
I Got Reincarnated In Mha With My Perverted Sister

"What happens when a brother and sister die together only to get another chance to live? Stay tuned to find out" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First of all, this is my first time writing a fic, so I hope you dear readers enjoy it and if you have an idea to help this fic tell me. second, As it was said in the tags there will be harem, Incest and r18 chapters in this fic so if you don't like it, don't waste your time and Leave, this fic is not for you. And lastly, Like many novel and fanfic writers, English is not my first language so if there was a grammar mistake or anything like that tell me and I will try to fix it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For now, I don't have a discord server so if any of you guys want to talk with me check pastlives fics and join his discord server. (^_^)

K5Silredver · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Ch9 Training Arc I

A/N:Did you guys really think I would write a training arc chapter? Nah man I would rather write R-18 chapters than write that.

But for the sake of the plot, I will write something about it.

Also I'm sorry that this chapter took a little more time to be uploaded cuz I was sick and even went to the hospital.

Even now I'm still sick but don't worry I won't drop this fic and will write rest of the chapters and try to upload at least 1 or 2 chapter per week.

So let's get this boring training arc started


Azumi Pov

it's been a year since I arrived in America and started my training under Fury.

The training that Fury told us we will be doing during this year was mostly physical and helped me to build some muscles and increase my raw strength, Speed and lastly my stamina.

The training method was similar to what Saitama did but lighter and luckily I didn't lose my hair and turn bald.

If I got bald I couldn't handle the disgrace I made to Lelouch's appearance.

Fury also made me take martial arts classes, Not the kind you would see in Chinese novels or action movies. It was a basic martial art created by The shield's higher-ups.

most of the heroes and agents that work for the shield must learn this as it's needed for their safety.

This martial art was made from the moves that need high concentrations to hit the enemy in the weak spot so you could unarm them easily without wasting time.

Fury told me that there is also an advanced level of this martial art but is only taught to agents and heroes that have earned enough merit for shield and are worthy.

During this year I also got closer to Felicia and kara and we can be considered good friends.

Sometimes Felicia and cara also talk about something with Himiko in a low voice so I won't hear it. I think they're talking about girly things and their crush that probably is me cuz im not a dense mother fucker (A/N: Right about not being dense part but that motherfucker part is going to change soon.) which doesn't know that girls love him.

It's obvious that if a boy and girl be friends with each other for a long time they would develop feelings for each other.

and the good news for them and me is that having a harem is legal and something normal here.

The government allowed harem to be legal because the number of quirkless people isn't that low after all they make up 20 percent of the world's population.

So as a way to make more people have quirks and lessen the number of quirkless people government allowed men to have a harem.

People would give weird looks to men that have harem but they wouldn't get criticised for it.

Also, I didn't forget about my family and talked to my mom, Izumi and izuku and every other person that was close to me.

after all, What's the use of getting stronger if you ignore your loved ones and say you're doing this for their sake?

From the talks I had with Izumi, I found out that unlike what happened in the canon, Izuku didn't get bullied in school for being quirkless or wanting to be a quirkless hero.

Now I really want to know what Izumi did to make this happen but she said she won't tell me about it.

Well, it doesn't matter. what's important is that my brother won't get bullied and it's not like Izumi killed someone or did something horrible, Right?

(A/N: oh she did do something horrible, But that's a story for another time. One that I will write about it as a side chapter if im not lazy.)

Today Fury will finally give me a training regime for both of my quirks.

Now I can train with Eve and make her stronger yes I said her cuz Eve said that she liked to be called as a woman.

Hopefully, this doesn't mean that Eve also will develop feelings for me cuz I don't know how will that work it's not like she can get a humanoid form out of nowhere right?

(A/N: Poor guy will have to deal with yet another waifu along with other waifus he will get. Maybe I should add Pokemon to this fic tags.)

While I was thinking to myself I heard the door of my training room opened and Fury came in.

"Hello, Azumi how are you doing today?"

"Good as always Fury, but right now im most excited about the new training regime for my quirks."

"From the data, we gathered about your symbiote we found the best way for you to train it. One of the good points about your quirks is its versatility as it can turn into a weapon, guard and defend your body like armour, Help you in moving to different places, Lifting different things and controlling them."

He then took out a file and gives it to me "Your training will be divided into three parts. The first part is using your Symbiot as a weapon and master controlling it."

"Hmm sounds easy to me." I mumbled and hoped Fury won't hear it.

Fury laughed "Believe me when I say that this training will be harder than what you can imagine."

"Now onto the second part of your training, this one is for your telekinesis quirk. You will be manipulating as much items as you can and we will increase the number of items till you start feeling the pain from the backlash of your quirk. We will be doing this till you can control at least double the amount of items you could control at the start of the training. When we finish this, The next thing you will work on is control things that are heavier than your limit."

"Now the last part is that we permit you to use your quirk in public to climb buildings and train your mobility. which means that you can swing with your webs like a maniac from building to building."

"Cool, I guess it's not as bad as I tough it was."

"What did you expect? Me sending you on a mission without you having any experience in fighting with your quirk? Wake up to reality, this is not a Shonen anime that I send rookies on a deadly mission to surpass their limits." Fury then continued "Now enough wasting time let's start your training."

"So what I will be doing?"

