
I hate roses

Roses , symbol of love.I too loved them until that day.Well he bought that to me.The man of my dreams.Prince charming!! I hate them nowsince I want to feel the petals and he made walk through the thorns.Story of Liliana Parker and Nivin Lawrence. Let's binge read another romantic adventure.

crazy_medico · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Nidhi POV

I woke up as early as possible, deeply praying that old which and her son is not yet awake, I put on my dress and tie my hair up in a ponytail I took my backpack and take a look at myself one more time in the mirror before heading downstairs.

Oh, no!my prayer did not work today, cause the old witch and her son are sitting right there glaring at me/ground open so I can enter.

I moved closer to them and tried to sound ok but failed miserably.

"Um..good..morning..aunt," I said

She stares at me from head to toe and asks the question I have been trying to avoid.

"Where is the money I am supposed to get from you?" she asked calmly.

"Umm. I have not been paid yet, due to the month sorry " she eyed me, if looks could kill by now everyone will be at my funeral, she walked close to me and I bend my head and looked at my toe.

"Look at me hopeless whore" she spat, it hurts each time she calls me names, but if I dare talk back then I am finished, I obeyed her and look up, the next thing hat happened, all I could say is I found myself on the floor with my hand on my cheek. It is not the first time she hit me and every time I think it will be the last time. But I was proved wrong many times. Sometimes I wonder why she hates me so much. You will be wondering why I am still with them. It is because they have something very valuable to me. I tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall but failed miserably. I looked up at her and say her evil son laughing at the other chair where he sat eating.

"You are so useless you idiot, fool... I told you to quit that shitty job of yours and get rich men into your pants as the whore you are already, but you love to play virgin mary," she shouted at me.

I gently got up "I am sorry" I whispered as I try to hold back the tears, in my mind, I wanted to scream.

"Bitch better hand over me the money today itself otherwise I will be forever to sell something which you hold very dear"

That shook me"No aunt please don't do it. Gove me some time I will get you money I promise"

You better bring that money within two days or you sleep out for a week and if you try to run...just remember you cannot escape me, you disgusting pig" she spat.

I finally let the tears flow.

"Why are you bringing out those fake tears?" Vishal hissed at me, I glanced at him.

How I wish I just rip off your neck, like your mother.

"Did you say something about me?" my aunt asked.

"No...nothing I said nothing " I quickly said.

"Get Out before I hit you...slut " aunt shouted and I quickly turn and hurried to the door then the last word stopped me.

"Like her mother" Vishal said and laughed with his mom, I stood there for a while and walk out of the house as I try to control the pain in my heart.

Mom, dad!! I wish you didn't leave me in this cruel world all alone! I miss you so much.

Checking my time, shit I am late.am so gonna get fired. Oh, goddess gracious I hope my boss is not there yet! Today is not mine.

I prayed as I quickly got a cab and head to the restaurant since I couldn't catch the morning bus, when I entered Rashi saw me and quickly rushed to me.

"Nidhi...what took you so..what the f**k is this?" Rashi asked checking my hot red cheek

"Gosh...is this woman a human...how can she hit you right on your face...does she want to ruin your pretty face," Rashi said angrily.

"She won't stop...she is just on my neck," I said feeling my tears trying to jump out, rashi looked at me with pitiful eyes and she hugged means I cried on her shoulder, she soothed me gentle and we pulled apart, and wiped my tears.

"Nidhi that woman is not human at all..move in with me. I will take care if you and we can have a lot of fun together" she said calmly, I quickly shook my head.

"I can't Rashi, I just understand, I need to change before the boss comes and sees me in this. Thank you for everything " with that I walked into the washroom as Rashi stared at me.

I just needed to be alone am so hurt right now!mom dad...

I miss you so much! I wish you were here.

I really wish you are