
I hate NTR and bad endings for beautiful girls!!!

Tired of watching h-anime with trash story and incredible animation, just to satisfy what's left of pure in my heart, I'll fix the stories just for self-satisfaction. most of the characters will be from anime or hentai, and as the title says, hate ntr, beta man, and lack of realism. if you want to leave a suggestion to change the story of some anime, just comment on the paragraph in the auxiliary chapter. read to your own liking.

SolrakRK · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

4p (that alone is enough to know what it is about...)

In an equipment warehouse, a tall, bulky man with a body chiseled with muscle, opens a secret piece of equipment made of wood, looks inside, and speaks...

"boy do you wanna get strong?"

inside, a boy who was bound and gagged, with empty eyes, next to him were several used condoms...

when he heard those words, seeming to have returned some vigor, he looks at the man.

"Strong enough not to go through this humiliation, and take back everything that was stolen from you?"

the man releases him, and the boy looks at him, in a cold tone and sharp gaze, seeming to strike fear into the faint of heart, replies

"I... I want to become strong."

as if thinking a little he goes on to say:

"what do you want in return?"

the man opens a malicious smile, and says.


"as long as I can take revenge on him with my own hands, I'll take it."

"don't worry, one month is enough for you to deal with it, if you can't get over it, even after getting my help, there will be no need for you to meet me again."

"I'll be in your care...

what shall I call you?"

"my name is Machio, but call me Master from today onwards."

"come on, I'll teach you enough during this week to take care of your problem, after that, I'll wait for the result."

"I will not fail!"

"yeah it won't, because if it fails, there won't be a "you" when the month ends."

having this conversation, the two left, and went to a more secluded place, looking like a training field, surrounded by walls, and several men in synchronized training, doing exercises in perfect synchrony

"this is the Yakuza training camp, and this is where you'll be spending the next week, the time will be before your school, and we'll start at four in the morning, delay a day, and you don't have to come back...


"Yes Master"


[A/N: I wanted to just finish this far, just as a preview, but let's get to the training part, fast forward...]

4:00 am

the boy was taken to a classroom, with a computer and a DVD.

"before we start, I think you should know the whole situation first."

in a state of stupefaction, the boy looks at the information contained on the disk,

several p*rn* graphic photos and videos, of women he knew well...

her childhood friend... her older sister, even her own mother, doing different things with that guy.

and the boy watched it all with tears streaming down his face, with his fist clenched, but with anger and determination in his eyes...

"As you can see, the intelligence collection was complete, even down to the exact times of the first time of your supposed girlfriend, your sister, and the colleague at that dojo yesterday, in addition to the reasons, conclusions and reports that led to each other , including the conquest process he used to get your mother."

"and your first lesson, information determines your loss and your victory, "art of war: know yourself and your enemy, fight a thousand battles and lose none"

"tell me what information you can tell about yourself and about him."

"starting with the physique, all attributes are above mine, strength, resistance, speed, everything is superior to mine"

"I don't have my body fully developed due to my young age, he has a developed, worked and trained body"

"I don't have any experience in real fights, he has been training for years and is much more experienced."

"chance of victory in a direct combat, zero."

"from the videos, you can see that he has a lot of experience with women and has a very capable member, I... sigh... besides being a virgin, I have no experience with women, I'm not as well endowed as he is..."

"chance of winning back women with my current ability, zero..."

"as demonstrated in the videos, he is very intelligent, meticulous, and smart, but also spiteful and patient,

it seems like every step was calculated and thought out with the aim of... taking everything I held dear, only to make me suffer and humiliate me, starting from the day he first flirted with my... girlfriend, this, the aggressive way I spoke to him was probably the cause of his anger with me..."

"From there, he provoked me into starting a fight with him, spanked me where there were no cameras at school, and that allowed him an excuse to get Nao to sleep with him so he wouldn't hit me again.. ."

"apparently, he had already found out about my sister with people at school, and knowing her personality, and how much she cared for me, I was the bait so that she would go to him to pay back, just with the beating, he 'killed two birds with one stone', utilizing his superior physique, physical and mental stimulation, for a week it was easy to make the bodies of two virgins bend to the new kind of pleasure..."

"with her girlfriend and her sister, the last target to hit me, and considering her complete victory over me, would be my mother, having the support of the other two, it was easy to get information about her, what she likes, what she felt lack, including helping him keep me away while he was with my mother..."

