
I Had A Great Life!!!

Ainara Lovern was your regular 21st century woman. She had a nice family, a good job, and was making plans to get married and get her own place. She had a good life, a GREAT life. So can someone please explain why she was in this situation??? Why in the world was she transmigrated???! After another lovely day of wedding planning, Ainara laid down on her nice cozy bed, making plans for the next day. She planned on making the best use of her Sunday to FINALLY decide on a color scheme with her fiance, before resuming work on Monday. 4 months might seem like a lot of time, but with her and her man's busy work schedule, it was barely enough, so they must decide by hook or crook tomorrow! She went to sleep dreaming of the man she would spend the rest of her life with. In all the 28 years of her life, she had never sleepwalked, so how come she woke up in the middle of a plain?! "Could this be our park? But, looking around, isn't it way too big??" 'No benches, no pathway, no other people??' 'WTF?!' "WHERE AM I???" Later our dear Ainara discovers that she's been bound to some 'Era skip' system. She's to help the natives of that world skip the era they were currently in, and jump into the next one. Lead the people towards a better life! 'I mean that's cool and all but, why me??' 'When did I ever say that I wanted to experience transmigration??' "No! Take me back! I HAD A GREAT LIFE!!' Era Skip system 358, "Dear host, you're being ungrateful! Do you know how many people would kill for this chance??"

Kira_Hughes_1825 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"As is fairly obvious, Threa is a young planet. Sentient life has only been in existence for 1.5 million years"

"The planet itself is still quite unstable, and there are often sudden volcanic eruptions due to the excessive amount of heat underground, frequent earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and an extreme difference in day and night temperatures."

"Temperature can be as high as 45°c at noon, and as low as 4°c at night, during summer. Host can imagine how cold winter is here"

"You were right to worry that you would not be able to recognize any of the fruits. As the soil composition, climate and atmosphere here are vastly different from that of Earth, the plants have obviously evolved differently."

"Although the potato here tastes similar and has similar nutritional value to the one on earth, it had to develop a thicker outer layer and looks more like earth yams."

"Similarly, all plant life had to develop unique characteristics in order to survive. Unfortunately, conditions are still too harsh, making plants relatively scarce and plant based food very precious."

"Tribes can go to war over a basket of potatoes."

"The animals on Threa are strong, fierce, and resilient"

"The plants on this planet are not enough to feed a large group, so most animals are carnivorous"

"The strongest animal on this planet is the apaniyan"

"The word means ruthless killer in the people's language"

"A new born apaniyan can kill you easily host"

"The apaniyan is a vicious, blood thirsty, and sadistic creature."

"Intelligent, cunning, a keen hunting instinct, and a body built to kill"

"An apaniyan can hunt 5 minutes after being born."

"A full grown apaniyan is 2 meters tall, with powerful and flexible muscles that helps it reach speeds of 280 km/h, and rip prey in two. It's claws and teeth can cut through bone, fox like ears and snout allow it to detect prey within a 100 kilometers. A humanoid build, long flexible tail with a dagger like tip, eyes that can look in all directions and the ability to camouflage"

"Their skin is also thick and difficult to pierce, making them seemingly invincible."

"Meeting one is almost certain death, so it sometimes called Eshu, the god of death"

"The people of Threa are vastly different from those of Earth, as is necessary."

"They evolved with special features to cope with life on the planet"

"The first is wings. All humans on the planet have membranous wings and can fly."

"They also-"



"What was that??"

"10 eyans are fighting are fighting an adult female apaniyan 500 meters west of our current position"

"Eyans? And if they're so close, how come I can't see them?"

"As Earth has humans, Threa has eyans, and you cannot see them because of the barrier around us."

"The battle will be over soon, I need to alter host's appearance to resemble the eyans so host can go back to their tribe with them"

"If host remembers, your body has already been altered in order to survive on this planet."

"Your skeletal structure, muscle mass, organs, senses, and eye color had been altered, and the wings were added."

"The only things not altered were your hair color and skin in order to reduce your shock"

"Host can take the time to explore all these changes later, beginning final alterations"

"Their appearance is different from humans? How?"

"Yes. And host will soon find out."

