
I Got Transported to Another World and Can't Die

Ford Reski's life is all but normal when he gets transported to another world. In this new world, Ford Reski learns of a power that he possesses. Time resets everytime he dies. He uses this power to his advantage, but is it really what it's played out to be? Is he an all-knowing God in this world? Or is he just a weak and powerless human? Like he was on earth.

_Ocean_Lucas_ · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 6: Extravagant Castle

Ford woke up. The feeling of a comfortable bed under him. He was in the castle of Princess Arias.

After the battle with Hayden, Arias had let Ford stay at her castle.

Ford: "Good Morning, World!"

Ford hasn't died in over a week, so he was happy that he didn't have to go through the pain that is death again.

Ford walked out of his room, being in the castle felt like a dream, It was grand: High Ceilings, Exquisite chandeliers, and huge guest rooms. Ford was by the entrance, where the lord had greeted him.

Lord: Why goooood morning Ford!"

Ford: "Good morning, lord!"

Ford just called him lord, as he never found out his real name.

The Lord had an interesting personality, It sounds like he is always planning something.

Anyway, during Ford's stay at the castle, he met some interesting individuals.

One maid, responsible for keeping the castle spotless.

A spirit, one who is contracted to the Castle itself. The spirits name is Rosey.

And the one lonely knight who is always guarding the entrance to the Castle. Ford had learned that the knights name is Ladis.

The castle seemed like a dream come true: what could possibly go wrong during his time there?

Well, Rosey hasn't said a single word to Ford since his arrival at the castle, The maid has been keeping a close eye on him since he got there, and the Lord always seems to be plotting something sinister.

The only one who Ford deemed "normal" was Arias.

Arias: "Good Morning Ford!"

Ford: "why good morning my fair lady!"

Arias: "haha, please, don't call me [fair lady]"

Ford didn't respond to Arias, and instead would proceed to head upstairs to Rosey.

Ford: "Hello, Rosey!"

Rosey: "——"

Ford: "Still giving me the silent treatment, huh?"

Rosey: "——"

Ford: "Well, no matter! I'll get you to talk to me someday!"

Rosey: "——"

Ford proceeded to head back downstairs, and would run into the Maid.

Ford: "Good Morning!"

Maid: "good morning, sir"

The maid's responses were always blank, and bland, and what other words could describe the conversations?


Ford continued heading back downstairs, and would stop at the bath room, to take a bath.

The bath room was massive. a huge kidney-shaped bath right in the middle of it.

Ford would proceed to stay in there for an hour, before:

Maid: "The Master's calling us"

What that meant was the Lord was calling everyone for a meeting.

Upon entering the meeting, Ford would sit down, and the Lord wouldn't waste any time and got straight to the point-

Master: "I called this meeting to give our new guest a proooooper welcome!"

Master: "I can't overloooook what you did, Ford."

Ford: "——"

Master: "Yooooouuuu have saved Ms. Arias from the impending danger of Hayden."

Master: "who surely would have attacked the castle after the Inn."

Ford: "——"

Master: "Sooooooo, as a reward, I would like to give you anything you desire!"

Ford: "Anything??"

Master: "Yes, Just name it!"

Ford: "Well, In that case, Hire me to work here!"

Master: "Is thaaaaaat really all you want?"

Ford: "Yeah!"

Master: "Well in that caaaaaaase... Granted! Would you get him fitted in a uniform?"

Maid: "Of course, Master"

Upon heading to the uniform room, Ford would try every uniform on, finding out that none of them fit him.

Maid: "It seems none of the uniforms will fit you..."

Ford: "haha, yeah.."

Maid: "Well, I guess I'll have to do some sewing then."

Maid: "Stand still while I take your measurements.."

Ford would try to stand still, but he would make weird noises the entire time.

Ford: "--gahh!—"

Maid: "please don't make unpleasant noises.."

Ford: "I can't control it!"

After about 5 minutes, the measurements were complete, and that marks his first day becoming a servant of the castle of Arias.
