
I Got Transported To Another World, So Let's Enjoy It To The Fullest

Motegi Sekino, a black company worker, was always annoyed by an advertisement that kept popping up on his phone every day. He finally decided to open the advertisement and fill out the form inside it, but when he woke up from his sleep, he found himself in a very strange place. After he knew that he was inside the place that was written in the advertisement, he decided to try his luck to live there happily and of course, find beautiful and sexy women to make his life more pleasurable. Notes: I'm not a native English speaker, so you may find grammatical mistakes in this story. Also, I try to write some erotic scenes and I hope it will suit your reading taste.

abnq_49 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 03: The First Day in Another World, Part 2



After Motegi activated his [Temporary Boost], his stats were increased to their maximum. His movement became extremely fast, his attack also became incredibly powerful, and he also had maximum luck. After he killed a slime, he got a Fruit of Power.

Fruit of Power is an ultra-rare item that has a drop rate of less than 1%. It is an extremely coveted item for low-level adventurers, it will increase their physical stats without increasing their level.

To get stronger, he ate all the fruits. But because he ate them when the skill was still active, he didn't feel anything except for the taste, which was the same as macadamia. Then he managed to get Fruit of Power 19 times in a row.



"Okay, that makes 20 now."

After a short walk, I saw a very large door in front of me. When I arrived, the door opened by itself, and I went inside. It was a very large space, so I thought maybe I was inside the boss area.


"Just like I thought, it's a Mega Slime."

A large blue slime with the same height as mine appeared in front of me. Because my [Temporary Boost] was still active, I could easily defeat it with a single slash.


"A crystal?"

[Magic Crystal] (Ultra-Rare Item)

Crystallized magical power.


A magic crystal is also an ultra-rare item that has a drop rate of less than 1%, like the Fruit of Power. It has more incomparable power than magic stones, so it has an extremely powerful effect when used as a material. Because of that, it can be worth at least a million ginks, considering how valuable it is.

His rank might be able to rise two or three ranks instantly if the guild knew about that.


"Maybe I should keep it for myself."

After I defeated the Mega Slime, I proceeded to the second floor. After a short walk, I found a skeleton. That reanimated corpse of the same height as me then charged toward me with its hands in front.

"If I'm not mistaken, I have to crush its skull, right?"


I activated my [Temporary Boost] again and attacked him in a very fast movement. My sword swing not only crushed its skull but also broke all its bones into pieces.

"Oh, is this a cherry?"

[Fruit of Knowledge] (Ultra-Rare Item)

Increases all mental stats when eaten.


Fruit of Knowledge is a stemless cherry-like item. It has the same drop rate as the Fruit of Power, and it's also a coveted item for low-level adventurers, it will increase their mental stats without increasing their level.


When I knew the fruit's effect, I immediately ate it without hesitation. Just as I thought, it tasted like a sour cherry.

With my [Temporary Boost] skill, I managed to defeat all the skeletons on the second floor and reached the boss area. A Skeleton Lord, the second-floor boss with 2.5 meters tall, was already waiting for me.




With a single slash, I defeated it easily. The Skeleton Lord dropped another magic crystal, so I took it and kept it inside my storage. With the second floor completed, I proceeded to the third floor.


"The third floor is you, right?"

A green-skinned monster with the height of a child and a rusty sword came into me, that was the monster called goblin. From my game knowledge, a goblin could be killed if I slashed its head.

"Take this!"


As usual, I had no problems when I killed it, and then I also got another rare drop item.

[Goblin Fang] (Rare Item)

Gives a little protection from magic when worn.


Goblin fangs have a 15% drop rate. It can be processed into amulets, and many adventurers wear those to give them more magical defense.


I kept slaying all the goblins on the third floor and managed to get more goblin fangs as I finally reached the boss area.



"Wow...that's a lot. Just like Freddy said, he was surrounded by goblins, huh?"

The boss on the third floor is a hobgoblin, a higher type of goblin with a bigger body. If goblins wore short pants, hobgoblins wore ripped leggings. Hobgoblin also wore leather armor to cover its naked body and used a copper sword. I saw the hobgoblin standing behind a group of goblins.

"Okay, calm down. You can do this, Motegi."

Because that was my first time facing multiple enemies, I was a little bit scared. But then I took a deep breath and prepared myself. I held the Ladron sword tightly and activated [Temporary Boost], then I charged towards them.



"You're the last one!"


I managed to defeat them in a short time. The goblins dropped another fang and the hobgoblin dropped another magic crystal. I put them all inside my storage and I saw many types of monster items inside.

"Let's see. I have 20 slime gels, 20 skeleton bones, 29 goblin swords, one Fruit of Power, one Fruit of Knowledge, 29 goblin fangs, and three magic crystals. So, I only have to sell the gels, bones, and swords. Hmm...should I sell the fangs too?"

Because I had completed the first three floors, I decided to end the labyrinth quest for today, and I wanted to continue it tomorrow. Then, I saw a strange magic circle not far from me.

"What is that circle?"

I walked towards the circle and in a blink of an eye, I was transferred to the outside of the labyrinth.

"Oh...it's outside. I get it, it's a teleportation circle."

That teleportation circle gave me a big help because I could get out immediately and saved much time. With the sun almost set, I went back to the guild to report my quest and sell the monster's items.

"Ah, you're back. How is your labyrinth quest?"

"Yeah, I finished the first three floors thanks to your tips."

"Haha...as a former adventurer, there's nothing wrong with helping others

"I knew it. By the way, what was your level?"

"I managed to reach C rank. But because I had kids, I decided to quit. Hahaha....what a memory back then. When I met a new adventurer like you, somehow I just felt very energetic."

