

One typical day Katherine read a random book just to pass her time. 'Contract marriage with an attractive stranger? How does the legendary hero constantly appear when the helpless girl is in trouble? Is he waiting at the side for the precise moment to appear? And there are so many missing plots and elaborate descriptions. It's problematic to figure out from which era this book is because it's confusing. This is just so stupid,' she instantly thought before promptly shutting the book and placing it back. Seldom did she know, that night when she would go to sleep, she would wake up as the protagonist of that same book and it wasn't a dream. As the events of the story unfold, she decided that she will not follow the plot. She declared it was time to become a self-made woman that works hard by herself. However, she soon finds out that perhaps she is not the only one stuck in this book. And she doesn't know how the book ends so what will happen to her? A story about a girl who struggles to survive financially after losing her family and then ends up becoming the female lead, Rhea Lenegan, of an unknown nameless book she randomly read without knowing its ending. She ends up getting closer to Duke Argus, a character from the book who was supposed to die, but he does not. The story seems like it's going quite differently from the book she read. Just what is going on? It is as if they know what will happen. Is it perhaps they may also be not from the book just like Katherine? Will they find a way to get out or stay trapped in the book? Read to find more!

Melody_Alyward · Fantasy
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28 Chs


'God no! What is going on? This must be a dream...It cannot be...Why am I imagining myself as the protagonist of that book?!.... All of this....it feels so real......From Katherine Wilson, I have become Rhea Leneghan.'

I was down on my knees due to the shock I was just presented by the girl in front of me. Seeing my weak self, she immediately rushes to assist me in getting up while she worriedly asking in a courteous tone,

"Miss?! Are you okay? Shall I go to call the doctor?"

Still not uttering a word, I stand up trying to digest my unfamiliar unknown surroundings. At long last, after composing myself, I calmly decline her request,

"No, I'm fine. Sorry for worrying you."

"Shall I bring the breakfast to your room? Or would you like to take a bath first?"

She asks while I go lay back on the bed whose size I still wasn't used to.

"Thank you but no. I'm feeling a little lightheaded so I would like to sleep a little more."

I tried my best to imitate the female lead that I had read in the book. I didn't want to cause any suspicions and luckily, the maid didn't notice anything out of the ordinary and smiled,

"Then please rest, I will bring you medicine for your lightheadedness along with the breakfast after you wake up. Kindly please call me if you need anything."

"Thank you."

After she left the room, I inwardly scream at the top of my lungs in my mind. Covering myself with a blanket like a worm, from head to toe, I curl up with my eyes closed. Figuring that if I go to sleep, I will end up waking up in reality. With that thought, I kept closing my eyes shut but no matter how hard I squeezed my eyes, I couldn't sleep. Only the sound of the clock ticking filled the soundless room. 10 minutes...25 minutes...an hour passed but I couldn't sleep.

'Why can't I sleep?!'

I sit up abruptly to glare at the annoying clock whose ticking made me irritated. While thinking about what to do, my stomach which could not control itself anymore complained through grumbling. Putting my hand on my stomach, I realize that I haven't eaten. It is possible that's why I can't sleep.

I quickly call the maid for breakfast and soon a tray full of food was presented in front of me. Though it wasn't anything fancy but it had been a long time since I last ate something properly which is why I ate to my heart's content. Unfortunately, this body I was in got full quickly, so I had to stop.

After I had finished eating, I looked around the room. It was kept extremely organized and tidy. I can't believe it belongs to me, someone who never ever cleaned her room before. Ah...it's too bad. If I continue staying here, this room will soon turn into a garbage can like my old room. 'Old room.' It feels odd to say that. But I have no other words to describe the room I slept in yesterday and the room in which I ended up waking into.

I gazed outside the window to find people with their luggage leaving the mansion on foot or on hired carriages.

They must be the employees of this house who were told to leave because the Count can no longer afford to pay them because of the debt and his business going bankrupt. The only workers left now must be around 3-4 maids and a butler if I recall the story correctly.

