
I hate that I love You

Seeing her in someone else's arms, why did it feel like he had lost the entire world?``` He couldn't understand why he was acting like this. The unknown and indescribable amount of emotions welling up within threatened to rip his heart apart. Moomal! He called out to her but only silence replied to him. She finally removed her hand from the lock. Before Huzaifa could understand what was going on she suddenly turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, locking him in a tight embrace. He was shocked by her sudden intimacy yet he subconsciously grabbed onto her waist and held her tighter to his body, their bodies were pressing against one another intensely that it seemed like they would melt into each another. "I hate that I love you so much..." Her soft words felt like a hammer to his heart, and the peace he had felt for two moments added to his distress even more. The pain he goes through. He still feels broken. Who will fix his cracks?

RukhsarQadir · Urban
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137 Chs

Chapter 9 , he’s over possessive (e)

"I told you that your Huzaifa is very much interested in you, but you didn't believe me. Now tell me, if I was wrong, why did he marry you this quickly?"

Anjum said while eating popcorn. She and Moomal both were sitting on the sand, admiring the sunset in front of them.

Outside Anjum's house, when Anjum had closed the door for Moomal, instead of getting angry at her, Moomal rang the doorbell again and this time Anjum's mother opened the door and after inviting Moomal inside. She scolded Anjum for her rude behavior. Moomal.

Moomal then forcibly took her to the seaside. And here, to appease her anger Moomal had told her the whole situation about her marriage. Missing the major details about her deep feelings and Hazifa's relationship with Ruby.

And after listening to everything, she was quite shocked to remain quiet for a few seconds, because just after a few seconds she again started her rant.

Even after knowing that Huzaifa married her only at the request of their grandfather. Anjum still adheres to her opinion which she has been saying for many years.

She was adamant on her guess that Huzaifa has deep feelings for Moomal.

"There is no such thing, Huzaifa doesn't like me that way." Moomal, as always, refuted this idea.

If Huzaifa liked her, then why he had been with Ruby for two years...?

"No matter how much you both refuse, but I will say this till the Day of Judgment that, Huzaifa Mueez, He loves you like crazy," Anjum said and shrugged carelessly, for which she got a slap on the arm.

"Keep saying, I don't care about your nonsense, because I know it's not true," Moomal said, glaring at her.

Anjum caressed her arm in pain, and she too glared at her. "If this is not the case, then whenever this Huzaifa looks at my brother, why does he glare at my brother with hateful eyes ...?"

At Anjum's question, Moomal sighed in defeat and turned her face towards the sea again. She too began to remember Huzaifa's anger.

Once in the university when her class was over, but even after two hours of waiting, her driver did not come to pick her up, so she had to take a lift from Anjum because she was afraid to travel alone in a taxi.

And coincidentally, That day, Anjum's elder brother, Ammar came to pick her up. It's not like that he was a stranger to her, she had known Ammar since her childhood, and as a child, she used to help Anjum to annoy her big brother. But after stepping into her youth, she stopped interacting with him and even seldom came in front of him.

Thus, despite her reluctance, Moomal could not refuse to take a lift from Anjum. She had to return home with Anjum and Ammar that day.

And as soon as she reached home, just before she got out of the car, she saw Huzaifa standing at the gate of the house. He was busy talking on the mobile.

He looked confused when he first saw her getting out of the unfamiliar car, but when his gaze turned towards the person on the driving seat, his confusion was instantly turned into a look of disgust and anger.

But fortunately, at that time he didn't say anything to Moomal or Ammar. But later, when she entered the home, he didn't hesitate to show his displeasure.

He argued that If the driver was late to pick her up, why didn't she call him instead? And how could she take a lift from just any man...?

In her defense, Moomal kept saying that she didn't know that Ammar would come to get her sister because usually, it was Anjum's driver who pick her from university.

But anyway, it's not like she was alone with him, Anjum was also with her. But Huzaifa refused to listen to any of her explanations and forbade her from taking a lift from Ammar or any other man for that matter. even if Anjum were with her.

After that day, by chance or for some other reason, Ammar would often come to pick up her sister, and since Anjum and Moomal had a habit that neither of them would go home until their drivers came to pick them up. Many times when Huzaifa came to pick her up, he would also face Ammar, and every time Huzaifa would look at him as if he had an old enmity with him.

And this attitude of his was seen by both Moomal and Anjum.

"You don't know Huzaifa. If Rabia and his sister had been in my place, Huzaifa's attitude would have been the same." Moomal said softly biting her lower lip to control her emotions.

There was a sad smile on her face. But her answer broke her heart. . .

How can she tell Anjum that Huzaifa has never given her any place in his heart? And I might never will. Because there is someone else who has already taken that place.

She was engulfed in her thoughts.

The sunlight falling on Moomal's face was disclosing her every emotion, which Anjum was watching intently. But this time Anjum did not say anything to her. With a slight smile, she turned her gaze towards the sea like Moomal. But after a few minutes, she stood up looking at the beautiful sun setting behind the sea.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After leaving the house, Huzaifa was really busy with his photo shoot, and when he finished by lunchtime, he came to a five-star restaurant where he had already booked a private section over the phone.

He's been sitting here without ordering food for more than an hour now. Meanwhile, the waiter had come once or twice to take orders from him, but Hazifa send him back each time, saying that he was waiting for someone.

But so far she has not come.

His mood, which was already bad because of Moomal, was further aggravated by this wait. To kill his boredom, he checked the news about his marriage on social media on his mobile. But after reading the strange speculations of the people, he angrily turned off the mobile and hit the table.

Since Moomal never shares her pictures on social media or anywhere else, and there was no media person present at the time of the marriage, so people were posting pictures of unknown girls such as Moomal.

"Why did you call me here?

He was engrossed in his thoughts when he looked up at the voice.

Dark black hair, reaching to her shoulders, fair skin, and dark eyes which had the skill to captivate whoever looked at them, were glaring at him.

Hazifa's face shone brightly as soon as he saw this beautiful standing in front of him. And he got up from his chair.

"Ruby... I was waiting for you..."

* * * * * * *