"We will first start with your Symbiot quirk training. You will be put in different rooms that have different environments and have to use your quirk to get out of them. Meanwhile, in every room, there will be Agents that have learned the basic martial arts of the shield and you will have to fight them. Also there is one Agent that is more experienced than the other ones and will be going easy on you for most of the training and will not use his quirk. other agents also won't be using their quirk for now till you get basic understanding on how to fight against enemy that has advantage in numbers"

"Ok sounds good enough but I have a question, why put agents in there when you can just use machines or bots or anything else you have?"

Fury answered my question "There is obviously a reason for that. As I said I can't send you on a mission without you having any experience in fighting with villains. So by fighting these agents you will gain experience and would have an easier time against opponents that you will likely face in disasters."

"Now if you are ready we can get started."

I nodded my head and followed Fury to the place where my training was going to take place.

After a minute or so we arrived at our destination and Fury used a key card to open the door for me.

"Go in and get ready the first environment is a place filled with sand and dust. After you beat all the agents by using your quirk you are allowed to enter another room. But of course today you only will clear only this room so we can proceed to other parts of your training."

"Ok, hopefully, I won't disappoint you."

Fury put a hand on my shoulder "You won't because I have high hopes for you."

I smiled at Fury and entered the room

When I entered the room Eve said something in my mind that made me roll my eyes at her

'This place is as hot as Natasha's ass.'

'Really Eve? The first thing that comes to your mind is Natasha's ass? I shouldn't have let you talk with Izumi.'

'Come on you have to agree with me that she's hot.'

'I know she's hot as hell but if Fury could hear this he would have killed us by both.'

While I was talking with Eve suddenly my spider sense activated and I moved to the left and barely dodged a punch that came towards my face.

I looked around myself and saw that 4 people have surrounded me

The guy that sended a punch my way clicked his tongue "Didn't think that you could dodge that." He then smirked "Well it wouldn't be fun If you failed the training this easily right?"

He then rushed towards me and swung a powerful right.

Thanks to the training I went through this year's I swiftly dodged his punch and kicked him in the stomach that sent him flying towards the walls of the room.


I heard a cracking sound and realised that I didn't hold back. "Umm sorry?"

The other agents looked astonished for a moment but then changed from their carefree mood to serious.

The guy that I kicked stood up and smirked again "Guess it was my fault to underestimate you." He then looked at the other agents and said "Dont give him space and time to think. Also, be careful of his moves he does put quite a power into them."

The other agents nodded and all of them started running towards me.

All of them sent a punch towards me and made me think if they are NPC's because they are using the same moves as their leader.

I sidestepped the first punch and ducked the second one while barely dodged the third one with the help of my spider sense.

"Looks like you have good reflexes too, show me what else you got."

'Eve looks like I will need your help.' I then used my symbiote to cover my hands and made gauntlets with it.

The leader looked at me with narrowed eyes "So this is your quirk huh. Well, let's see if it can help you or not."

I rushed towards the closest Agent and He came at me again, with no hesitation, he did the Same move.

This time I crashed an elbow into his side as I spun under his arm. He bounced straight off of locked knees and came right back at me. I dodged away again and felt the breeze as his giant fist passed an inch above my head.

Then I punched him with my left-hand that was covered by the gauntlets that Eve created and made him groan from the pain. Not wasting the chance I shot a web at him and webbed him to the ground.

I stood up "Ok one down three to go."

After this, I engaged in a gang fight with the three agents and after some minutes only me and the leader were left standing.

He stood meters away from me, panting.

My condition wasn't better because this was the first time in my life that I was fighting someone.

Even tho I had Eve that could heal me, my body hurt a lot but I wanted to keep fighting, I was enjoying this, it was fun.

The leader looked at me with a serious expression that I thought he is going to say something important "Hey kid you didn't tell me your name."

I blinked and was confused "We were at each other's throat till now and you're asking me my name?"

He smiled "You earned my respect and we will be training with each other from now on so it's better to know each other's name right?"

I chuckled "The name is Azumi Midorya but you can call me Azumi."

"The Agents in here call me Greg, You can call me that too."

I then took a breath of fresh air and said "Then let's end this fight, shall we?"

He nodded and we both rushed towards each other

He then got faster "kid I'm going to use my quirk for this last attack."

He launched himself forward with his left arm scything around in a giant roundhouse strike.

While his hand was moving closer to me I was thinking of a way to counter it but what I didn't notice was that he even got faster and before I could react his left hand connected with my ribs and knocked me sideways into the walls like I weighed nothing at all.



I groaned as I felt like my ribs are broken and Eve was trying her best to heal it.

I went down on one knee to take a breath but suddenly my spider sense went off and I got back up just in time to arch around his next crazy lunge.

His fist missed my gut by a quarter-inch and its wild momentum pulled him past me and down a little which put the side of his head right in line for a left hook.

'This is my chance' I tough to myself.

I pulled my right hand back and unleashed a hook towards Greg's head.


Greg slid on the dusty and warm floor.

I quickly took this opportunity and webbed him quickly like what I had done with other agents.

I sighed "Finally it's over." And then fell to ground and lost my conscious.


A/N: Yo what's up? Did you dear readers enjoy this chapter? Well I hope you enjoyed it and if you didn't, It's not my problem. as I said training arc could be boring.

For the first time in my life I wrote a fight scene so I don't know if I executed it well.

How was the fight scene in your opinion? Good for my first time or pure bullshit and trash?

Rate it from 1 to 10 and be brutally honest about it, Like how my sister was when she told me her opinion about my cooking. Not that my cooking is bad, I just tend to make my food a little sweet.

Anyways see you dear readers on the next chapter. (^_^)

Bye Bye~