
I got reincarnated as the villain and i plan to be the protagonist

A man got reincarnated and became the villain, is it too late to become the protagonist?

West_walker · Fantasy
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58 Chs


I'm currently in an alley, hiding from the search part looking for me, even knights were involved, i looked at my system and found a shopping function.

4 different kinds of items that resets everyday a weapon, an armor set, potion, and utility.

"mage's staff: +26 dmg

Required:19 wisdom

Special effects:none

-800 villain points


"knights armor set:

+73 defense

Requirements:46 strength

Special effects: all knights are different, you can disguise yourself in none restricted areas and knight restricted aeas.

-2000 villain points


"strength potion: permanently increases your strength by 2

-500 villain points


"1997 ferrari: with 90% fuel reduction consumption and 20 oz nitro.

-5,000,000,000 villain points"

I have around 7050 points but i don't think i will need the knights armor... But i will need to buy it just in case... And i bought it along with all the strength potions, now i think i only have 3550 points. But i won't use these potions just yet... They might prove useful...

I wore the armor immediately and put the rest to my storage. I pretended to be searching until the night was over, everyone stopped searching when the sun rose... I looked at the system to time this, it was weirdly 6 am, really weird...

I shook my mind and decided to buy some supplies until the system popped up "mission completed, transferring experience and mystery box"

I leveled up to 7, huh, i got 7 stat so that's why the stats are pretty low for most people... Well i guess there's no hurting in opening the mystery box! And i got a!!! Piercing 2 shriken???

"Shuriken: +35 dmg

+3 agility

Special effects: piercing 2

Requirements:46 agility"

Well at least now i have a ranged weapon! I went to buy supplies and while buying i got another mission:

"take over the city of likra, no time limit

Reward:500 exp, lvl 4 mystery box

Penalty:a bounty of 10,000 gold will be put on your head"

Well this will be annoying, but i finished shopping and put all the stuff in the inventory.

Next i need a base of operations... Welp since I'm new to the city, the sewers it is! Plus i can destroy the entire city with a plaque if i can! As i was walking i grew tired and sat down with my back behind a wall, then my head suddenly fell, it seems i have opened a hidden door, and the room inside looks like it hasn't been touched in a hundred years...

Perfect! That would mean anyone who used to own this place should be dead by now! I cleaned the place up and fixed some shelves, and made a simple straw bed.

Times are hard... Right now anyway... Right now i need an ally, merchant, soldier, Knight or even a cultist! But how do i convince them... Since the world is corrupt as hell i need someone who likes justice...