
I got spirited away as my new game character

I science nerd and gamer from earth have been transported to the fantasy world and to my surprise it was in body of my newly made game character and most weird thing is that character is of cute girl, it is getting really weird

isekaigiffy · Fantasy
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32 Chs


After recovering all mana I decided to make a sound isolation barrier, and it was successful as I just have to contain all vibration inside the barrier so sound won't escape it 5 feet radius around me so it would move with me though it does consume mana with time it is active it consumes 100 mana points per 5 minutes so I will only use it when I am close the bandit camp .

After concluding the practice of that spell I decided to move towards bandit camp so after walking for about an hour I reached the same place I was previously bandits were lying around the area two bandits were keeping watch from side but due to my small stature and hiding in bushes I wasn't found so I was continuously using < search spell > to keep all bandits in check so I don't run into any bandits But it's good that most bandits are sleeping after searching I concluded there were at least 15 of them with unknown strength,

But before doing anything about bandits I have to find the hostages, in the middle of the bandit camp tent was placed I am sure the bandit kept hostages there, there were 15 bandits outside the tent but I am not sure how many of them were present inside the tent, so I snuck in the camp avoiding awake bandits while after sneaking around with I reached the tent but how I will enter without attracting the attention of bandits was beyond me.

But I used [Telekinesis] to move the entrance flap of the tent and what I saw shook me to the very core there were 10 bodies of naked women, I mean bodies as they were killed by violent methods they were violated in most gruesome ways I shuddered at that sight and most disturbing thing right now was 5 bandits were raping young girl not older then 12, it was most gruesome sight I just wanted to run away from it, the sight was enough to traumatize any normal person.

How could these people enjoy while a child is suffering, I saw it they were looking at a girl with vulgar laugh, they were enjoying seeing her cry. I breathed in and out to calm myself as and rage could only get in way of saving her, I used [Telekinesis] to control my short sword and cut the veins and arteries of hands and legs of first person seeing one of them bleeding suddenly the other 4 bandits started clamouring about trying to get away from the girl while they were retreating I did same with other person but while I was targeting the third person someone spotted me outside the tent as our eyes met I decided to deal with him first.

I left the control of my rusted short sword and caught the person who spotted me with my all [Telekinesis] power to take control of that person I supplied more then 1000 mana points to just barely able to break his neck .

This all was possible due to a new trait I acquired by taking a combat mage class by the time the third died the two people I had only immobalised due to my naive attitude came back to bit me they screamed alerting other bandits , I watched in horror as I was surrounded by 15 bandits and with 2 more bandits inside they were 17 in total too much for me.

"Hehehe what do we here little rat trying to steal our prize!"

A disgusting voice came from the crowd that had gathered around me .

"But look at her she could fetch for a good amount if we keep her in good shape, but we could also enjoy ourselves!"

Another bandit said in an excited tone with a vulgar laugh .

"You're right about it! Some nobles could give a pretty penny for beauty like her."

Third bandit agreed with thinking me like commodity my anger resurfaced.

"Oh look at that little Miss Hero is angry!"

4th bandit said as he laughed vulgarly and tried to move towards me . Seeing them relaxed and confident I used < Wind blades >

Silently and killed one that was approaching me I didn't want to repeat the same mistake after that I entered the tent by using their surprise as distraction I entered the tent I used < physical enhancement > to sneak a kick to head to both still healthy bandits and I heard crack as my kick impacted their head I didn't pay attention to others just looked at the only survivor who was looking at everyone me fearfully.

"Come child we have to run !"

I said as I placed one of the bandits robe on the girl and due to < physical enhancement >

I was able to easily lift the girl, I was ready to run from back by throwing the tent towards the following bandits using the [Telekinesis]

But I underestimated the bandits and they

Have already entered the tent.

"This bitch!? She killed the boss and others!"

The first bandit that entered said in rage as he tried to grab me I stopped his hand that was coming towards me with [Telekinesis] it was hand with sword I controlled that hand and used it to stab the one who appeared after him it really shook the one who stabbed his friend.


He shouted in a surprised tone I used that time to kick both of them they flew out of the tent knocking others that were trying to enter so I decided it was time to make the run, keep the girl in a safe place and return to deal with them, so I tore the back of tent using < wind blades > and kept out of tent using more magic could be dangerous but I used

[Telekinesis] and with my mind the tent was unearthed I shoot the tent on other bandits entirely covering them using that time I used

< Sound barrier > to make my run soundless as possible.

I decided to check up on them using < mana search > after gaining some distance and to my relief weren't following us, but it seems the girl had passed out it must've been too much for her I sighed in remorse after thinking what the girl this young had to go through this place is really dark world, as I was thinking I shuddered after coming with terms that I have killed someone it was justified but I killed at least 6 people today I couldn't help but sigh how easy it was to kill them I had to keep my morals straight otherwise when I could turn like them I wouldn't even know..