
I Got Transported To Another World, So Let's Enjoy It To The Fullest

Motegi Sekino, a black company worker, was always annoyed by an advertisement that kept popping up on his phone every day. He finally decided to open the advertisement and fill out the form inside it, but when he woke up from his sleep, he found himself in a very strange place. After he knew that he was inside the place that was written in the advertisement, he decided to try his luck to live there happily and of course, find beautiful and sexy women to make his life more pleasurable. Notes: I'm not a native English speaker, so you may find grammatical mistakes in this story. Also, I try to write some erotic scenes and I hope it will suit your reading taste.

abnq_49 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 06: Saving A Cursed Elf

(Update: Starting from chapter 06, I change the name 'Harleigh' to 'Hazewynn'. It was her initial name before I changed to the former)

"Yo, Motegi."

"Ah, Gerritt-san."

"How was your quest?"

"It was good. Thanks for teaching me magic."

"Well, that's good. Let's celebrate it with a beer, then. I'll pay it."

"Hahaha...thank you."

Returning to the guild, I saw Gerritt was already waiting for me. We planned to meet at the guild after I finished my quest. I walk to the counter to sell the items that I have collected.

"Yo, Freddy. I want to sell these items."

"Okay, bring it to me."

I sell all the braches and from those rare items, I only take 10 leaves and 10 horns from my storage, and that is enough to make Freddy amazed.

"As always, your luck is exceptional, Motegi. I never see anyone who can collect so many rare items as you did."

"Hehe...thank you."

"Alright, wait a second."


"Here you go. A Puncher Wood's branch is worth 2 ginks, so it's 6 ginks. Trull's red horn is worth the same as the leaves, so it's 200 ginks. It's 4,006 ginks in total."

"Thank you."

I store the money inside my card and go to the table where Gerritt sits.

"Here you go. I return them."

"Thank you. So, how was your first time using magic?"

"It was amazing. Fighting those monsters with a sword felt a bit tiring sometimes, so using magic was very helpful."

"I told you. Hahahaha..."


After I returned his books, we continued to chat at that table. We exchange stories, drink beer, and laugh together. That is a very pleasant conversation.

"So, how was that special quest?"

"Well, I failed. That curse was unbreakable, I don't know where they learned it from. Meldine-sama said they couldn't break it too, even though they were the ones who put it."

"That's horrible, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I just hope that somebody will manage to break it. I can't imagine if that elf died. Fuck, those bastards..."

I don't know if a chaotic situation will occur after that slave dies. But I also can't imagine if that truly happened. It will be an ugly future if somehow things like war happen here.

"Hey, do you want to try that?"


"That quest. There is still time before tonight, you can try it."

"But I haven't learned much about curses."

"It's fine. There is nothing wrong if you try it."

"Yeah, but..."

Gerritt's words sparked motivation inside me, but at the same time, I also felt worried because I just learned magic recently. My knowledge is still limited, and I'm afraid that I will fail.

"I told you before that it was very rare for someone to have three elements. So, you're a special person, Motegi."


"I believe in you."

Gerritt gets up from his chair and pats my shoulder before he leaves the guild. I'm still wondering if I will be able to finish that quest or not. A lot of people failed to do it, including Gerritt. And even the great sage, the one who gave that task, couldn't do that either. If they failed, then what about an F-rank adventurer like me?


A woman is sitting on the table, staring at the moon. Then, she hears somebody knock on the door, and she allows that person to come in.

"Here's your tea."

"Thank you."

An old woman brings tea and pours it into the cup. Then she joins the woman at that table, and they are staring at the moon together.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, you're right."

"I've been seeing this moon in here for almost 200 years. But somehow, tonight, it just looks prettier. Do you think we can still see this tomorrow?"

"I don't know. I only wish that I can."

"Is that so? Well, me too, then."


The light of the full moon shines through the room they are in. They laugh together and enjoy a cup of tea. A silent moment happens for a while, and after that, they resume talking.

"Are you sure about this? Handing over yourself to my country?"

"Yes. In this situation, there must be someone to blame, right? I don't know if that will be enough to prevent a war between us, but this is the only thing that we can do."

"You've made up your mind, haven't you?"


"I see."

"It was my idea to bring you here. You may give up on your life, but I don't want to. I'm still sure that someone will break your curse. So, believe me."

"Excuse me, Meldine-sama. There is someone who wants to take the quest."

"Okay. Come in."

The imperial knight, wearing a white tunic, opens the door and allows a man to come inside. And that man is Motegi.

He finally encouraged himself to take the quest. But, before heading to Meldine's house, he made several preparations. He tried to remember every curse-breaker spell as much as he could and how to use them. Then, he used [Temporary Boost] to max out his MP, strength, intelligence, and luck.

The afternoon had become night when he arrived. He showed the quest paper to an imperial knight in that house, and he brought Motegi in. He also said there were still thirty minutes left before the quest ended.

When Motegi enters the room, Meldine and the elven are standing there waiting for him.

"So, what's your name?"


"I'm Meldine. And this is Hazewynn."

"Nice to meet you."

"Yes, nice to meet you."

"Well, Motegi. Maybe you already heard from the people who have come here, so let's just get straight away. This woman was cursed, but unfortunately, I couldn't break it. There are still thirty minutes left, so please lift her curse."



When I look at Hazewynn, I'm instantly captivated by her beauty.

She has incredibly translucent skin, long golden hair that reaches down to her waist, shining emerald eyes, and a green jewel on her forehead. Her white off-shoulder long-sleeve shirt covers her slim waist and her very large boobs, which are surprisingly still beautifully shaped without sagging. I can also see her large, firm buttocks and her long, slender legs hiding behind her green pants.

