
I got transmigarated into my grandfather’s unfinished novel

Aryan’s grandfather has a strange quill. Anything which it writes can become a world of its own….. And then he ends up getting transmigarated in grandfather’s unfinished book *** The first world/book :- Set in 1980s Mumbai when the underworld, gang wars and mafia were at their most powerful and influential in the city (Disclaimer:-No Romance) **** Aryan is a freelancer who often goes on various explorations in dangerous places. He has many skills and is in search of his missing parents. He will do anything even kill to find out the truth about his parents.

Revinsane · Fantasy
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23 Chs

You are a reader?

"Remember Aryan no matter how strange or dangerous the situation always remain calm"

A Old man with defined facial features was placing his hands on the shoulders of a young boy.

The boy was completely dirty and looking around in fear.

His grandfather's words had caught his attention.

The old man smiled, his hair was almost completely silver and seemed to shine.

He said softly

"Count to one to five and take a deep breathe"

He waited for the young boy to finish breathing and waited until he calmed down.

He smiled and patted the boys head and said

"Know that wasn't so bad right?"

The boy looked at his grandfather's eyes which looked at him with a lot of fondness and and love.

He down in embarrassment

"I am sorry grandfather"

The old man laughed

"Hahaha it's fine you'll learn"

The young named Aryan suddenly felt warmth in his heart and began to calmly analysis the situating he was in

The old man looked at his grandson with satisfaction


That was the grandfather Aryan remembered in his memories.

The face of his grandfather completely overlapped with the face of the Shehenshah looking down at him.

However their eyes were not the same.

Unlike his grandfather whose were filled fondness and love. This man's eyes were filled with apathy and cruelty. The man's eyes only seemed keep losses and gains in mind nothing else.

Aryan thought

'He is not same person I know'

Suddenly he heard a rough voice call him which woke up out of his stupor

"You're not answering my questions Why did you betray me?" The Shehenshah questioned him

Aryan didn't have any answer why, it was not like he could tell him he was reader who entered the novel and was helping the protagnist in order to find a way to return to his original world right?

He remembered that young man with the dhoti who shot dead most of his gang members. He also remembered having to take Osho to the hospital due to a gunshot wound

He thought

'His name was Vijay Mudiliar if I am correct?'

The Shehenshah said in a sharp voice

"I am not a very patient man don' test my patience"

Aryan gulped and come with bullshit answer he had made up on spot

He said

"Vijay Mudiliar had informed me that you were planning to scarifice all the lower gang members including me because you no use for us anymore. I had no choice but to side with the enemy if I wanted to survive"

The Shehenshah sat down in his seat and was lost in thought

He said

"Hmmmm I don't remember every saying anything if this sort. You may have been tricked. Anyway let him confirm whether what your saying is the truth"

Aryan was bewildered

'Huh can you confirm whether I am telling the truth?'

The Shehenshah focused his eyes on him and suddenly his right eye turned golden colour.

Aryan suddenly felt as if his very being was pryed open.

Some foreign entity had pushed its way into his mind and was violating his private space.

All his secrets, memories, beliefs etc were all out dug and wrung out with force.

His mind try to resist with all its force but to no avail the invading force was too strong all his resistance was futile in front of it.

He weakly groaned


And suddenly the foreign force in his mind suddenly withdrew itself.

Aryan felt a huge sense of relief and was taking deep breaths. He felt the aftermath of being violated and his body was drenched in his sweat.

The Shenshah who reclining on his seat now said

"You were lying tch tch!"

Aryan panicked and thought

'What did he just looked through my memories! Then wait he must have realised'

And Shehenshah said

"You are a 'reader' aren't you boy?"

Aryan only had one thought in his mind now

'Shit! Shit! Shit!'