
I got transmigrated into a magical world

/Attention, flight AE457 to Paris is going to depart in 15 minutes, please board on the plane./ *beep* Aaaah I can finally relax for awhile although I feel like something's going to happen but who cares when you're on vacation? /Ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard.../ Note: Hey, it's been a while. I have decided to drop it. The story is not leading anywhere and rewriting would take a very long time. I will try to pick it up again someday, but not for now.

Coffee_168 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 1


I woke up in a strange bed in a strange room. What happened? Shouldn't I be dead?

*zzk* The memories of the previous owner of this body suddenly flowed into my mind with a flash.

Ugh, that's too much information.

My name is Ariana von Tierra from the duke Tierra's house, 16, I have two older brothers and also I was called ugly just because of a red dot on my forehead. The late owner was a timid girl who doesn't have any friends.

But if I look at myself, she looks just like I before, black hair, black-red eyes and quite a pale skin.

*knock knock* Someone was knocking at the doors.

Come in...

My lady! You woke up. I have to tell lord... But, are you feeling well?

Um, yes. Can you pass me a glass of water?

Yes, of course.

So how long have I been unconscious?

You've been out for one week.

Oh gosh so long. Can we go to father's place?

The maid was shocked since the old Ariana never went to him on her own. She was a good for nothing and others called her ugly so she thought that father hates her for that.

Of, of course.

So we went trough a long hallway.

*knocking sound*

You may come in.

Father, how are you.

He was surprised by me visiting him.

Little Ari, what are you doing in here?

I came to see you.

It's a nice feeling to have loving parent since in the previous, 19 years long life, I was an orphan picked up by organization I was in until the plane blew up. Actually I was going on mission to France but there was probably a spy who told our enemies about how do I plan to get there.

Oh yeah since you are looking fine, you should go to test your magical powers at academy tomorrow. Is it okay with you? There will be many people.

No, it is okay, socializing is good for me.

Then we will depart tomorrow at 6 PM so we won't be too early or too late.

Roger that.

We were having a conversation all afternoon and at dinner as well. I think father is very well-versed person with kind personality and likes reading.

I am going to my room now, see you tomorrow.~

Good night little peach.