
I got Reincarnated, but My Wife is Now My Mother!

A man wakes up in another world as Lord Asa Sung Martindale, the successor to House Martindale. On the day of an attack by bandits, he awakenings not only his past life with his wife who is now his Mother. He awakenings a hidden power that threatens the entire Kingdom.

Bellstory101 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

I Got Reincarnated, But My Wife Is Now My Mother! - Chapter Nine

We continue to the village. The settlement is quite rural and a farming and hunting village by its looks. Many villagers are in disarray and, for the most part, ignore us as we wander around town. At the village center, three buildings were the only shops, a general store, a small inn, and a guardhouse. I point to the general store as we stop. 

Inside, an older woman stood behind the counter. There was little here. The four of us look at each other before gathering what we need. Our shopping spree is short and lackluster, and the girls pile everything before the older woman.

"We'll take all this," I said. 

The elderly woman examines the supplies for several moments. "One hundred copper crowns," she said. Her voice was weak.

"How about two hundred copper crowns? Those soldiers left you with nothing. You'll need to resupply to survive," I said, placing well over two hundred copper crowns. "Is there a healer in this village?" I added.

Her face shows a bit of gratitude and relief. This town could use this money to regain its losses; it was the least I could do. Money wasn't an issue since I had plenty, even if I was a criminal. 

"There's a girl around your age at the outskirts of the village that's a healer. If you hurry, you might still catch her. I heard she's leaving soon, and the royal army took her family, you see," the elderly woman said.

"Thank you, we'll make haste," I said.

The others gathered our new supplies, and we exited the shop. 


"Nella, you and Elene take these back to Lady Aiko and Sophitia. We'll meet back after we heal up your sister," I said.

"Right," Elene and Nella said.

As they hurried off to our hiding place, we watched momentarily. Then, finally, Orzella looks at them for a bit longer before collapsing to the ground.

"What the heck? You should have said you were hurt this badly?" I exclaimed.

Orzella barely puts up a fight as I carry and scold her. Her wounds were terrible. He'd have her better if Lord Alfred were here in no time. I have to take her in my arms to ensure I can catch this healer. 'Damnit, I hope she isn't gone already!' I saw a person with a pack behind them leaving a house on the outskirts. That has to be her. I ran as fast as I could with Orzella. She wasn't heavy not for my fitness, but her wounds were my concern. 

"Hey! Are you the healer?" I yelled.

The figure turns around. It was a young girl around my age, as the shopkeeper said. The girl's silver hair is long and braided into an elegant ponytail. As I drew closer, I got a closer look at her. She was stunningly beautiful. She had an oval face with hazel eyes, a dainty nose, and thin lips. Her clothes were modest as she wore a yellow dress with a brown apron. The dress covers most of her body, and it's hard to describe her features. The first thing that caught my attention was the size and fullness of her bosom. 

My immediate impression was that she possessed a massive bust, which was of substantial size and incredibly full. It was evident to me that her breast was of tremendous and ample size, which was an excellent feature of her body. I didn't doubt that her beauty could lure any man or woman to her bed. Her petite yet curvy, sculpted, statuesque figure hinted that her clothing hid long, slender legs. She stops and waits for me to come over. 

"My friend needs help. She's hurt badly," I explained.

"Let me see, lay here down inside," the silver-haired girl said.

Her accent is strange, but I follow her instructions. Inside her home, she cleans a table off for me to lay Orzella down, and I do it as carefully as possible. Then, standing back, I wait for her to examine Orzella, and she looks over her wounds.

"She's been in a battle?" The girl asked.

"Yes, recently," I asked.

"Stand back," she ordered.

I do as she asks and stand back. The silver-haired girl puts her hand on her head and stomach. Then her eyes glow a bright green. Energy flows from her body to Orzella's. It envelopes both of them. I watched in amazement at what I was witnessing. This girl wasn't just a healer. She was a gifted healer. Only a few could heal others this way. She was using her own health and internal magic to heal Orzella, the rarest form of healing magic. If those soldiers knew this, they'd rounded her up too. With the healing done, Orzella lay calmly. She was breathing softly with no signs of pain. The silver-haired girl suddenly collapses okay to the floor next to the table. I rush over and help her up.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine; this is just a consequence of my healing magic," the silver-haired girl whispered.

