
I guess so

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aa_bcdeee · Teen
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Chapter 10

While I could see the pain in his eyes, time slowed down for us as he slowly left in front of us. I felt John's grip on my waist and then he pulled me closer to him. I was stuck to him and I could feel his gaze on me but I couldn't seem to get rid of my gaze as Kean left in front of us. Something's really in him that made me stare at him this whole time.

My heart was beating fast as if I was feeling something stung by small needles in me as he walked away. I want to scream, I want to call him, I want to send him back here but I can't as if someone is strangling my neck. Until he disappeared completely in front of us and then I faced John. I saw his disgusted face at me, earlier he was smiling but now the expression on his face had changed immediately.

"You look at him as if it means something else, hah. Why is that?" I thought Kean's leaving was painful enough, but what John is doing to me is even more painful. It's like he doesn't have any love for me anymore, everything that we had together seem to be ashamed and hated by him. In fact, he has been cheating on me over and over again and I just let him do that to me.

He will ask for forgiveness, he will do everything just to get me back to him, he will make me feel again that I am the only woman he sees to be with in the future but even after that he will cheat on me again, and he will betray me again. I'm getting tired. But getting tired of him is not a reason for me to stop loving him, to keep on choosing him. "Can you please stop crying? Your noise is so irritating, I'm not happy anymore," he said rudely and I immediately tried to calm down and not cry.

But I really can't do it, it's so painful. I just cried silently so he wouldn't complain and I tried to hold his hand but he immediately grabbed it and I went forward and bowed. "Please... John, can we talk, please?" I will try to ask again that maybe we can talk sincerely and he will really listen to me. He was about to answer but suddenly his cell phone rang so he moved away from me little by little and then he answered who was calling him.

I took that opportunity to fix myself, I took my mirror from my bag for a while. I saw my papers, it was my reviewer. My chest tightened because I remembered that I had a quiz on a major subject and I really chose John over this one. I just closed my eyes tightly and I just motivated myself to at least in the way that John would have agreed that we could talk. Through that, I would feel better because we can be okay again, it'll be worth it, for sure.

"Okay, okay! I just have something to take care of right now, my girl's too naughty, I cannot handle it anymore. Anyway, It's urgent, that's why. But I'm on my way there," John finally said to the other line and later on he ended the call. I was still a little hurt when he called me that way, but I didn't think too much about it.

I have built up my confidence again so hopefully, now we can talk. I was still smiling at him when he faced me, I knew it was obvious from my face that I had just finished crying but I didn't care about that anymore. I was going to speak but he interrupted me, he then speaks.

"We'll talk tomorrow, at 4 PM. Location will be at where we first meet." He quickly left my presence and my heart felt a strange joy because he still valued where we first met and where we started. I felt different emotions going on in my mind and heart, I'm incredulous!

I should have been thankful but I never saw him again, he was like a bubble that suddenly popped too quickly. I laughed weakly, but my heart was just happy. It seems that I have now achieved my agenda and I can celebrate it. I feel that my smile is reaching my eyes and maybe later what other people might think otherwise about me. I don't care about them anymore because today I'm happy because of what will be happening tomorrow, I'm excited about it.

I was happy to leave John's school and now I plan to go back to my school and I hope I can catch up with the other subjects I can attend to. I know my priorities and I want to have Latin Honors but now I am prioritizing others, I promised myself that this will be the last time and there will be no more.

Because I can't really focus on my studies if John and I don't get along well, in the previous years I was always on the Dean's lister so it's fine if I don't attend classes as long as I can still take of quizzes, assignments, and others just for my grades. I am consistent about it, my professors love me but sometimes subjects can be difficult. Engineering is no joke.

I was already outside the school and I was just waiting for a taxi, while no one was passing by, I started using my cell phone to get myself entertained. I was just looking at what was happening on social media and I noticed that there was nothing, I just felt that there was a stopped car in front of me.

I didn't pay attention to that because it's none of my business to know, I was fiddling with my cellphone. Until I felt a familiar presence that's why I looked up. I was stunned when I saw Kean, I was even surprised because I knew he had already left, why is he still here?

"What are you doing here?" I asked with raised eyebrows and then crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Are you done chasing trash?" I recoiled because of what he said, I didn't expect him to be so straightforward. "Nevermind, it's none of my business, I know."

I rolled my eyes because of what he asked, you really thought so? "All men are trash, you know? Admit that," I said and I don't even know why I'm still staying with that man. Why am I still forcing myself on him when I should be walking away from him and I shouldn't care anymore, well, I love the person, that's why.

"Yeah, right. All men are," he only answered and I was a little surprised because he said that everyone is.

"Including you?"

"I'm one of the men, but I'm trying to be a better person every day." I was stunned and I couldn't speak because of what he said that made me off guard, I didn't expect that answer from him. Well, I kind of know that he was smart, but with that mindset, so fine.

I regained my composure and then let my resting-b*tch face show, to also show that I didn't care about him. "And what are you doing here now? Didn't I make you leave?" My heart was filled with guilt when I remembered how I pushed him away earlier.

"Do you remember what I told you about leaving?" he asked and suddenly it came to my mind what he said to me that really stuck my mind. "I will come back and I will still come back to you, over and over again." That made my heart melts, I held my chest when I felt how fast my heart was beating.

Time seemed to stop for the two of us, we just stared at each other and when I realized how much the two of us were staring at each other, I was the first to avoid it. The tension is too strong and he gives me nervousness. It has reached the point where my legs are weak and even for a few seconds I can fall from it.

In the back of my mind, if I fall, he will always be there to catch me. I raised my gaze when I heard his footsteps approaching me, his face was serious and when he was in front of me I even raised my gaze because of his height.

I couldn't catch my breath because of the intensity of my heartbeat. I was irritated because he smiled, he seemed to know what kind of effect he was giving me. But he doesn't care about it and he just lets me do that because he enjoys it.

"Let's go home." I raised my eyebrows because of what he said.

"Home?" I said out of nowhere, I didn't have any house that called home, never in my life. From my parents' past, certainly, but now? I don't know anymore.

"Yes. Home... to me."