
I got transmigrated into a magical world

/Attention, flight AE457 to Paris is going to depart in 15 minutes, please board on the plane./ *beep* Aaaah I can finally relax for awhile although I feel like something's going to happen but who cares when you're on vacation? /Ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard.../ Note: Hey, it's been a while. I have decided to drop it. The story is not leading anywhere and rewriting would take a very long time. I will try to pick it up again someday, but not for now.

Coffee_168 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

New coverrrr

Henlooo my friends it's me, Coffee, the artist finally send the file to me and I will credit her very soon.

Note: We are both me and the artist rookies so it's not on a heavenly level and the writing style of mine is super bad since I am still in school XD.

Do you like it? If so then leave your opinion in the comments section below. 😊😊😊😊😊