"Females are precious on Threa, so host will not have any problem following these eyans back to their tribe, but host still needs to explain how you ended up here"

"Luckily for host, you can just say that the apaniyan killed your family. You ran away, but it has been stalking you and toying with you for the past 3 days"

"Okay. I'll tell them that because it kept chasing me, I kept running, and now I've run so far from home and gotten lost. I wasn't running in a straight line and don't know which direction I was running from, so I don't know my way back."

"Good. Alterations complete, and the fight is over. I've also made host look disheveled so the story is more believable, host should head over now"

"Whoa! My skin is.. glowing? And yikes! I look so dirty now, also forgot I was barefoot"

"That is a protective film that all eyans have to mitigate the harm from the sun. I will provide the rest of the information later. Good luck host."

"Yeah, thanks"


"Thank Oluwa it was pregnant!"

"Yeah! Although running into a male is still awful, I'd prefer it to a female in its peak condition"

"Female apaniyans are too cruel"

"If it had found our tribe, even if it couldn't kill us all now, it would mark us for later."

"Or come everyday to make our lives hell!"

"Really, thank Oluwa it chose to leave"

"We need to hurry and get Byron back for treatment"

"Poor Byron lost a whole wing. He can never fly again"

"If the root bone was left there would still be hope..."

"We can talk about all this later, he's lost a lot of blood and is still bleeding. We all need treatment too so let's get going."

The group was talking between themselves after that brush with death, when one of them noticed Ainara in the distance.

"Hold on leader, is that... a woman??"

"What are you saying Klair, how would a woman be all the way out here?"

"Oh my gosh leader, Klair is right!"

"Not you too Marlon, don't be-"

The leaders eyes widened in shock after Marlon turned him to the right, allowing him to see a female slowly walking towards them.

The woman was covered in small scratches and dirt, the bottom her dress -which might have been white originally but was now brown and covered in different stains- was tattered, probably from falling too many times.

But it still couldn't hide her beauty.

Hazel eyes, a slender nose, and heart shaped mouth. Delicately pointed ears, and a distinct shine to her skin despite the dirt.

"What is she? 5'7? A bit short but you can tell by the lean muscles, full bosom and wide hips that she is strong and healthy. I like her."

"Shut up Bob."

"Isn't the question why she is here?"

"Yeah, a woman running around alone?"

"Hey, the leader is going to bring her over."

"Lani has successfully stopped Byron's bleeding"

"That's great. Thanks for the hard work Lani"

A few minutes later, the leader walks back to the group with Ainara in tow,

"Alright everyone, this is Ainara. She said that her family was killed, and she was hunted by the apaniyan we fought earlier"

"The apaniyan was chasing her for 7 days, and she's run so far from home now that she can't find her way back. I've asked her and she is willing to come back with us."

"Hello everyone, I'm Ainara Lovern. Please take care of me", Ainara said with a small bow

"What was that? Why did she bend like that?"

"Whoo! We'll have another woman in our tribe!"

"A big welcome Ainara!"

"Yeah, welcome! We'll take good care of you!"

"Even her voice is pretty"

"Whoa! Why are you bending? Does something hurt?" The leader asked with a worried look on his face

"Oh! Was that strange? That's how we greet each other where I'm from", Ainara replied looking a little embarrassed

'Ugh, I forgot this is nothing like earth, and those customs don't apply here... I must have looked so strange bowing..'

"Really? I've never heard anything like that before, and we don't do that in our tribe", the leader stated looking surprised, before turning back to face the others

"Okay settle down! We're going back now!"

"Yes, leader!", the team said in unison.

"Ainara, we won't be flying too fast because of Byron, but you should still fly in the middle so you don't get lost", the leader, Felix, turned and said to me in a gentle tone.

"Thank you leader!", I said with what I hoped was a pretty smile

"Haha, no need to call me leader, just call me Felix."

"Thank you Felix!"

"Good. Now move to the middle, we're going now."

"Got it!"

When I was in the middle with the injured Byron and the people carrying him, I couldn't help but worry.

'Sure I asked the system how to take out my wings and put them back in on my way here, but I've never flown before!'

'Can I do it? God, I hope I don't fall out of the sky!"

'If I can even take off to begin with....'

"Alright wings out!"

'Here goes nothing', thinking so, I will my wings to come out.

A huge apology! I have been writing IHAGL on my phone, and unfortunately my phone started having issues, making it so difficult to even finish chapter 4. Everything will be better now... I hope

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