That's when there's a knock, and I allow whoever it is to come in and it turns out to be the same maid as before. She had come to pick up the empty plates and tray.

"Do you need more, miss?"


I tried to recall her name, but I couldn't decide whether it was Olivia or Holly. Only two maids were mentioned in the book who worked in this mansion for Rhea. But I didn't know which one was her. Thanks to the poor writing of the writer, he or she had written no details to describe the side characters such as maids which made them even more difficult to recognize them.

"Then I will be right back with Holly to get you ready."

When she said that, a smile suddenly crept on my face. Her name is Olivia.



"Umm...why aren't you leaving as well? Everyone is already going back to their homes or finding new jobs."

"Miss, I told you last time as well. I am not going to abandon you and the Madam alone. I owe you a lot for all that you have done to support me. I will gladly work for you without any pay."

"You don't have to."

I gently said, recollecting what I read about her suffering. She and Holly were brutally injured when the money lender guy angrily lashed out after Rhea refused his proposal.

"You have already done so much for us. No need to suffer anymore. You have to enjoy your life. Leave and be happy."

I added. I am here in this book so might as well save some people before this dream ends. Though the more time that passed, the less it felt like a dream. My arms were also sore from all the pinching I had done to wake myself up. Fortunately, Olivia hadn't observed it or else she would ask me questions.

"...why do you think I am not content? I am the happiest here. Please let me be."

Seeing the desperation in her eyes, I dropped the topic and instead started asking about my supposed 'family.'

She replied that the Count had gone to ask the King for help though it was least likely that aid would come because the war ended in the West and the spare money is being used there. And the Countess along with Thalia (younger sister) is in the garden house while the young masters (young brothers) are out.

Hearing that, I decided to immediately change out of my nightgown. I was suddenly intrigued to see them. Reading someone in the book and sighting them with your eyes are two major different things. I was genuinely excited.

After getting ready, I went to the garden. Thankfully Holly was with me, otherwise, I wouldn't have known where to go. This mansion was also identified as the Leneghan Estate and was one of the most beautiful mansions in this country. It was a 400-year-old treasure that passed from generation to generation. Another reason why the Count was so hesitant to part ways from it. I could somewhat relate to his feelings. It's hard to let things go. Especially when it's a place where you shared memories with the people, you love, it's even more hard. On the way to the garden, I also managed to receive a tour of the house. It certainly was massive but the beauty that stood out most was the use of glass and the skylight on every roof. Having a skylight roof was unusual in the times mentioned in the book. Even though this house was established 4 centuries ago and these skylights have existed since then, it's still not common in other households. Another reason why this estate is also called "Domus Est Caelum" meaning the house with the sky. In all honestly, the words I read in the book could barely describe even half of its beauty. Covered with magnificent ancient trees and the calming sky, there were also hanging lights that felt like stars. This house was truly one of its kind.

After my brief tour, I was in the garden house. And this, in turn, was another precious treasure. Fully glass covered, shaped like an actual flower from outside, this garden house was nothing like I have ever seen in the past. My jaw almost dropped before I reminded myself of whom I am right now.

Suddenly a petite girl, around 5 years old comes running into my arms while calling my name.


I instantly recognized who it was. Thalia Leneghan. Rhea's younger cute sister. She really was adorable. More than adorable, she was lovely. Just wait a few years, and she would turn out to be even more beautiful than Rhea. Her long, heavy dull platinum thick hair that was tied up in twin tails bounced as she ran. Her eyes were rounder than Rhea's and were of less intense blue. Her pink frilly frock matched with pink shoes, and white socks and finished with pink ribbons matched perfectly with her fair, light skin and blushed cheeks. I felt as if I was seeing a doll walking. Her giggles were adorable when her small arms wrapped around my legs to hug me.

