
I got reincarnated as the villain and i plan to be the protagonist

A man got reincarnated and became the villain, is it too late to become the protagonist?

West_walker · Fantasy
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62 Chs


It had been 5 minutes, as we had baited a large amount of their ammunition, but at the cost of 1 fatality, 7 injured, we cannot escape as we have nothing to block the arrows.

And lastly a party has started to advance slowly, knowing we are pinned. As i mention it the said part kicked the door of the wing and started to form shieldwalls. Shit a contingency.

Everyone started pouring arrows into them, killing a couple but theres a lot of them.

Suddenly every cell was filled shieldmen blocking our arrows, suddenly a small vial was thrown at all of them one by one.

It did nothing for a second, and suddenly a click and everyone got hit was sent ablaze.

On the opposite cell i see firestarter barely being able to stand, using his hand against the wall for balance.

Grabbing a shield from the fallen, before doing so i got an idea... i grabbed the corpse nearest to me, and analysed the situation...

The arrows stopped firing, possibly waiting for anything visible to move... so holding the corpse along with someone with me.

We made the corpse peek outside, and almost immediately they had riddled him with arrows.

"poor bastard..." i said, as we tossed him away, then a final arrow hit him on the groin. I could feel the person next to me cover his groin...

i instinctively did aswell! The enemy are running out of ammunition... and we have an entire armory! Of nearly broken arrows...

We fired fire a large number of our arrows back at them, most of them were blocked but a few hit their target.

They know there are at a disadvantage, they cannot rush inside as these men have long swords and spears, very bad for tight spaces.

The knight commander ordered his men to block the entrances, and order someone to get reinforcements.

And i shot that main with an arrow, going for a backshot... the knight commander looked at me with hatred under that helm.

I shot an arrow at him, but before it landed he caught it. Then he proceeded to do a 360° turn grabbing a bow then firing back at me in quick succession.

It grazed me on my left cheek, or so i thought. Until i looked behind me, it hit firestarter right to the heart.

He knew he was the real danger... and that graze was a message. Saying i could've killed you any time..."

However he made a mistake... normally this stunt wouldn't work in my world, but not here.

As in case of emergencies! As someone with psychopathic thoughts, i always keep a health potion... inside my anal cavities! Tucked tight!

As i take it out my anal cavity, i rush over towards firestarter and popped open the health potion.

Pouring half of it on the wound, then the rest on his mouth. He's losing conciousness.

From what i know, if your heart stops working you would only have a few seconds left before you die.

As his wounds healed i operated cpr on him, as everyone watches me do it. On the first dozen pumps his eyes jolted open and he sat up gasping for air.

And started coughing, everyone cheering and clapping around me. As firestarter casually says "oh god you fed me shit!"

As i argued with him, saying it was only shit stained...

Random shit the author just wants to say:

My summer vacation is about to end, and i just wanna mention... thank you all my readers for reading this piece of shit novel! And even more shitty schedule!!

Also a story that happened to me previous semester was when one day i just had the random thought of giving my classmate who cried the day before some chocolates, i didnt know what she liked so i just bought some kitkat, snickers, and m&ms!

I decided to just put it at her table mysteriously, but i got found out! Cuz i literally did it several times.

This classmate who was a girl asked everyone who it came from and obviously it was pointed at me. She put the chocolates on my table and i literally just inspected and threw it behind me.

Thinking about it now i probably should not have done it...

I never really cared about the woman but throwing chocolate could make it form cracks... its very bad for the quality of the chocolate!

That is all thank you everyone!

P.S. my extremely shitty schedule aint gonna change! Nice try tho