
I guess I'm Naruto?

Shitty Self insert oc trash that I decided to write to pass the time. Stay if you want but I wouldn't. Ok fine, Naruto is not Naruto anymore, he is actually just a random highschooler from our world. Still here....... Sigh* Ok fine you can read it but don't say I didn't warn you. Water style btw, no systems or anything like that, he will end up op and there will be some differences in the plot. Namely, Kushina is actually 50% senju, meaning he is 25% senju. No wood style until later on though heheheh. Ok have fun, feel free to flame me in the reviews too ;)

GodZilla · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


When Naruto woke up, he was in a bland white room that had extremely bright lights. Naruto's mind was much more active than other newborns, so active in fact that he had the mind of a young adult. He also had memories of his childhood from his past. (Prologue or Auxiliary volume)

Despite being a newborn baby, there were no nurses or adults in the room. It was a peaceful environment, much unlike the current council meeting where the civilian council were taking their mile from the inch that was given. With much of the village in ruin, the civilian side were gaining power in the council due to the need of a stabilized economy. Hidden villages were a dictatorship, yet in this council, Hiruzen Sarutobi the god of shinobi, was being pushed around by his advisors, clan heads, and civilians. Pushed to make a decision, the reinstated Hokage decided to put Naruto into the orphanage and once he turns 8 years old he will be put into the academy. The shinobi side of the council wanted him as a weapon, while the civilian side were afraid of him, claiming that the demon be disposed of. Fugaku Uchiha wanted him dead because of the rumor that the Uchiha's started the attack on Konoha.

The third side, the opinion of only the hokage was that Naruto should live a good life and choose what he wants. Whether to be a powerful ninja of the village or to be a regular carpenter or ramen stand owner. The only problem was that the council needed closure, closure that couldn't be given from the boy at the moment. The only option was to put him in the orphanage, no matter how much it pained him, he had to do it.

The next couple of years would be fairly simple for Naruto, he would stay at home all day, learning this new language, and watching the other kids from his windows. Every once in a while he would see someone using a cool teleportation technique, or run up a tree with no hands, or hang upside down with only his feet touching. That was something he wanted to do, desperately, it was just too cool.

But, the simple times must come to an end someday, and on his birthday, October 10th, a secret would be revealed to the public. That Naruto Uzumaki was in fact the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki.

Short chapters to get people to stop reading or never read it. I mean would you read a fanfic with 1000 chapters, the answer is no.

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