
I Got Transported To Another World, So Let's Enjoy It To The Fullest

Motegi Sekino, a black company worker, was always annoyed by an advertisement that kept popping up on his phone every day. He finally decided to open the advertisement and fill out the form inside it, but when he woke up from his sleep, he found himself in a very strange place. After he knew that he was inside the place that was written in the advertisement, he decided to try his luck to live there happily and of course, find beautiful and sexy women to make his life more pleasurable. Notes: I'm not a native English speaker, so you may find grammatical mistakes in this story. Also, I try to write some erotic scenes and I hope it will suit your reading taste.

abnq_49 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 05: It's Magic Time!

It had been six days since our protagonist, Motegi, came to Acrusse. To make a living in the new world, he decided to become an adventurer.

Day by day, he had gotten stronger, and he also faced a stronger enemy. He thought that it would be better if he could use magic. Then he met a wizard named Gerritt and asked him to teach magic.

When Gerritt asked Motegi what elements he had, he didn't know what he should answer because he had eight elements, and he didn't want people to know about them.


"Umm...how many elements do people normally have?"

"Normally, it's one. But some of them have two or three, although it's very rare for someone to have three. As for me, I can use two elements, light and earth."

"Ah, I got it."

That means, three were the maximum amount of elements that people have. Maybe I should tell him that I only have three.

"So, what about you?"

"It's fire, lightning, and light."

"Wow...that's amazing. You have three, and they are powerful elements too."

"Ah, is that so?"

"Yes. Well, there's still time before dusk. Can we go somewhere else? It will be better if we practice in a larger space."


Gerritt and I left the guild and went to a grassland outside of the city, so we could practice magic freely.

"Because you also have the light element, let's try with it. O The Holy Light, come and shine for me, lend me your brightness to fight my enemy. "Light Ball!""

After he repelled a spell, a handball-sized light ball appeared in his right hand. Then he shot it into the big rock in front of us, creating a hole in that rock.

"Well, try it now. Just imagine a ball and combine it with your light element."


"Do you remember the chant?"

"Yeah, I remember it."

"Okay, good. Now try it."

"Yes. O The Holy Light, come and shine for me, lend me your brightness to fight my enemy. "Light Ball!""

I imagined a ball inside my mind, and when I wanted to combine it with my light element, I could feel a magical power flowing inside me. Then, the same light ball that Gerritt made appeared on my right hand.

"Whoa...it works."

"Good. Now shoot it."

I threw that light ball into that big rock, and then a big hole was created when the ball hit it.

"Well, that's great. You can do the same thing with your fire and lightning elements. I can lend you a spell book if you want. How about that?"

"Good. I appreciate it."

He took a book from his storage and gave it to me.

"Hey, since you have the light element, why don't you take that special quest?"

"Eh? Can I?"

"Of course. Breaking a curse can be done with someone who has a light element."

"So, does that mean a curse is born from a dark element?"

"Yup, that's right."

"I see."

Once again, I knew that the world I lived in also had similar knowledge about elements as me.

Dark element is sometimes used to create some forbidden spells. The light element is used for healing and can also be used to neutralize the effects of the dark element.

From what he knew, a healer like a priest or shaman, had the light element. The dark element is usually associated with a sorcerer or witch.


"Huh? Why do you give me this? You still read it, right?"

Suddenly, Gerritt gave me the book that he had read in the guild before. I was confused about why he gave it to me.

"It's fine. I have already finished reading it. It's okay if you learn this too, right?"

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah, take it. I lend it to you."

"Thank you."

It looked like I had just found a very kind man. He not only helped me learn magic, he also lent me some books to read.

"So, when do you want to take that quest?"

"Maybe after this."


"Well, can we exchange ID?"


I clicked the 'Add Contact' menu on my card and put it on top of his card. Then his name was already on my contact list. With this, we could send messages to each other.

"It's done. Thank you."

"Yeah, me too. Thank you."

"Well, I think it's time for me to go on that quest. Do you want to go back too?"

"No, I'll stay here for a moment. I still want to learn more."

"Well, that's good. But don't push too hard, okay?"


There was still time before dark, so I wanted to try some spells from that book that Gerritt gave me.

"Can we meet again tomorrow?"

"Of course."

"Then see you, Motegi."

"See you, Gerritt-san. Good luck on your quest."


Gerritt left me and went back to the city alone. Then, I kept practicing some spells until the night came.

"Welcome back, Sekino-san. Should I prepare your dinner?"

"Yes, please."

When the night came, I finished my practice and returned to the inn. After I ate my dinner, I went to my room.

"Hahhh...I can't wait to try them tomorrow. Should I read that again?"

I already practiced a lot of spells from Gerritt's book. I thought that maybe it would be better if I learned more spells again, so I took that book from my storage and read it on the table. Since I was inside an inn, I couldn't practice them right away, so I only wanted to read them. When I opened my storage, there was something that crossed my mind.

"Ah, that's right. Since I'm going to use magic, I don't need Ladron. That means I can't absorb HP and MP."

HP and MP absorption are the abilities of Ladron. So, if I don't use it, I can't raise them.

"Hmm...let's try this."

I remembered that I had [Copier]. If I'm not mistaken, I could copy anything with that skill. I took Ladron from my storage, and I held it in my right hand.

Then, I tried [Copier] to copy Ladron's skill, but I felt that it didn't seem to work. So, I decided to check my status.

Motegi Sekino

Age: 24

Race: Human

Level 10

HP: 1890/2000

MP: 1890/2000

Strength: 2500

Durability: 2500

Agility: 2500

Intelligence: 2500

Willpower: 2500

Perception: 2500

Luck: 1












[Language Comprehension]


[Temporary Boost]


[Points Absorption] NEW

"Whoa...it works. I did it."

