
I Got Transmigrated and Thrown Through Time

I died and woke up as Sanada Seiji with some superpowers beside the Time-Travel. As the clichéd Isekai tropes dictated, I will become powerful, build harem, and enjoy a slow, fulfilling life! ***** [Author's Note!] This fan-fictional work is a short story I write while I am in a slump concerning my main work. Until I recover my motivation, I will write this to entertain my loyal reader. This work is a fanfiction of [The Results When I Time Leaped to My Second-Year High School and Confessed to the Teacher I Liked at the Time] or [Kou2TL]. That story is about Sanada Seiji, a late 20s corporate slave who leaped back and forth in time. He would use his mysterious ability to get the best ending with his love interest that was a beautiful and popular teacher in his sophomore days. That story had 170 chapters (as a web novel) or 5 volumes light novels in total and was quite fun to read if a bit annoying because of the Male Lead's indecisiveness. There is also the manga version. I recommend this series if you like a Slice-of-Life, Romance-Comedy type light novel. To read the English version of the web novel: [https://gakuseitranslation.com] If you can read Japanese or can stomach the produced by the Machine Translation, you can visit this link: [https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4976ea] For the manga, just search it with your preferred search engine on the internet! If you have never heard that story and want to check it out, but you dislike spoiler, I warn you that this story is full of a spoiler for that series. Well, then. Please enjoy this fanfiction work. Yours truly, I Am Not Siscon ***** [Obligatory Disclaimer!] [The Results When I Time Leaped to my Second Year High School and Confessed to the Teacher I Liked that Time] belongs to Kennoji and Softbank Creative, and GA Bunko. The cover art of this fan-fiction belongs to Yasuyuki, which I edited. I only own half of the Male Lead and the changes from canon. ***** If you like this work of fanfiction, please consider supporting me in my Pa treon. There are also advanced chapters in there. [https://www.pa treon.com/515con] ***** Release Schedule: ±10,000 words per week (Number of chapters is inconsistent). My monthly target is ±45,000 words.

I_Am_Not_Siscon · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs


When the school ended for the day, I immediately headed to the staff room to see Haruka.

Before long, I arrived at the staff room.

There were few teachers inside the staff room. It was generally a quiet place, though.

When I checked inside, I quickly found Haruka.

Haruka sent me a hand wave from her seat. She had a shy smile on her face, and her cheeks were stained by a pink hue.

No matter what you speak about it, Haruka was boldly showing a 'maiden-in-love' expression off to me.

I felt exasperated when I saw Haruka's expression.

Even though I knew her to be an airhead, was she not being careless here?!

If Haruka kept showing off such an expression when she stared at me, would the other teacher not become suspicious of her? Us?

Anxious, I checked the other teacher.

When I saw them focusing on their things, I felt inordinately relieved.

They had not seen Haruka's bashful face.

That was 'Devil's Luck' for you!

The effect was subtle, but you could not deny that it was OP!

It should be! It was the most expensive trait/ability that I picked up!

I bowed before walking over to Haruka.

Then, Haruka pulled out a seat next to her.

"Sanada-san, sit down here," said Haruka.

I could sense her excitement when she said that.

"Pardon me," I replied and sat on the seat that Haruka prepared for me.

"Here. Sakai-sensei brought these Manjuu as souvenirs. Since there is extra—you can have it," said Haruka with a sweet smile.

According to my memory as Sanada Seiji, Sakai was my homeroom teacher.

I presumed that he was also into Haruka.

I almost scoffed at the idea. I would not let that old dude get close to MY woman.

When Haruka held out a Manjuu to me, I politely accepted and accidentally touched her hand.

Haruka's cheeks reddened. She shyly averted her eyes. Yet, her smile became sweeter.

Somehow, this Haruka was more careless than what I recalled about her from the original work.

Did my previous confession affect her more than what I expected?

That aside, I was honestly happy with a mere traditional snack that Haruka handed over.

It was due to love!

Love really made someone stupid.

Granted, I never felt this kind of intense feeling in my previous life, so I was a bit at a loss.

I put my concerns aside. I reminded myself that I must focus on Haruka.

Speaking of Haruka, she pulled out my cellphone and handed it over to me.

As she did so, she put her other hand on my thigh. She also pressed her boobs to my upper arm.

I felt the softness of her ample breasts. I could not help but wonder if she was intentionally doing it.

"You know, Sanada-kun, I don't do this because I like it, alright?"

I noticed that Haruka changed the suffix attached to my surname. However, I kept my silence and listened to the rest of her words.

"I don't really like being strict. If a teacher hears this, they will probably get mad at me. But, rules are rules. From now on, be careful, okay?" said Haruka with a cute tone.

Haruka also tilted her head a little bit as she stared at me.

Due to our close distance, I smelled Haruka's unique fragrance.

After that, Haruka looked around once and then whispered into my ear.

"I did not tell Sakai-sensei about this, so you can relax, Sanada-kun."

As Haruka said so, her warm breath was tickling my ear.

I held back my instinctive reaction at her unintentional teasing.

To be honest, I was unsure if Haruka was being intentional or not.

Either way, my heart furiously throbbed when Haruka was doing that on me.

To calm my inner turmoil, I checked out my cellphone and found a new contact saved in it.

(Everything is according to plan, huh?)

Finally, Haruka moved back and said, "Now, there is nothing else that I need to say. Go home, go home! I am busy, after all~."