I pat her head in reflex while smiling at her cute self. The characters in this book don't live up to their description. They truly are better-looking. I recalled when I looked at myself in the mirror after getting ready. Over a plain white frock, I wore a gorgeous blue gown that matched the color of my eyes. The gown was connected to from one side to another through cross strings, and it went down to my ankles in an elegant fall. Part of my hair was braided and pinned back in a crown while the rest of my long silver-white hair fell on my back. With matching shoes and classic jewelry that I selected, I had to admit that I did look attractive.

"How are you now?"

Thalia's words brought me back from my thoughts as I realized that I was still patting her even though she had long stopped hugging me. Retracting my hand back, I tried to think of what Rhea used to call her sister. It wasn't Thalia as far as I remember. She had another nickname for her. What was it? L...something...ah! Lia! Yes, everyone else used to address her as Lia.

"I am fine, Lia. How are you?"

"I'm good."

She grinned. Aww...her smile is so adorable. Were kids always this cute or is this one a special case? Well, I can't really say since this is the world of a book. Ha...I never thought I would ever think those words to myself, and they would be true.

"Rhea dear, you didn't come for breakfast, so we were worried. Are you feeling better now?"

"Very well, mother. Thank you for worrying."

At my words, everyone's eyes went wide. Did I say something wrong? Was I not supposed to say this? How did Rhea use to talk? Don't they typically call their parents like mother or father in such types of novels?

"Mother? Rhea....my daughter...did I do something to trouble you? Are you furious about something? Tell me what happened."

That's when it strikes me. Rhea only called her mother, mother, when she was sorrowful or frantic. On normal days, she would lovingly call her 'mama' and her father 'papa'.

"No, that's not it, mama. It was a slip of the tongue. Sorry for troubling you."

"Oh...if you say so, then it's fine. Come then, sit here."

She motioned next to her, a seat between Thalia and her.

After sitting, my mother didn't look too happy. She would smile ever so often, but I could tell something was bothering her.

"Is something the matter, mama?"

"Oh...It's nothing. I'm just worried about your father."

"He still hasn't come back yet?"

"I'm afraid he will be late today."

"Don't worry, I am confident he will find some solution. Get money from somewhere else and then pay them back later."

"That would be getting more into debt. And we can't bear that yet. Besides, that guy..."

I detected the spite in her words when she dared not to mention the man's name. But I perceived who she was referring to. She was talking about the guy who gave the Count a lot of loans and invested in his business. But soon after the business went bankrupt and now he is asking for his money back. It's either the money or...me as in hand for marriage. Rhea's parents are incredibly kind to not allow her to get married to such an evil guy. On top of it, he is also already married and way above her age.

"That guy...because of his influence, no one else would dare to supply us with money or support us. We are stuck."

"I am certain we will figure out a way. Let's not be overly pessimistic."

"I am sorry my dear, but this time we really are stuck."

"....Mama...Please answer honestly, why did Papa's business go suddenly bankrupt? It was at the top but after that guy invested, everything went into loss. Do you know the reason?"

"I am not quite sure. That's what we are also confused about. No one knows what happened. But it all happened so quickly..."

I was about to speak when Olivia came rushing with a pale face and trembling hands. She was panting due to all the running but did not stop to take a breath and started speaking in between breaths,

"Madam!...Madam!...He's here...he...is.....here..."

"Relax Olivia...who is here?"

We all got up reflexively, worried about who was she talking about.

"It's...Ryker Cash...He is here with his men."

Our eyes go wide upon the familiar name that had disturbed our household peace. The guy who lent money to the Count was now terrorizing us repeatedly even though it hasn't been a month since he lent us money and the business went downhill. But he was still in haste on getting his money back. I perceived why he was here. I read this in the book. This very day he will propose to me and will even injure my maids in anger. In the novel, Rhea only says a short no and stays quiet. But not me. I am not her. If he is over here for his money, then he will get his money. I will make sure of that, without any of us getting hurt.

And that's it for the second chapter! Can you guess what will happen next in the story? Comment down below to let me know. Thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed and please do support the book by giving a thumbs up and adding it to the library!

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