I wasn't surprised if he said he was an adventurer. When we first met, I already thought that he must be a strong person.

"So, did you get the items?"

"Oh, yeah. Wait a second."

I took all the monster items from my storage. I was confused about whether I should sell the goblin fangs or not. Even though I was weak, I didn't feel like I would need goblin fangs that much. But because goblin fangs were rare items, it could cause me trouble if I sold them all, considering how valuable they were.

"Okay, so you got 20 slime gels, 20 skeleton bones, and 29 goblin swords. That's amazing, congratulations."


Freddy praised him after he counted the dropped items that Motegi had given him. He thought that it was an amazing achievement for a rookie. Then he saw Motegi just silent.


"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just...umm...can I cash these in too?"

When I was still thinking about the goblin fangs, Freddy called me. Then, I finally decided to sell the goblin fangs periodically in a small amount. At that moment, I took four goblin fangs and showed them to Freddy.

"Are those goblin fangs?"

"Yeah. From 29 goblins, I could only get four fangs."

Of course, I lied to him. I didn't tell if I got fangs from all those goblins.

"Yeah, their drop rate is less than 15%. When I was adventuring, I only got one from 40 goblins. You're better than me, you know. Okay, I'll count that too, please wait."

After he counted the amount, he brought me a tray with coins on top. Then, he explained to me the price of each item.

"The gel, bone, and swords have the same price, 1 gink. So that's 69 ginks in total. A goblin fang costs 100 ginks, so that's 400 ginks in total. Here's your payment, it's 469 ginks."

There were four silver coins, six large copper coins, and nine copper coins on that tray. I took my guild card and stored all those coins inside it.

"About that card, because you were already promoted to F rank, do you want to go through the promotion procedures?"

"Yes, please."

"Okay, can I have your card?"


"Thank you, wait a second."


The conditions for going up from G rank to F rank are to sell items worth at least one silver coin and to break through the beginner area. If an adventurer fails to achieve both, they can't be promoted.

In the past, when newbies registered as adventurers, the lowest rank was F rank, and they were treated the same as adventurers with little experience. Because newbies would often try to make money quickly by taking on reckless challenges, many of them died. To prevent this happened again, a new rank, the G rank, was created.

This new rank restricted them from taking difficult quests. If they want to take those quests, they must be promoted to F rank first, and there are certain conditions to be cleared for promotion. Thanks to this new rule, deaths among newbie adventurers are almost completely gone.


"Here's your card."

"Thank you."

The only difference that I saw from my card was the letter 'G' that changed into 'F', but the letter color was still bronze. After I finished my business in the guild, I went back to the city to search for an inn.

"Welcome to Rosell Inn. How many nights do you want to stay, sir?"

After I asked some people, I finally found a cheap inn. I was greeted by a young woman with a beautiful smile.

"I'll be staying for four nights."

"Do you want to include meals or not? It's 100 ginks per night with no meals and 150 ginks with meals."

"With meals, please."

"I get it. Do you want to pay by cash or card?"

"By card."

"Understood. Here's your key, sir. Your room is on the second floor."

"Thank you."


After I paid 400 ginks for my stay, I received my key and headed to my room. But suddenly, a growling sound came from my stomach. When that woman heard this, she smiled at me and it made me embarrassed.

"Should I prepare your dinner, sir?"

"Ah...yes. Thank you, but...I have to go to my room first."

"Yes, sir."

I quickly left and entered his room in embarrassment. The room was very simple, 3 tatami mats in size with a single bed, a small table, a small chair, and a mirror. After I took off my armor and boots, I lay on the bed and relaxed. Since I was already promoted to F rank, I was curious about how much I had improved, so I decided to check my status.

Motegi Sekino

Age: 24

Race: Human

Level 5

HP: 981/1000

MP: 981/1000

Strength: 1200

Durability: 1200

Agility: 1200

Intelligence: 1200

Willpower: 1200

Perception: 1200

Luck: 1



[Language Comprehension]


[Temporary Boost] Updated

[Copier] NEW

All my stats were increased, except for luck. Maybe because I didn't get an item that could increase my luck.

I noticed that I just got a new skill, and there was the word 'Updated' on my [Temporary Boost].

[Temporary Boost]

Temporarily boosting some or all of the stats to the maximum. It also can be use to other people.


Copying anything, including items, materials, magic spells, skills, fighting styles, etc.

When I saw the function for the [Copier] skill, I thought that it would be helpful. As for the updated [Temporary Boost], because I could also max out some of my stats, I thought that it would be helpful too. Then, I wondered how should I try those skills.

"Ah, yes. Those fruits."

I remembered that I still kept the Fruit of Power and Fruit of Knowledge. I took them from my storage, and I used [Copier] to copy them. A shining light came from those fruits, and suddenly the fruits had doubled the amount.

"Whoa...it worked."

I did that a lot of times until the fruits had become many. I ate almost all of them, and I put the rest inside my storage. Then, I used my [Temporary Boost] to increase my luck, and once again I checked my status.

Motegi Sekino

Age: 24

Race: Human

Level 5

HP: 981/1000

MP: 981/1000

Strength: 1500

Durability: 1500

Agility: 1500

Intelligence: 1500

Willpower: 1500

Perception: 1500

Luck: MAX



[Language Comprehension]


[Temporary Boost]


"Yup, that's good. Having maxed all stats is a bit problematic sometimes. Just maxing one of them will be a good option."

After checking my status, my stomach started to growl again, so I went downstairs to eat my dinner, the went to sleep.

This is my first work, so I hope you enjoy it.

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