
I Got Transported To Another World, So Let's Enjoy It To The Fullest

Motegi Sekino, a black company worker, was always annoyed by an advertisement that kept popping up on his phone every day. He finally decided to open the advertisement and fill out the form inside it, but when he woke up from his sleep, he found himself in a very strange place. After he knew that he was inside the place that was written in the advertisement, he decided to try his luck to live there happily and of course, find beautiful and sexy women to make his life more pleasurable. Notes: I'm not a native English speaker, so you may find grammatical mistakes in this story. Also, I try to write some erotic scenes and I hope it will suit your reading taste.

abnq_49 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 09: I Don't Get Transported Again, Right? [w/R18]

(Update: Starting from chapter 06, I change the name 'Harleigh' to 'Hazewynn'. It was her initial name before I changed to the former)

After a hot night with Hazewynn, I fell asleep. But when I woke up, I was surrounded by a large white space. Then I heard the same male voice when I got transported to Acrusse talking to me.

"Where am I?"

The male voice responded by showing a small screen. I'm surprised because I can see myself still sleeping with Hazewynn on that screen.


"Yes, it's only your soul in this place. And time is running differently here, so it won't affect what happened there."

"So, what makes you bring me here?"

"You've done something incredible in Acrusse, and we want to give you an extra benefit as a form of appreciation."

"Something incredible? What did I just do?"

"You just prevent a war between two nations, don't you remember that?"

I was confused when he said that I'd done something incredible because I didn't feel I did that. But, when he explained to me, I thought that maybe he was referring to when I broke Hazewynn's curse. I started to think that maybe if there was nobody who could save Hazewynn, that war would really happen. So, when Meldine said that I did something like a hero, maybe she was right.

"That one, huh?"

"Yes. I couldn't believe that you just did it in your first week here."

"Well, yeah..."

"So, back to the topic, you're here because you'll get a reward from us. Your reward will be a new skill, but this time, you'll decide what kind of skill you want and we'll grant it."


I tried to think about what kind of skill I wanted. To be honest, I don't know what to ask because I already have powerful skills like [Temporary Boost] and [Points Absorption]. Even if there is someone who has a skill that I don't have, I can just copy it with [Copier]. So, I think I don't necessarily need a new skill.

"Have you decided?"

"Um...not yet."

"Well, it's okay. Take your time."

"Actually, I don't know what I should ask."

"Hmm...that's strange. Why is that?"

"Yeah, the skills that you gave me before are very powerful and helpful, so I don't know if I should have a new one."

"Ah, is that so? That's right, your skills are amazing. Hmm..."

Then, we're both are silent. After a moment, he came back and said something that surprised me.

"Then, what about an erotic skill?"


"You already have powerful skills to make yourself stronger, then why don't you ask for a skill to help you enjoy your life here?"


I'm about to argue with him before I realize something.

I'm living a completely different life than before I'm here. In Japan, I have been busy working since high school, so I couldn't enjoy my life like the people around my age did. I had to endure a lot of stressful things back then, from paying my parents's debts, funding my own college, and working for a black company with small payments and a huge amount of work.

But when I'm in this world, I don't feel any burden at all, and I can do a lot of things that make me enjoy myself. Adventuring, learning magic, trying some foods, meeting with a lot of friendly people, and even having sex, those things are impossible for me to get if I'm still in Japan. So, if that voice told me to ask something to help me enjoy my life, then I shouldn't miss this chance. 

"How is it?"

"Yeah, okay. I'll take your offer."

"Good. Now, just say what kind of skill you want."

Because he said that I should ask for an erotic skill, then I need to think about something erotic. Then, I start to imagine breasts while thinking it will be better if I have the skill that can add more excitement to it.

"Hmm...erotic skill, huh? I can only think about a lactating skill."


"Yeah, a skill that makes women spurt milk when I touch their breasts. Is that fine?"

"Of course. Are you sure you want that?"


"Okay, your wish is granted. You can check it now. Hmm...it looks like your status has exceeded their limits, can we upgrade it for you?"

"Yes, please."

"Well, it's done."

Motegi Sekino

Age: 24

Race: Human

Level 16

HP: 2885/3000

MP: 2885/3000

Strength: 2500

Durability: 2500

Agility: 2500

Intelligence: 2500

Willpower: 2500

Perception: 2500

Luck: 512












[Language Comprehension]


[Temporary Boost]


[Points Absorption]

[Milky Touch] NEW

"It's here."

[Milky Touch]

Allows the targets to lactate when their breasts are touched.

After I asked for an erotic skill, that male voice granted my wish in the blink of an eye. Then, a large screen that showed my status appeared. I could see my new skill was there and my stats were also upgraded.

Because I know the heavenly taste of women's breasts, I wonder how incredible it will be if they can produce breast milk. Now that I already have the [Milky Touch] skill, it will be possible for me to taste women's breast milk, and I can imagine maybe I will become addicted to it.

"Alright, our business is done, Motegi-san."

"Yes, I guess it's done."

"If you do another incredible thing, you will be brought to this place again, and we'll give you another reward."

"Yes, I'll be waiting for that."

"Well, stay safe, Motegi-san. We'll be waiting for your return."


The male voice is gone along with the white space. Then, I start to feel something good down under, so I slowly open my eyes.


"Goomone...moeiama...slurp...slurp..." (Good morning, Motegi-sama.)

"Good morning, Haze. Ugh..."


I woke up before Motegi-sama did.

Then, I did a good-morning fellatio like he ordered before. I stimulated his penis with my hand until it became erect before I put it inside my mouth.

Not only sucked and licked his penis, but I also used my chest to satisfy his penis. I've done those until he ejaculated three times. Even after that crazy sex last night, he still managed to spurt a huge amount this time, and it amazed me.



