

Daisy_the_Dog · Anime & Comics
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the meeting with the gods

Ben was playing with his portals going to different places until he went somewhere interesting

{huh I wonder where I am.wait this looks like mount olympis}

???:What is a human doing up here on mount olympis?

{Oh hi I'm Ben I really don't know myself ?}

Well I'm Athena goddess of wisdom and war

{Oh ok so can u tell me what I'm doing here}

Athena:well you should go meet up with Zeus he's

on top of the mount Olympis

After being told that he flew up the mountain he got there and saw Zeus sitting on his throne

{Oh hello you must be Zeus, Athena told me to meet you here you needed me?}

Yes but how can a mortal help me a god? Said Zeus

{well you know what they say never judge a book by it's cover}

Zeus: well fine then I'll test you, by fighting me

{ok then lets fight then Zeus]

As soon as they started to fight Zeus had the upper hand until Ben drank some potions and then used space lock to stun Zeus then used wind tornado

Zeus was impressed to how a mortal can control wind with ease,Zeus stopped the fight then gave Ben a thunder bolt Zeus also wondered how he couldn't move.

Zeus: this will help you in your journey go meet up with Poseiden next tell him Zeus

sent you okay

As soon as Zeus said that Ben noticed that he was on the ocean

He imidietly went underwater using lung adaptation to breathe underwater.he went for Atlantis because that was his biggest guess to where Poseiden would be .after half an hour he found Atlantis

{Wow so this is Atlantis it's more beautiful than I imagined it to be}

He immidietly went in finding Poseiden.he found him at the center of Atlantis sitting on his throne

{Hello Poseiden Zeus sent me he told me to come meet up with you}

Yes he told me that you would come, now that you are here I'll also test you by fighting you

{ok then lets get to it}

Ben immidietly started with 4 wind tornado in every side, his plan was to trap Poseiden

Poseiden:I'm impressed now it's my turn

Poseiden threw his trident accumulating water with it when it reached the water exploded and threw Ben back

It was a long fight but finally Poseiden stopped the fight because he saw enough

Poseiden:I'm impressed with your skill and abilities young man,you are totally capable of a lot. Here take my trident.

As soon as Ben took the trident it became smaller.

{why did it become smaller Poseiden?}

Poseiden: well probably to fit you better you wouldn't want to carry a trident twice your size would you?

good answer. well who should I meet up with next said Ben In exitment

Poseiden: well next is Hades god of the underworld

{so how do I get there?}

Poseiden: I will transport you there but be aware of the creatures of the underworld.mostly be aware of 3 headed hellhound called cerberus he has a serpent tail the pet of Hades.he is found in tartarus

{I will do my very best sir}

As he said that the atmosphere changed dramatically as he was in the underworld home of the fiercest creatures

Ben took a deep breathe and went on with the journey hoping to not get into any trouble. But as soon as he said that he was confronted by cerberus a 3 headed hellhound

*swallows saliva

{well I'm in big trouble}

He said this after encountering cerberus