
I Had A Great Life!!!

Ainara Lovern was your regular 21st century woman. She had a nice family, a good job, and was making plans to get married and get her own place. She had a good life, a GREAT life. So can someone please explain why she was in this situation??? Why in the world was she transmigrated???! After another lovely day of wedding planning, Ainara laid down on her nice cozy bed, making plans for the next day. She planned on making the best use of her Sunday to FINALLY decide on a color scheme with her fiance, before resuming work on Monday. 4 months might seem like a lot of time, but with her and her man's busy work schedule, it was barely enough, so they must decide by hook or crook tomorrow! She went to sleep dreaming of the man she would spend the rest of her life with. In all the 28 years of her life, she had never sleepwalked, so how come she woke up in the middle of a plain?! "Could this be our park? But, looking around, isn't it way too big??" 'No benches, no pathway, no other people??' 'WTF?!' "WHERE AM I???" Later our dear Ainara discovers that she's been bound to some 'Era skip' system. She's to help the natives of that world skip the era they were currently in, and jump into the next one. Lead the people towards a better life! 'I mean that's cool and all but, why me??' 'When did I ever say that I wanted to experience transmigration??' "No! Take me back! I HAD A GREAT LIFE!!' Era Skip system 358, "Dear host, you're being ungrateful! Do you know how many people would kill for this chance??"

Kira_Hughes_1825 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

My Great Life

I'm beautiful, and my brother is handsome. Honestly speaking, we're at least an 8 out of 10.

I mean, with such attractive parents it's basically impossible to not be!

Father looks like he could have been a K-pop star in his youth, with a full head of black hair, milk white skin, long and thick eyelashes, light brown eyes, and full pink lips.

He often complains about his looks as it's harder for him to get respect from those under him, which is why he tries to look so stern.

It's very difficult for him to tan, and he said that when he was younger he was often teased for it.

His classmates thought he used to take special care of his skin for it to be like that.

He later joined the basketball club, and track and field team, where he had to spend long hours outside in order to prove them wrong.

It worked!

And as he was also athletic and played well, he actually became popular from it.

Mother is 170 cm, with long legs and a slender build, she looks like a ballerina.

In fact she did learn ballet growing up, and still practices even now for exercise.

Straight dark brown that falls till the middle of her back, and dark brown eyes that seem to change color based on her mood.

But when she's the most beautiful is when she's under the sun.

She's like a child specially loved by the sun, glowing under a sunny sky, it's hard to take your eyes off her at those times.

Smooth creamy skin, that doesn't seem to age, lips like a ripe peach, and a straight nose.

As she often exercises, she's in really good shape and is often called my older sister.

I'm always in the top 10 of our grade, and one time when Baris and I made a bet with each other, I actually came 4th, so I'm pretty smart.

Baris is smarter though, and is always in the top 5, usually either 3rd or 4th. And during the bet that I mentioned earlier, he came 2nd....

..And won... Tch.

With good looks, good grades, my lively personality, and a decent family background, we were fairly popular during our school days.

For college, Baris was so good with the cello that we all thought he'd go pro with it, but he chose data analysis like mother in the end.

I had fought in some official MMA matches, and had gotten pretty good results so I wanted to go pro, but everyone disagreed.

Mother especially, saying that it was too much of a waste.

So I ended up leaving it for regular fitness, and studying mechanical engineering.

I started dating my current boyfriend when I turned 24. He asked me out on my birthday and we've been together ever since, going to be 4 years on our wedding day.

Yeah, we're getting married on my birthday.

It's not that he was some random guy who asked me out and I said yes. I'm definitely not that desperate, jeez.

We met when we came for a job interview at the place I currently work. We were sitting near each other because his number was after mine.

In order to shake off the nerves we were feeling, we started talking and hit it off.

After the interview we exchanged numbers because we really clicked with each other.

Unfortunately he didn't pass the interview, but he got accepted by another company.

We were friends for about 2 years before we started dating.

He's also into MMA, and we sometimes train together.

In all the time we've known each other, we've rarely fought because we just understand each other so well.

At the beginning of the year, on the 8th of January, Dillan proposed to me and I accepted.

The next day, we went to apply for a mortgage for our future home. When it was approved we immediately started hunting, and by the beginning of April, we got the perfect place.

We've been fixing it up, furnishing, etcetera, so everything will be finished before our wedding and we can move in directly after.

Everything was going so well, and I was so happy. My brother had gotten married the year before and his wife was expecting, my father had just retired and mother was considering retiring early to keep him company.

We were all so happy.

So why is it that I went to bed as usual and then woke up in the middle of a plain??

Why did this damned system pick me??


I watched a lot of anime, read a lot of manga and novels, so of course I knew about transmigration and rebirth.

Having a chance to redo your life, getting a second chance at life after dying in your own world, or going to a new world to be a hero or a king.

Yeah I thought it was pretty cool, I admit. I used to cheer on the protagonist, and feel their struggles like it was my own.

I got really immersed in their stories, true.

But that doesn't mean I wanted to experience it for myself!

Okay fine, maybe when I was younger and craving for adventure, but definitely not at this point in my life!!


After sitting and looking dazedly at everything around me, I, of course, began to.... Scream.

Yes, I screamed.

I couldn't convince myself that the situation I was in was a dream. It all felt too real.

The sunlight hitting my skin, the breeze flowing through my hair, the grass beneath my fingers, the colors, the smells, the sounds.

It was all too real.

'Was I drugged and kidnapped, then dumped here?'

'Why? Who would do that? What do they want?'

'What about my parents?'

'Were they taken too? Are they alright?'

'Where exactly is this?'

'Why am I the only one here?'

'How do I get back home?'

Then a terrible thought struck me,

'Can I even go back home?'

'Will I... die here?'

Before my mind could be fully consumed by despair,

-bzzt, bzzt...

"Era Skip system number 358 has been has been successfully bound to host Ainara Lovern"

"..... huh?"

"Era Skip system? Host? Me?"

"Yes, host."

"After strict screening, you met all of our requirements, and have been chosen from among 1 million candidates, for this once in a lifetime opportunity."

"I am 358, your guide and partner."

A new chapter is up!

I hope to maintain this speed and look forward to sharing more with you guys.

As always, honest opinion is always appreciated

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