"Thank you for helping Orzella. I never got your name. I'm Asa Martindale," I said.

"Your words are kind. I am Erendriel Umefina," the girl whispered.

"The old lady at the general store said you were leaving," I stated.

"I am; the Royal Army took my family because," Erendriel said but stopped.

"Because of your healing magic, I assume?" I whispered.

"Yes, we are not from this region. But, unfortunately, those with our bloodline are scarce," Erendriel revealed.

"You should come with us. I don't think you'll be safe on the road alone. Things out there are no longer safe for any of the people," I admitted.

"Are you the son of the Count who rules over this region?" The girl asked.

"I am; we are heading north to a safe place for now. You are welcome to come along," I offered.

"Can you help me find my family?" Erendriel questioned.

"I'll do everything I can to help you find them. We both owe it to you," I said.

"It is a promise," Orzella whispered.

She looks healthy again and full of life. Orzella took the girl's hands in hers. "I promise to find your family. No matter what it takes," Orzella affirmed.

"When Orzella makes a vow, she upholds it, trust me," I said, smiling.

"Then, we should leave as soon as possible. The soldiers said they'd come back in two days. Most of the villagers are heading into the forest for the next few months. Taking what they can with them. In hopes of waiting out whatever is going on," Erendriel revealed.

Her words gave particular urgency to our departure. Orzella slips off the table and is ready to go. Erendriel gathers a few more things into another sack. It was a long trip to the north. We both helped her, and I was surprised that their family had many items we could use on our journey. We need to get there as fast as possible. A trio of horses left behind by her family would be ideal for speeding up our trip. Once everything was packed, our party reunited with the others.

Finding the others didn't take long. Preparations were being made for our departure. Nella and Elene saw us first. When my sister saw our new company, I knew she was angry.

"Who is this??" Lady Sophitia shouted.

It's evident from her expression that she is worried and cautious. It is understandable why she would feel that way. Just hours ago, our own Kingdom's army and Knights attacked us. An ambush on a scale that wasn't possible without a combination of high-ranking nobles.

"Relax, this is Erendriel. She healed Orzella's wounds. I think it will be a good idea if she comes with us," I explained. 

"You just can't invite anyone along with us. This girl could be a spy! You're being naive, brother!" Lady Sophitia stated.

"It's quite alright Sophitia. If Asa trusts this girl, then I see no problem in allowing her to accompany us," Lady Aiko said.

"Mother! You're the Countess of this land. You should be more careful with who you allow around you!" My sister snapped.

"We can't make it north without help. Erendriel can aid us in our travels," I countered.

"Lord Asa, you are being reckless. If father really is dead, then you are the head of our House now. You don't have the right to endanger yourself," Sophitia explained.

"If that's the case, then I'll make her my new personal doctor. How does that sound?" I questioned.

"Hmph, fine, do as you please!" Sophitia scolded.

"We should move now. Those soldiers will be returning," Erendriel whispered.

It is admirable of her not to add to my sister's discomfort. Despite the extra horses, only Erendriel lacked a horse. It was my pleasure to offer her a ride. We set off towards the north. As we left, it was clear that the villagers were also heading north to the forest. The Great Gold Forest, as it was called. One of the many older forests of the Golden Peninsula. We'd have to journey deep within it, well off the main routes through the region. This was going to be dangerous in itself. Our current predicament left us no other recourse. Once we enter, there will be no chance to resupply. That left one option from here. The city of Helendale and sister city with Helenadale. Both sat on the main path across, with Helenadale the closest to us. I'm sure my sister has the same idea as me. The Royal Army and a contingency of Knights will be there. 'Would they be allies or enemies. There was no way to tell. We'll know within a day or so. I know I was anxious. So was my sister. Our mother, Lady Aiko put on a strong face for us. That's how my Abigail was in our past lives.' 

One thing is for sure. Many refugees will be traveling to Helenadale and Helendale's twin cities.