
I Got Reincarnated into The Ocean God Protector of Atlantis

Nen Kano was your average colleague student. Life wasn’t full of any good surprises, his parents died at a young age, which forced him to move into a foster home. He was bullied everywhere he went, due to the large glasses he wore and his skin among other things. But one day Nen had enough. On his 19th birthday, he decided to buy some alcohol, get really drunk, and end his suffering and torment. As Nen jumps off the building falling to his death, he is transported to an office room, where he is accompanied by a woman, in a suit and tie. The woman offers Nen a second chance at life to become something better and stronger than before, she proposes that Nen become the new Ocean God & Protector of Atlantis. With nothing to lose Nen accepts the deal and is transported to the planet Endor, where he will become The Ocean God, The Protector of Atlantis.

ArcLightnovels · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Episode 2: The Interview

The woman that had walked in was a tall white girl, with blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She was very handsome for a woman, her eyebrows were very masculine, while the rest of her face was pure and clean, with no blemishes, marks, or bumps. She wore a blue pants suit with a white dress shirt underneath. She walked with confidence and finesse through the room as she sat down in a big wooden chair with black leather seats across from me. She had sat down, tucked her chair in, and began to pull out papers, out of a briefcase she had carried with her. It was brown with gold outlined within the seems of the bag.

"Hello, Mr. Nen Kano. I am a representative here in the Demi Plane, one of the many realms in this universe."

The woman had a Russian accent when she spoke. It was kind of hot.

"What's the Demi Plane?" I asked.

"The Demi Plane is a place where souls that die a tragic death or kill themselves go if they wish for a second chance at living. You were saved Mr. Kano by one of the many representatives here before you hit the ground. In a sense, we took your soul and transported it here before you died in the world you consider to be your reality."

"So this isn't heaven then?" I was puzzled and baffled at her words.

"Heaven, Ha. Heaven is a mind state, Mr. Kano, there had been many people who walked your very earth who reached that state of Nirvana. Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha to name a few. The sooner you learn this, the sooner you can shift fate and reality."

The woman then pulled out a pen that magically appeared out of thin air, and began to write something down on the page.

"The next thing I'm going to be running you through Mr. Kano is an interview process that souls go through, before getting a second life. Think of it as a job interview, if you do well and answer my questions with answers that please me, we can move forward with the rest of the reincarnation process."

I had agreed to the woman's terms head-on. For the first time in a long time, I felt a fire light within my heart. I wasn't going to fail this interview, I couldn't.

"For the first question Mr. Kano, What makes you worthy of getting a second chance at life among others?"

This was a difficult question to answer, I didn't accomplish much during my life besides my academics in school. So I couldn't brag about that kind of shit, in this circumstance. I had to lay the truth out to this woman after all I was dead back on earth, what could I possibly lose in this scenario.

"My life has been full of negativity, and tribulation. Although many people go through this stuff in life, if I'm being honest with you and me. When I was young, my parents died in a robbery at a bank. I was sent to a foster home when I was 8 years old and was bullied because of my brown skin and dark hair, they hated my appearance as it stood out from them. They would beat me up until I couldn't fight back anymore, and the staff that worked there often too beat me among other children there. There was no place I was safe from it, at the schools, at the parks, in my own home. It wouldn't stop."

I began to cry and sob from the recurring memories.

"I was neglected and hated by all who came close, I tried my best to be nice and be good but no matter how hard I tried, nothing had worked. Not even my close family wanted to take care of me. I was betrayed and deserted by the people who I called friends, or even worse family. That is how I truly feel, that is why I wish to have a second chance at meeting different kinds of people that are loving and caring, a place where I can feel at peace and safe."

I tried holding back my tears, my composure was crumbling. The woman then leaned over her the desk and handed me the handkerchief that she had on her person.

"For the next question Mr. Kano. What kind of life do you wish to live if you do get a chance?"

"I wish to fill a full and purposeful life, that brings prosperity. I wish that I can enjoy the grand things in my new life, with friends and people I can care for and love. I wish to be strong instead of weak, like the heroes I read about in comics, manga, and light novels. I also wish the be someone of Importance." answering her second question.

"Now for the final question Mr. Kano. You have two options to choose from.

Option 1) You can move forward in your second life as you wish, fulfilling all the dreams you have planned, in an attempt to live a "Better" life.

Option 2) You can ascend to the highest realm of all and join "The One Above All" in paradise, He is who governs all things.

So I ask you, Mr. Kano. What do you choose?"

"Excuse me miss, I don't mean to get sidetracked but who is "The One Above All" ?