I blinked when I realized that Haruka was kicking me out. I even sensed her playful undertone.

When I took a glance at her, Haruka was discreetly sticking out her tongue at me.

Even though I wanted to say something, I stopped at the time. I was satisfied with my progress so far.

I gave Haruka a quiet nod and then left the staff room.


After leaving school, I immediately returned home.

I used my new memory to guide me toward my parents' house.

I arrived at my parents' house and went to the same room that the original Seiji used before he moved away from here.

After I changed my clothes, I checked my cellphone and found a new message's notification.

I did not need to check it out to know that Haruka was the sender.

Something like this also happened in the original work.

As I quietly stated before, (All is according to plan!)

I opened the new short message service.

Hiragi Haruka: [Thank you for your love confession to me! After some considerations, I decided to send my answer via an SMS. Anyway, your love confession, I accept it~.]

That was the content of Haruka's message.

My heart was like going to burst out after I read it.

Simultaneously, I unconsciously made a gut pose.

Me: [Thank you very much! I felt honored!]

After replying to Haruka, it was about seven in the evening that I got her reply.

I just finished my dinner, and I was still in the dining room when her SMS came.

I had brought my cellphone to the dining room and had been waiting for her reply so far.

By the way, I have changed her contact name to [My Cute Waifu~♡]

My Cute Waifu~♡: [Take care of me as well~♪. I also said this after school today, but texting during school is forbidden, alright~? Promise~?]

Haruka's message sounded playful.

No matter how you look at it, you would probably never think that the sender was a teacher.

That seemed like an SMS from an ordinary schoolgirl.

Anyway, I felt inordinately gleeful when I received her playful SMS.

(Love did make someone foolish, huh?)

I had a moment of realization after giving it some considerations.

Even though I had dated and broken up with several girls in my previous life, this experience was so fresh.

I never felt this giddy and excited.

I guess it was due to the original Seiji's feelings for Haruka that I had absorbed.

I never felt this deep affection for someone else in my previous life.

Anyway, let's return back to texting with Haruka.

Me: [Then, does that mean a phone call is okay?]

My Cute Waifu~♡: [So naughty~♪. Playing around with my words is also forbidden~♪!]

Haruka's reactions were so cute~. I could imagine her pouting at me~. Cute~ Super cute~♪!

Dammit! I got intoxicated by this shit!

"Khuh… khuhuhu… khuhehehe…"

Creepy laughter escaped my mouth.

"What are you laughing at?"

Mrs. Sanada, my new mother, who was in the dining room, looked at me suspiciously.

"Nothing. Just ignore me."

I replied before returning to my room in a hurry.

All the way to my room, Haruka and I exchanged texts.

Me: [Why did you accept? You don't mind to answer it, right?]

My Cute Waifu~♡: [My heart went Doki-Doki when you gave me Kabedon~! Kya~! Remembering that made my heart throbs so much~♪! That is the first time I felt like this. What's more, seeing you work so hard was cute~.]

Haruka replied.

That was unbelievable. Even though I know about Haruka's personality, I never thought someone like her really exists in real life.

Anyway, this world followed the laws of fiction, though. I suppose I should not have been surprised by ridiculous things such as this.

Me: [I am so happy! Thank you for giving me the honor to be your boyfriend! I have no regret dying now!]

My Cute Waifu~♡: [That's not good! You aren't permitted to die right after you just started dating me!]

Kuh! When Haruka sent such a reply, I almost slipped my footing on the staircase.

My emotions were all over the place when I read those cute texts.

(What the heck?! This is not my first time dating. I have dated in my previous life. Calm down, me! Do not get carried away!)

After calming down, I typed my reply and then sent it right away.

Me: [I understand. Then, I won't die because this life of mine shall be devoted only to you.]

My Cute Waifu~♡: [Saying something like that… Unfair! So, unfair! Muuu!]

Me: [Hahaha… So, did your heart throb hard?]

My Cute Waifu~♡: [I felt like my heart was going to burst out. Saying something like that is dangerous!]

Me: [Did you dislike it?]

My Cute Waifu~♡: [Nope. I like it so much~♡.]

Goddammit! That simple reply with that heart "emoji" made my heart almost leap up to my throat.

I felt if I kept texting her like this, I was going to die from a heart problem.

But alas, I got addicted to the bliss that this silly texts exchange gave me.

I could not stop. I just could not!

In the end, I voluntarily started a crucial discussion for the sake of my well being.

I had no problem remembering the content of Seiji's and Haruka's message in the original works.

That is 'Enhanced Intellect' for you!

Me: [If our relationship is found out, will it not be dangerous?]

My Cute Waifu~♡: [Eh? Why is that?]

I wryly smiled at my new girlfriend's carefree reply.

Me: [If our relationship is found out, you may have to quit your work, and you will not be able to be a teacher, right?]

My Cute Waifu~♡: [Ah, I see.]

Such a casual reply…it was another thing that I expected from her, though.

My Cute Waifu~♡: [But still, it can't be helped. Having my heart go Doki-Doki~♪ and the feeling of electricity running through me, I ended up liking you a lot~♡.]

Fuck! I got another critical damage!

What kind of a dangerous creature my new girlfriend was…

If Haruka ended up falling in love with me, then it could not be helped.

I would give her my 100%!

Common sense could go to hell!

Word Count: ±1,700

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