"widow, more than 10 years in the 'drought', a vigorous young man, easily won over the body desperate for attention, and then he broke her mind, revealing that he was responsible for bullying her son, and making her think in the chaos between the man who began to enter her heart, and the well-being of the child who was mistreated..."

"blackmail, mixed with a sense of responsibility and pleasure, it didn't take more than 2 weeks for him to conquer them and subconsciously make them into submissive slaves to his will..."

"my naivety blinded me, I was arrogant for knowing how to fight karate, and losing a fight, and having my friend begging for me, didn't let me see the change when she started seeing him, didn't let me see that my sister had changed, she didn't let me see my mother's change, and even though I had a mistrust, I just ignored it because I thought it was impossible..."

"and to top it off, I challenged him once more, and lost horribly, and he entered the dojo the same week as me, forced himself on Ayumu, and with the physique and experience, it was easy to win over the simple Ayumu, who always had a sense of respect for the strong."

speaking the words as if spitting them out,

"final analysis, complete defeat, with no fighting chance from the beginning."

blood dripping from my hands because of my nails piercing the flesh...

"Looks like at least you became humble after having nothing left to lose..."

"so how can you defeat him and take back what was taken from you?"

"I... I can imagine many different ways to kill him, but that's not enough, even if I do, one hour I'll be arrested, and convicted, it's not worth it, and it won't bring my life back normal, because those who are my family will see me as an enemy who took their 'precious good' from them..."

"my current choices are limited, and the ending doesn't look good, even if I come to get my revenge on him."

"That's right, your choices are limited... because you have limited vision."

"hatred and anger at him and at his own weakness and sense of inferiority, limited his vision."

"why is the first thing you think of is killing??? there are many ways to make someone suffer and pay for what they have done, without being bound by the law, your lack of knowledge does not allow you to think in a flexible and variable way. .."

"that's what I'm going to teach you this week, I'll give you the necessary knowledge for you to succeed, after all, your goal is not to be superior to him, but to make him pay for what he suffered, and take back his family stolen."

"we will start with basic knowledge of the human body and its functioning, then to the study of psychology, and then to basic spy training..."

"and finally, to cover your lack of experience, this is the address of our 'bathroom', it will be available for you after 6 pm, every day for that month, your private teacher will give you lessons on how to satisfy women and her varied fetishes, as a professional in the field, I believe she is good enough to steal the women from both of you and still provoke an erectile dysfunctionn in both of you, which even with an aphrodisiac would not make the woods rise for the rest of your lives ."

putting a pile of paper on the table. Machio says.

"everything is already compiled, all the knowledge you need is here, when the week is over, you shouldn't come back here without completing your objective."

"in this first week, in addition to studying, any equipment or materials you need can be picked up, so you will have to study and formulate a plan within that week to be executed within a deadline of 3 weeks..."

"Impress me boy and remember to film everything, I'll see your development when I get back from the trip"


and with a dogeza and head on the ground, the boy says with his face in tears:

"Thank you very much for this opportunity, Master!"


[Machio Pov]


arriving home after dropping the child off to study.

"I am back."

"Welcome Dear"

with a hug and a kiss, all i need to recover is my wife's presence

"Is everyone out already?"

"of course, you let your women work shifts to run the gym and the companies you created, they take it so seriously they say they should start early and come back early, just to ensure more time together later, and I I kicked the kids out early for class so we have some time to ourselves..."

"um, I think I'll enjoy this beautiful wife in the morning."

"oh?? what ever happened to get our big boy so excited so early in the morning, just one hug and he looks like he wants to drill my belly."

"long story short, kid having a hard time and had to watch private scenes together with my student which left me with a 'hard' time, and it's tiring to keep poker face first thing in the morning so my beautiful wife Mitsuko, you must wash away my impure eyes with your beautiful seductive curves, and if all goes well, we should think about having a fourth child already, hmm? what do you think?"

I pick her up and head towards our room.

"You know..."

she approaches my ear, and sensually speaks.

"I'm on my fertile period, A-NA-TA (DARING)"


[A/N: Difficulty finding a good 1v1 and 1x many, sword and gun fight, to 'borrow' a few words, if you know of any scene like that, feel free to drop me the name and chapter of the novel right here, for me, use as a reference in the final part of taimanin, unless I use my amateur knowledge to write fight scenes, I don't want to kill the scene with few details... thanks]