The woman had smirked up at me, that was the first sight of emotion I'd seen from her since she walked in. She interlocked her clean fingers and placed them on the desk.

"The One Above All", Is the one who is above all things. He is everything that was, is, and is to come. He created everything and everything is a part of him. He is All-knowing. Even amongst all the other powerful creatures of the universe, Gods that dwell in the heavens, Devils that lurk below in the underworld, and other principalities, He is the One who remains above all of them... Now answer the question."

She gave me a scary look, that made me nervous yet aroused. "I'm too young to go to paradise with this The One Above All guy, and I can't give up the opportunity to live a second time. So I choose option 1."

The woman had quickly jotted down my last answer on her page, which she then folded and placed inside an envelope. She then chanted some type of phrase under her breath that I couldn't make out, and the envelope began to float in her hand. Then it vanished, not a moment later a new envelope had appeared in her hand. She opened it and she began to recite it to me.

**Dear Mr. Nen Kano,

With careful consideration, we would like to congratulate you on passing The Reincarnation Interview.

Thank you.

That was easier than I thought it would have been, I had let out a sigh of relief, and slouched into the comfy chair. "Now what?" I asked, the women.

The woman had stood straight up from her desk took off her suit jacket and rolled her sleeves up. She then began to change and transform the room, which turned into a blue and pink void that seemed endless. The aura and light that the room now gave off were mesmerizing. It reminded me of the northern lights, but blue and pink.

"Yes for the next step of the reincarnation process, you have to fill out this survey for me. This survey sheet will dictate what kind of future your next life will hold. Although you'll know your purpose for the next life, it's your choice whether you act upon it or not."

The woman then handed me a survey sheet that she pulled from thin air. The survey sheet read...

** ******************************************************************************************************

Role: Legendary Hero, Rich Man, Pandora

Favorite Hobby:

Choose a Planet: Endor the blue planet, Gondor the green planet, Rondor the red planet.


So these choices were simple, was this a trick, or some game, whatever it was, it made me sweat.

The Role I would choose was probably the hardest thing to pick out of all the questions. I could be a hero, like Hercules which could bring fame and glory or some shit like that, or I can be rich in the next life like Elon Musk, with money life would be simple. But what was Pandora?

"Excuse me miss, but what is Pandora?" I asked.

"Pandora is a mysterious role, it is said that it can grant souls, roles that could put them in positions of power, that come with great god-like abilities. Also, it's said to have the opposite effect, placing horrible hexes and curses on souls corrupting them to evil." She said.

That woman was very dramatic in her speech, it weirded me out a little bit, but she was cool. Pandora seemed to be high-risk high reward, while the others seemed safe bets. If this was a test it's all worth the risk.

"For my role, I will select Pandora." As I said those words, a beam of energy flew from the sheet into the air forming a little ball.

"For my Hobby, I will select swimming, as it is the only good memory I have with my parents." Another beam of light shot up into the air forming a little ball.

"For my Planet, I will select Endor, I just have a feeling it will be good." And again a beam of light shot up into the air forming a little ball.

I then handed the woman the survey sheet and the beams of light followed the sheet. The woman then conjured and machine that was large and made up of the blue and pink essence that engulfed the room, it looked similar to slot machines at casinos, and bars, but also looked like a fax machine. She had placed the survey sheet inside the machine and the machine began to spin. Just like slot machines, instead of symbols and pictures that would pop up on your average slot machine, this machine bore letters. The machine then began to slowly spell something out.


The final results had printed out on the opposite end where the sheet had been placed. The woman had picked up the printed note and read it out loud.

"Ocean God, Protector of Atlantis. Wow, that's fantastic, you are the first person in over 2,000 years that received something good from Pandora, I wish you the best of luck Mr. Kano."

The woman then turned the room back into the office it once was. She had gathered all her things and prepared to leave.

"Before I see you off Mr. Kano I must give you this." The woman had handed me a necklace with a small blue gem in the middle. She had told me that it would help guide me whenever I felt lost. She also gave me a mark on my back of two coy fish, similar to the piece's zodiac symbol. She had said that this mark had been blessed by "The One Above All" and it will grant you strength in times of need. She then walked toward the black doors.

"It's been a pleasure Mr. Nen Kano, I hope you find what you're looking for in your new life."

She swung open the door and began to head through the doors when I stopped her.

"Wait, before you go I must ask you one thing? What is your name miss?"

She smirked again while turning the handle of the door.

"My name is Val"

and she walked out the door. As the big doors shut the room began to illuminate light. Then a voice came to my mind.

"Transporting Nen Kano, Ocean God, Protector of Atlantis, to planet Endor."