
I Hate Gods

"Gods are worthless…" The life of Jack, an average human being living a life of luxury suddenly took a turn for the worse at the discovery of his ability - the ability to resurrect the dead. Countless gods are after his innate ability to raise the dead, and will do anything to acquire it… The power to revive any of their fallen slaves. Faced with a threat bigger than anticipated, Jack does not shrink or back down, he rises against the heavens and hunts down every single god after his power. From realm to realm and world to world, Jack finds himself slaughtering gods like pigs just to survive. With a goddess as his companion, a family to be protected, and an ensemble of heroes supporting him, and the Superior Creator in his favour, Jack faces countless calamities. Gods rained thunder on his mansion and made him homeless. Sent down fireballs from the sky upon his Bugatti and wrecked his car. Released an army of undead upon him and completely ruined his days of peace Fed up with the incessant torture, Jack embarks on a journey to hunt down the gods, and rid himself of deadly threats. === === Tags: [Demons and Gods] [No Incest/NTR/Rape] [Harem and Smut] [Weak to Strong] [Swords, Guns, and Magic] [Dungeons] [Face Slapping] [War and Kingdom Building] [Conquer] [Video Games and Parallel Worlds] [Hidden Realities] [Supernatural] === === Author's Stone Goals: 400 Weekly PS(Power Stones) - 2 Chapters Instant Mass Release! 800 Weekly PS(Power Stones) - 3 Chapter Instant Mass Release! 1000 Weekly PS(Power Stones) - 4 Chapters Instant Mass Release!

DMC_MAX · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Algid Spectacle

Jack, sneered in his heart after thinking for a while, his expression nonchalant and gaze cold. He grinned madly after a while and tightened his grip around the "gear stick" - switching gear to "4" as he spun the wheel, forcing his car to turn it back to the track and it's front to the incoming vehicles.

With a wild grin on his face, Jack stepped on reverse, making his car dash back at terrifying speeds as he aimed at @Once A Shadow and @Shining Mist with the missile launcher attached to his vehicle.

"What the…"

The duo were stunned at Jack's action, their brows furrowed upon their sighting of him driving off in such a strange way. Unlike them, Robert was calm and undisturbed - his expression tranquil.

Without even giving the dou time to react, Robert put his car on reverse, driving backwards at an average speed. He had already gotten an idea of Jack's plan, and knew exactly what to do in this situation.

By the time @Shining Star and @Once A Shadow slowly rose from their thoughts, Jack's missiles were upon them. The duo were just shocked speechless.

A dozen in total, all with destructive power, before these beasts, the two looked like feeble lambs ready for slaughter. They were stunned speechless.

"Heh, if he thinks that mere missiles could stop me, then he's a fool!" @Once A Shadow roared in his heart as he adjusted his gear, driving head-on into the flame with a determined and fearless expression on his face.

Facing dozens of missiles, his heart was still as strong as it was before. He wasn't going to lose to Jack, not again! Just a few metres away from the missiles,

@Once A Shadow grinned madly before punching a button besides the steering wheel with all his might.

Was he stunned by the missiles? Didn't he have anything to help him defend against the attacks?

"Hehe, of course I have installed a few defensive modules on my car!"

As soon as his fist hit the button, the entirety of his car lit up in a faint light, and the light solidified to form a coat of shimmering silver upon his car. The grin on his face brightened as he spun his wheel.

Now, the vehicle of @Once A Shadow had it's right side faced to @Jack Walker and the incoming array of wild missiles, and it's left to @Early Morning Chaos and those behind him.

As soon as Jack's missiles got to a certain length just before the side of the car, it bloomed with a stunning radiance - revealing a crystalline shield with a tough looking exterior! The shield which was shimmering in a soft radiance deflected all Jack's missiles.

The only downside was that the more missiles it took on, the lesser it's glow after the aftermath. Despite all this, the shield still managed to deflect each and every one of the missiles without failing.

@Once A Shadow was ecstatic! His ability to deflect the missiles not only saved his skin, but also allowed him to gain a chance for counter attack. A chance he wouldn't pass up on even if he wasn't in his right senses.

Jack sneered in his heart as his gaze drifted to the side, as soon as he saw the mines behind him with the help of his surveillance screens, his sneer turned into a soft smile. After a while, he raised his head from the screen and glanced at @Once A Shadow who had fired a wave of bullets and missiles at his face.

"It seems this fool is underestimating my capabilities, and needs to be reminded." Jack swiped on a screen, bringing up a stylish SciFi interface with the list of weapons and modules he had installed in his car, "He can only dream of surpassing me…"

[Module 4, Searing Wheels Lv1 - Powerful blazing tires with the ability to tear through steel, very efficient for navigating through terrain with low friction or areas where complex turns are needed]

[Module 5, Frigid Trail Lv1 - Leaving an icy trail behind as you drive off, a very dangerous ability against players with cars that have weak frictional force]

[Module 6, Plasma Beams - Unleash a wild torrent of plasma attacks to slow down the enemy, useless against enemies with high temperature ratings and very useful against enemies with weak computing systems and low temperature ratings]

"Hehe…" Jack chuckled lightly to himself as his eyes fell upon the screens. His scrutinizing gaze skimmed quickly through all of the available options, and when he was done, his lip corners raised slightly.

Each and every one of these skills seemed interesting to use against the idiot chasing after him, and all he simply needed was to find the one that would be the most pleasing for him to watch his target take on.

Since all the available options didn't seem to pale in contrast to one another in terms of style, Jack decided to pick one at random. He simply closed his eyes and swiped on the screen, using the scroll feature to spin the options as he waited.

After a few seconds, Jack opened his eyes and tap on the screen without even looking at it. At that minute, he spun the steering disk of his car, finally turning the vehicle to face the right direction.

The action stunned the player @Once A Shadow who was already just a few yards away from @Jack Walker, and before he could regain composure so he could up his game, his vehicle suddenly swerved to the side, an action that made him tilt over with a stunned stupid expression on his face.

"What the—?"

@Once A Shadow went speechless as his car began to swerve from side to side uncontrollably, the steering and brakes seemed to have no effect on the vehicle at the moment and he was a little bit shaken.

Not knowing what happened to his vehicle, thoughts were let lose and his imagination ran wild! From a few thoughts on if his car was sabotaged from the start to if he had stepped on an invisible mine.

"Damn it!" @Once A Shadow slammed his hand on his steering wheel, gritting his teeth and he stuck out his head vigilantly through an open window to check if the problem was a mine or if he drove into a new track with @Jack Walker.

What he saw, left him completely stunned. He was driving on ice? And Jack was…

"Wait what?"