
I got trapped on his charm


Jairus_Malto · Celebrities
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Chapter 2: Believing

The sun streams through the blinds of James' apartment, casting a warm light across the floor.

He groans, rolling over in bed, his head throbbing. His stomach churns, and he has a vague recollection of the night before: laughter, cigarette smoke, and the feeling of someone's hand gripping his wrist. It's all a little hazy. He reaches for his phone, unlocking it with a shaky hand.

There, in his messages, is the same number he saw the night before. The memory comes flooding back. He replies to the message, telling Darius to meet him at a local coffee shop in an hour. He showers, throwing on some clean clothes, and heads out the door.

As he walks down the busy sidewalk, the air is crisp and invigorating, and he feels a new sense of determination welling up inside him. Perhaps meeting Darius wasn't just a drunken hallucination.

Maybe it was fate. He arrives at the coffee shop early, finding a quiet table in the back corner. He sits down, glancing around nervously, wondering if Darius will show. His heart leaps when he sees a familiar figure approach from the other side of the room. It's him.

The man from the bar. Darius is even more handsome in the daylight, his dark hair mussed and his blue eyes burning with intensity. He takes a seat across from James and flashes him a warm smile. "Hey," he says.

"You're looking better today." James chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Thanks. You too." There's an awkward silence as they both reach for their coffees. James takes a sip, feeling the caffeine course through his veins.

"So," he says, clearing his throat, "you're, uh, still sober, then?" Darius nods.

"Five years, today actually. It's been a long road, but I'm doing my best to help others find their way." He looks at James meaningfully.

"I hope you're open to hearing my story." James feels a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

On one hand, he's drawn to Darius's strength and honesty. On the other, he's terrified of the possibility of change. But as their conversation continues, Darius weaves a tale of loss and redemption that resonates deeply within James. He talks about hitting rock bottom, about the people he hurt along the way, and about the moments of clarity that led him to recovery.

"It wasn't easy," Darius says, "but I found support groups, people who understood what I was going through. They helped me see that I wasn't alone." He pauses, taking a sip of his coffee. "I want to help you find that, James. I want to help you get through this." The words hang in the air, heavy with meaning.

James feels a lump form in his throat. He looks up at Darius, searching his eyes for any sign of falsehood. But all he sees is sincerity, and a deep-seated understanding of what it means to be lost. "Okay," he finally says.

"Okay, I'll do it." There's a look of relief that flashes across Darius's face, quickly replaced by determination. He pulls out his phone, tapping away at the screen before sliding it across the table.

"This is the number for my support group. We meet every evening at seven. Come by, and I'll introduce you to everyone." James nods, taking the phone.

"I'll be there." He looks up at Darius, feeling a new sense of purpose welling up inside him. "Thank you," he says, his voice cracking.

"Thank you for believing in me." Darius reaches across the table, taking James' hand in his own. His grip is firm, but gentle.

"You're welcome. Now let's go change the world, one day at a time."

They clasp hands, a silent pact sealed between them. As they stand, James feels a weight lifting from his shoulders.

For the first time in a long time, he knows that he's not alone. Together, they walk out of the coffee shop, stepping into the bright morning light.

The world lies before them, full of possibilities and hope. And with Darius by his side, James knows that he can face anything.