
I Got Transmigrated Five Years Back In Time

Viper_king · Games
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6 Chs

4. Entering The Game

Jiang was not surprised at all, he read many novels in his previous years and ever since he got transmigrated back he have been praying inwardly for his golden finger which is finally here. He did not hesitate to choose yes.

[Binding game]


*Binding complete*

*Proceeding to the game 'Civilization'*, the system sounded as the blue screen blurred out.

The scene before him changed to him view the planet earth from above in space, but this earth is several times larger and have 38 continents. The earth drew closer to him in a very fast pace as dragons, huge birds, angles, flying horses, and all sorts of winged creatures flew past him .

The scene changed to him standing on a huge mountain looking down on the very beautiful environment surrounding it as he sees forests of different colours, known and unknown wild animals roaming around. He was mesmerized by the scene, it is just so perfect. But did not last long for the scene to change.

He was standing in the middle of what seems to be a war field as the two sides are running towards each other with their swords and weapons raised. As they almost crushed on him, he was pulled out of the scene. He was now looking at two groups of people fighting in a city as the houses are on fire and screams everywhere.

The scene changed again, this time with him standing on a higher ground facing millions of people of all kinds with dragons flying around and a well decorated golden thrown behind him.

The scene gradually zooms out as a huge city came into view. A very huge dragon with flames all over it's body flew past the scene right Infront of him as everything blurred leaving behind 'Civilization' with large characters in different hues.

Even though he have seen this video many times, he was still amazed after watching it again. He chose next and was sent to the character creation page.

The game would copy the appearance of the user and allow a few changes to the haircut or colour, colour of the eyes and fifteen percent changes to all other things.

Li Jiang increase his height a little and changed his hair to silver white as well as his eyes to having a little of silver sparks. He changed a lot on his face not for the purpose of enhancing his attributes but to hide his original appearance.

After the changes in the body, he moved to the outfit section. He chose an all black outfit with a hoodie. He went to the next screen where he is supposed to type his name.

Jiang entered 'White Wolf' in the space, this is the name he used in his previous life. He saved his changes and chose to start the game.

He opened his eyes to a big square with 6 streets leading to it. He raised his head and saw the tallest building in the center of this city. It is the city hall which can be found in all the other cities in this world.

In this game world of 'Civilization', all missions and special missions are listed in the city hall of every city. The only way is to make a name for yourself through completing missions and staying on the good side of the people. That is what you can do, at least.

Jiang knows that that is not the real purpose of this game, since he and his old best friend found the main purpose of the game but one was greedy.