks up hers.

Their glasses clanked.

"Wish you more amazing birthdays ahead Mio Amico!" Zain toasted for her.

Susanna's face blushed. She thanked and took a sip from her flute.

She cut the cake and offered a slice to Zain.

Zain nodded in a thankful gesture.

Then, he took out a small rectangular envelope wrapped in a gift paper and placed it in front of her.

His phone lit up again.

He picked up his phone and started typing again.

Susanna's attention was on the gift now.

She felt overwhelmed by such a sweet gesture from Zain.

First this romantic dinner, beatifully decorated ambience of cabana, and now this gift!

Her heart was singing a happy tune.

This is the best birthday ever!

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