[Points Absorption]

Absorb the enemy's HP and MP.

"Yes, from now on I'll be able to raise my HP and MP while using magic. That skill is very convenient, isn't it?"

I managed to get a new skill using [Copier]. It would be possible for me to absorb HP and MP with or without the sword. It made me get more excited for the next labyrinth quest.

After I returned my sword to the storage, I continued to read the spell book from Gerritt.

"Book about curses, huh? Should I read that too? Well, actually, I didn't need a curse-breaker spell in the future. But it's nothing wrong if I learn a little, right?"

Then, I read all the books from Gerritt for the whole night.

The next day, I go to the labyrinth with full spirit. I'm so excited because it will be the first time that I'll use magic to fight.

Also, I found out that I could use magic without chanting during practice. It will help me a lot, since I have eight elements, and the spells from each element have a long chant that I can hardly remember.

And of course, I already acquired an HP and MP absorption skill, which I couldn't wait to use.

"Okay. Let's activate that first. [Points Absorption]."



Two Puncher Woods appeared in front of me. Previously, I would charge towards them. But because I can use magic, I stand still. After I activate my [Points Absorption], I prepare my attack.

"Fire Bullets!"


I put my right hand in front, and multiple tennis ball-shaped fire bullets appeared. I fired those bullets into the two monsters, made them burn instantly, and died.

"Whoa...amazing. Just as I thought, magic is very useful."

[Puncher Wood's Branch]

Can be used as a medicine.

"Yeah, it's fine. I already have a lot of leaves. Let's continue."

I didn't activate [Temporary Boost], so all my stats weren't increased, especially my luck. From two Puncher Woods, I only managed to get a single branch. Even though my luck is terrible, I don't feel bothered by it. I still have many Puncher Woods leaves from my previous quests inside my storage, so I can sell them anytime.

I charge towards all the monsters inside the fourth floor, using all sorts of attacks from many elements. After I defeat the last monster, I finally arrive at the front of the boss area.


"That monster was the 40th, and this is my third branch. Maybe it's time to use a boost now."

I max out my luck and enter the boss area.

The boss on this floor is almost identical to Puncher Wood, the only difference is there are spikes on its gloves.

"Alright, if you have spikes, I should fight you with spikes too, right? "Earth Spikes!""


I launched javelin-length, pointy rocks towards that tree. My rock attacks hit that tree multiple times, scattering it before finally died. That tree disappeared and dropped an item into the ground. Because my luck is at its maximum, I think that it can be another ultra-rare item.

[Fruit of Luck] (Ultra-Rare Item)

Increases luck stats when eaten.

"Whoa...that's it."


The name of the boss he faced was Killer Wood. Usually, they would drop a magic stone. But that time, Motegi got an item that could increase his luck.

The Fruit of Luck also has the same drop rate as the Fruit of Power and the Fruit of Knowledge and is also a coveted item for low-level adventurers. It will increase their luck stat without increasing their level.

Then, he copies the fruit into multiples and puts some of them inside his storage.



"Argh...it's hard. Just as I thought, it's candy."

The fruit had a round shape with golden skin. After I peeled the skin and ate its golden flesh, my teeth hurt when I tried to bite it. So, I only suck it inside my mouth. It had the same sweet taste as candy, with a slightly cool sensation like mint.

"Well, let's go down to the next floor."

Without magic and without [Temporary Boost], I only manage to reach half of the fourth floor in a day. But with magic, I can finish the whole floor in a short time. I also think that I still have much time, so I continue to the fifth floor.

When I arrive there, two black bulls are waiting for me. They have a pair of black horns on each side of their heads and a slightly longer red horn on their foreheads.

"Grrrr.....hhhh..." "Hhhh..."

"Let's try another spell this time. "Wind Slash!""


I attacked them with a long blade-shaped wind, sent them flying, and made them disappeared.

[Trull's Red Horn] (Rare Item)

Increases a little strength when worn.


The normal drop item of a Trull is leather, and Trull's red horn is an ultra-rare item with a 25% drop rate. It can be used as accessories, and many adventurers wear it to increase their power.

Motegi keeps killing all the Trulls on the fifth floor and collecting their horns until he arrives at the boss area.

When he enters the room, he faces a monster called 'Angry Trull', which is a red-colored Trull.


"Fire Bullets!"


"Shit. He dodges it. "

I was surprised when that bull evaded my attack.

I try to attack it again, but it still doesn't work. I also try to use different spells to no avail.

I see that bull charging towards me. When that bull is almost close to me, I remember a certain spell.

"Gravity Bind!"


"Hah...it works. Okay, if you can evade high-damage spells, now I'll give you a small one. "Water Ball!""


The cosmic element allows the user to manipulate gravity, space, and time. 'Gravity Bind' is a spell made from cosmic element. It will create a gravity circle around the target and make their body heavier.

After I made sure that the bull couldn't escape, I suffocated it with a small water ball to its face.

After that bull died, I saw a lump of meat dropped into the ground.

[Angry Trull's Meat] (Rare Item)

High-quality meat.

"I got meat this time."


Usually, an Angry Trull will drop a magic stone.

When he knew that he got high-quality meat, he planned to eat it immediately. But he realizes that he doesn't have any seasoning, so he keeps them in his storage. Because it will be impossible to cook in the inn, he thinks that he will eat them in the labyrinth tomorrow.

"Well, let's get back and buy some seasoning."

Using a teleportation circle before the stairs heading to the sixth floor, he exits the labyrinth and returns to the city.

This is my first work, so I hope you enjoy it.

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