When Motegi-sama was about to ejaculate again, I moved my head up and down faster as I tried to extract his semen. Then, another huge load of thick and sticky liquid poured into my mouth. I swallow his nutritious semen once again and I'm so happy because I've received a lot of them this morning.

"Haahh! That feels good."

"Puah...thanks for the meal, Motegi-sama. After cumming so many times last night, you still ejaculated a lot this morning. You're really amazing, Motegi-sama."

"It's good if you like it, Haze."

"Of course, Motegi-sama."

I can see Motegi-sama feels so refreshed after that morning blowjob and it makes me understand why he asks me to do that every morning.


"So, let's go then."


They put on their clothes and left the inn. Even though they were very noisy last night, people in the inn didn't seem to care about it, so Motegi felt a little bit relieved. After they have breakfast, they go to a clothing shop to buy some clothes for Hazewynn. Then, they continue to walk around the city.

"Wah...I never know if Veldran is this lively!"

"Is it your first time walking here?"

"Yes. It's amazing. Hey, hey, Motegi-sama, where are we going next?"

"Um...I want to go to the labyrinth. You want to come?"

"Ah, yes, Motegi-sama. It's been a long time since I've gone adventuring. I also want to try my magic after a long time."

"Well, let's get you some equipment, shall we?"


They go into the armor shop. Because Hazewynn is a mage, they only buy a pair of boots that are imbued with water element, and as usual, Motegi pays with his card. Then, they head towards the labyrinth while having a conversation along the way.

"Hey, Haze. What rank are you at now?"

"I'm an S-rank, level 205."


"Yes. I managed to reach it with my party back then."

Motegi was shocked when he found out that Hazewynn was an S-rank adventurer. He thinks that he might be very lucky because he has a strong companion on his side and he might also think that she can teach him some magic. However, he doesn't want to question why an S-rank adventurer like her can be captured and become a slave.

"What about you, Motegi-sama?"

"I'm still level 10. My rank is still F."

"Ehh?? No way, you just broke my curse, Motegi-sama. It's impossible, you should be higher than that."

"Hehe...is that so?"

Hazewynn was right. It would be impossible for a low-level adventurer like him to do something that even the Great Sage couldn't. He only managed to do it because of [Temporary Boost], which could be considered a cheat skill.

But, he doesn't think that it's a problem. He just wants to do the things that he likes, so he throws away the idea that he should rank up quickly or something like that because it will be a burden for him.



"I thought it was supposed to be two monsters."

"Yeah, it will be two, Motegi-sama."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

We arrived at the sixth floor of the labyrinth. The monster on this floor is a giant green caterpillar about 2 meters high.

I was confused because from what I know, there should be two monsters on the sixth floor, and I only saw one. Then, something unexpected happened.



"It splits up?"

"Yes, it's a 'Split Caterpillar'. At the beginning, it looks like a giant caterpillar, but then it will split up, and we need to kill them both at the same time."

"Man...that's gross."

"Motegi-sama, get ready!"


"Wind Bullet!"

"Fire Bullet!"


We were both using elemental magic to kill those caterpillars at the same time. And this time, I didn't use [Temporary Boost] because I wanted to see how much my luck had improved.

Then, we managed to kill about 40 caterpillars before finally reaching the boss area. From the 20 caterpillars that I have defeated, I managed to get six threads, which are the drop items of those monsters. I feel happy because the Fruit of Luck really does increase my luck. However, my luck is still incomparable to Hazewynn's, who managed to get all the threads from those remaining 20 caterpillars. But I think she doesn't consider my luck a problem, so we just move forward.

"Do you know who's the boss?"

"'Bundle Caterpillar'. They are two Split Caterpillars that will merge into a larger one."

"Oh, no."

When I saw it split into two, it already made me disgusted. I couldn't imagine how gross that would be if those two became a larger caterpillar.

We enter the boss area, and like Hazewynn says before, two caterpillars appear and they merge into 'Bundle Caterpillar'.



"Motegi-sama, let's go!"

"No, I'll take this one."

"Are you sure, Motegi-sama?"

"Yes, I can't stand it anymore. They're too gross. "Fire Storm!""



Motegi shoots multiple bullets of fire toward the 'Bundle Caterpillar'. Then Hazewynn starts to realize how strong Motegi is, he's not only making that monster die instantly, but the blast of his attack makes the whole boss area shake heavily.

"Haahh!! It's done now."

"Incredible...that attack is so much stronger than mine."

"Hmm? What's wrong, Haze?"

"No...it's just...you're too amazing, Motegi-sama. I never saw anybody with this kind of power before."

Motegi saw Hazewynn look stunned because she was amazed by his attack. Then, he realized that he had unconsciously activated [Temporary Boost] to increase his strength because he couldn't stand the disgust of those caterpillars.

Then, he takes a silk thread from the site where that monster is defeated, which is its drop item. Then, he is curious about what kind of rare item he will get if I max out his luck.

"Hey, Haze. What are these caterpillars rare items?"

"It's a skill crystal. When it's fused with a weapon or armor, it will bestow upon those an increased damage skill. For the 'Bundle Caterpillar', its skill crystal will bestow a multiple damage skill."

"Ah, I get it."

After Motegi heard Hazewynn's explanation, he thought that he wouldn't have to get them at the moment.

For him, a weapon can be powerful depending on the user. His [Temporary Boost] already gives him maximum power, so it won't be a problem for him to use any kind of weapon because his attack will still be very powerful.

After the sixth floor is completed, they continue their journey to the seventh floor.

This is my first work, so I hope you enjoy it.

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