
I Got Transmigrated Five Years Back In Time

Viper_king · Games
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6 Chs

6. Buying a yellow grade sword

Jiang knows since he can't just use it on 'anything' mention earlier in the description, he would have to try other means later. He looked at the wooden sword in his inventory and tried to use it on it which gave him the question;

[Do you want to use hundred times hack on the wooden sword]


He chose no immediately as he was not planning on wasting the item on a wooden sword. He just wanted to know it really works and that is proof enough for him.

Jiang closed the screen and stood up to be greeted by a lively street of players and NPCs. He has been in the game for almost 20 minutes and it is already getting crowded. He needs money to buy better equipments and change his weapon.

Since he have the hack system, there is no need to join a group to hunt down wild monsters to make money for himself. He just needs to use one hack item on money to get enough for some equipment which can boost his attributes.

He went an equipments shop down the streets. There was no player in this shop, only the NPC who is the owner of the shop. He went straight to him and took out his wooden sword from the inventory and placed it on the desk.

"How much will I get for this, sir'' Jiang asked in a respectful tone.

" " the NPC picked up the wooden sword and examined it for some time before saying, "20 copper coins".

"Deal", said Jiang as he knows a wooden sword is worth 25 copper coins in shops, so this is definitely a good price to sell it to a shop.

The NPC placed 20 copper coins on the desk as Jiang picks them up and asked pointing his hand towards a shelve,

"Sir, how much for this set?".

"S..Sir, that is the most recent and best set in the shop, it is a full armor with a defense booster an...."

"How much?", Jiang interrupted the man.

"3..300 copper coins" the NPC said hesitantly. Jiang gestured him to bring it over as he opened his inventory which now had 20 copper coins.

[Do you want to use a hundred times hack on the 20 copper coins]


Jiang chose yes and the number of zeros behind the 2 increased to three zeros making 2000. But he used another hundred times hack on it, making it increase to 200000.

He now have 200,000 copper coins floating in his inventory. Even though he was tempted to hack one more time, he did not use for it, since he only have three more hundred times hack and a thousand times hack left.

"Here sir", the man said as he placed the set on the desk with a smile.

"Do you have any spacial ring and a yellow grade sword", Jiang asked the man while looking around the shop.

"No sir, the only ones here are my personal spacial ring and sword, I can only give you the sword since I have not used it yet", the man said while taking out an iron sword from under the desk.

"I will take it", Jiang eyes widen as he saw the attributes of the sword, not that he had seen better swords but in the beginning of the game, this sword can really make a difference so he did not even think about bargaining for it.

"Ok sir, the total for the two is 1,400 copper coins", said the NPC.

"Ok here", Jiang waved his hand and 1,400 copper coins appeared on the desk. He placed the two equipments in his inventory and walked out of the place.

The NPC was so stunned that he did not notice the young man leaving the place. He really got more than a thousand copper coins, he is rich. The NPC quickly place the coins in his ring and locked the shop.

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