When I see her face and her body curves, I think that it isn't wrong if there is a statement that elves are considered a symbol of beauty. Then, I remembered that I had seen a woman like her before, but I didn't know who she was and where I saw her.


"Ah, yes?"

"Can you start now?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then, please."

"Yes. Are you ready, Hazewynn-san?"


"Let's begin."

After she permitted me, I started the ritual. I put my right hand in front of her and tried to flow my magical power into my hand. Then, a green-colored light appears, and her body reacts by releasing purple-colored magical energy.

But I feel something strange inside me. It's like my body knows what to do. My mind is also filled with knowledge that I don't even know. Somehow, I feel like I have done this before.

"Malison End!"

I said a word that I had never heard before. Suddenly, the purple thing vanishes and her slave collar breaks into pieces. My action causes the two women can't believe by what they have just seen.


"The curse is gone..."

I'm also surprised because I can't believe what I have just done. I use a spell that I don't even know, and it works somehow.

"You did it without chanting too. I never see anybody do this before."


While Meldine is still amazed by what he does, Motegi sees Hazewynn smiling with tears in her eyes and touches her neck.

Being a slave for 200 years, she was already experiencing a lot of suffering. She was captured by bandits and sold to the Visto family. She tried to escape several times, but she always ended up being captured again and punished. In the end, she was given a curse that forced her to serve the Visto family for generations and made it impossible for her to escape.

Being cursed and tormented for so long made her give up on her life, and she didn't care about what would happen to her anymore. But when she is finally freed, there is no way that she can hide her happiness. The sense of freedom that she thinks is impossible to achieve, she can feel it at that moment.


"Thank you so much for saving me. No, just a thank you won't be enough for this."

"Wh--what are you doing?"

"I, Hazewynn Alrun Gieveard, daughter of Elgar Ric Gieveard, to repay my debts to you for saving me, I will dedicate my life to serve you."

"Ehhh?? What is this all of a sudden?"

"Please, let me stay by your side, Motegi-sama!"

"Wait, you don't have to go this far, you know."

He was confused when she suddenly kneeled and bowed her head in front of him. When she asked to stay with him, he was surprised. He think that she is supposedly returning to her country since she must have been here for a long time. If she wants to stay with him, that means she will stay here much longer.

"Just accept it, Motegi."

"Yeah, but...is it okay for you not to return to Heiligeichen? What about your family? Will it be better if you meet them quickly?"

"For that case..."

Hazewynn stands up and raises her hands. Then, a small wind vortex appears in her hands, and she closes her eyes.

"What is that?"

"It's Sylph's fragment."

"Sylph's fragment?"

"Yes. Elves use this to communicate with each other. I'm happy that she can use it again."

"What do you mean?"

"That curse stopped all the magical flow inside her body and made her unable to use magic."

"Ah, I get it."


When the curse was broken, I could feel the magical power pulsating inside my body again after nearly 200 years. I wondered if I could use magic, so I wanted to try a wind spell. But when Motegi-sama asked me about my parents, I decided to inform them with Sylph's fragment instead. Because my curse is gone, I think it will be pointless to tell them the whole truth about what happened to me in the last 200 years.

Dear Father, dear Mother. How are you doing? I hope that you are fine.

I'm sorry that I've just contacted you after 200 years. I'm in Veldran now, but I got cursed along the way here. That curse forbade me to use magic, so I couldn't use Sylph's fragment too. I already tried so many ways to break it, but nothing worked.

But there is a human who can lift my curse. To repay his kindness, allow me to stay with him for a little bit longer. When the time comes, I will return to Heiligeichen as soon as possible.

The wind is spinning faster in my hand, indicating that my message is sent to them. The vortex is slowing down for a moment before spinning faster again, which means my parents reply to my message.

I'm glad you're fine, Haze. We were worried about you because you didn't inform us for 200 years.

About that curse, we actually wish that you could ask us for some help when you were cursed. But we're very glad that there is someone who can lift it for you. If you want to stay with that person, we'll allow it.

When you return, please bring him with you. We want to thank him for what he did to our precious daughter.

I'm very happy that they replied to my message. After so many years, I could hear their voice again, and it made me really miss them.

My parents also allowed me to stay with Motegi-sama. Even they also wanted to see him because they wanted to thank a man who had become my savior.

After I answer their message, the Sylph's fragment disappears.

"It's gone."

"So, how is it?"

"Yeah, my parents allowed me to stay with Motegi-sama."

"Well, you get her parents' permission, Motegi. Will you accept her?"

"Okay...you can stay with me, Hazewynn-san."

"Yes. Thank you very much, Motegi-sama."

"So, can we talk in the living room?"



Meldine, Hazewynn, and I move to the living room. Meldine also brings me a cup of tea, and we continue to talk. Then the male knight comes, and he gives me a small pouch.

"Here's your payment."

"Thank you."

"It's the emperor who paid you, open it."

"Ah, yes. Whoa!!!"

When I opened the pouch, I was shocked to know what was inside. That pouch is filled with platinum and large platinum coins. I don't even count them yet, but I know if it's going to be the biggest payment I have received so far. I can't even believe if I get that much from a single quest.

"It's...100 million ginks. Are you sure that I got paid this much?"

"Of course. You save this country and prevent a war. You just did something like a hero did."


"If you think this is not enough, you can ask the emperor anything else."

I couldn't believe besides the emperor paying me 100 million ginks, even he also allowed me to ask anything else, then I start to think maybe I have just done something too conspicuous.

This is my first work, so I hope you enjoy it.

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