
I Got Reincarnated as My Vtuber Model?!

Cedric Baltimore was a university student who secretly worked as an independent vtuber. He was living his normal life when suddenly, his computer decided to kill him! Cedric unknowingly woke up in another world filled with all sorts of dangers and excitement... But first, the price must be paid. Follow Cedric on his quest to return home and discover the world he was whisked away to along the way!

Ehnvy · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Student Who Was A Vtuber

"Thank you for joining me tonight, Waywards! I'll see you all tomorrow!"

Cedric moved his body slightly from side to side so that his Vtuber model will do the same.

He glanced one last time at the chat and read all of his viewers saying goodbye and thank you to him.

'I still can't believe I get 5k viewers on average. That's a lot for me! I never expected to get more than 10 viewers when I first started streaming as a Vtuber. After all, I just streamed for fun!'

Cedric ended the stream and sat there in front of his monitor. He stared at his Vtuber model, a male god named Gaido Anima.

Gaido is a god of a forgotten religion that guides or reaps the souls of all manner of creatures. He is a beacon that lost souls can go to and look for guidance.

All souls will inevitably come across Gaido Anima and they will have the choice to perish or serve.

Atleast, that's his Vtuber lore.

'Gaido Anima… is me. I can't wrap my head around the fact that my character is an awesome god and I'm just… me.'

Cedric stared at his Vtuber model and tried to overlap his image with him.

'My brown hair can never be as healthy as his vibrant black hair. My normal hazel brown eyes can never be as mesmerizing as his ocean blue eyes. My fashion sense can never be as stylish as his. I mean, look at him! He can either look like a well-dressed civilian or a soldier ready for battle.'

"Nevertheless… I am Gaido Anima."

The young man behind the Vtuber is Cedric Baltimore. Even his name sounds generic.

|A/N : Cedric BalTimore. Wassup fellow degens.|

Whenever he streams as this God of Souls, he becomes… someone else.

'I am not a very confident person, but I become confident whenever I'm streaming. I am not a very talkative person, but I feel like I can talk about so much whenever I'm streaming.'

"I become the best person I can be behind a mask… man I need to get my real life together."

Cedric smiled as he stretched his arms over his head after turning off the computer.

He walked to his bed and plopped down on it before turning on his phone to open a specific app.


(Gaido Anima): Thank you for helping me out today, MORDRED~!

(MORDRED): No problem, Gaido! I'm always here for you!


Cedric smiled proudly at MORDRED's response.

MORDRED is an AI that Cedric created to help him with schedules, emails, notifications, alarms, reminders, and most recently, as a chat moderator.

Yes. he made MORDRED.

'AM I A GENIUS?! Probably not. Maybe? Who cares, I'm just doing my own thing.'

MORDRED, short for My Own Robot Designed and Retrofitted and Everything Done by me, is such a great helper for a college student living alone in his own apartment.

Speaking of college…

'FUCKIN SHIT! I need to sleep. It's so late! It's already 2 AM!'

Cedric placed his phone on his bedside table after setting an alarm before closing his eyes to sleep.

"Hopefully, I'll wake up in time."


"You've gotta be fucking kidding me…"

Cedric sighed out in exasperation as he stared at the time displayed on the screen of my phone.


Cedrice plopped back down to the bed as he stretched his arms to the sides.

He tapped the phone in his right hand using a specific pattern that he programmed.

After the tapping pattern, the phone chimed as if coming to life

<Good afternoon, Gaido!>

MORDRED's slightly robotic voice greeted Cedric.

"Afternoon. Why didn't you set off my alarm?"

Cedric asked the program that he made why it was malfunctioning.

<I did! I even modified the volume to be the loudest it can be! I believe it is your own fault why you just woke up, Gaido.>

'Why did I put in so much effort to make him feel real? I forgot humans can be a pain…'

"Eugh. Yeah you're probably right."

Cedric could only sigh because he knew deep down that MORDRED was right.

After taking his time lying down on the bed, Cedric got up and booted up the computer where he takes his online classes.

'What? Who the fuck would want to go to school when you can just stay at home? Whoever disagrees is a normie that likes going out and socializing with people… yuck.'

'Then again… I was born from a decently wealthy family. Not rich or poor, but can definitely provide me with assuring comforts.'


"Aaaaaand that's done. Ahh! I'm so glad I'm not dumb!"

Cedric cheered as he stretched his body on the chair.

He was busy the whole afternoon completing the tasks he needed to do in his college for this week.

His schedule this week as a Vtuber demanded him to focus entirely on streaming.

'Thankfully most of my professors understood my situation and gave me assistance regarding my academics. I need to give them something nice, it seems.'

Cedric turned off his computer before standing up to go to the fridge in the kitchen.

He opened the fridge and saw some ingredients he could cook with. After thinking for a few moments, he closed the fridge.

"Not in the mood to cook tonight. Hmmm. Ramen. Convenience store ramen. I'm craving sodium."

Cedric muttered to himself as he put on a cream white hoodie. Thankfully, there's a convenience store a few blocks away from his apartment and he won't need to go far.

He was greeted by the cold wind of the evening when he got out onto the street. He pulled up his hood and reached his hands inside the pocket of his hoodie as he walked.

He walked on the sidewalk like a proper human being as he watched cars and other people pass him by.

'This feels great, being able to walk and think in peace with the noises of the urban city as my music.'

Cedtric eventually reached the convenience store unharmed. He entered and walked with a purpose.

'I know what I want and I know where to get it, so there's no need to look anywhere else.'

Cedric reached out a hand to one of the aisles in the convenience store. This is the aisle where one can find different kinds of instant noodles and ramen.

He took two plastic packs and went to the counter to pay for them.

"Thank you. Please, come again."

The convenience store clerk said to him in a practiced manner.

'The poor guy is tired, so let's not bother him with small talk.'

Cedric walked out of the convenience store and immediately headed home.

He walked home in the same manner he went to the convenience store.

His hoodie was pulled up in an attempt to hide his face. One of his hands was inside the hoodie pocket while the other one was dangling by the side, clutching the plastic bag for the instant ramen he bought.

Suddenly, the street in front of him lit up.

He turned around and saw… a big truck coming towards him. It's not gonna stop anytime soon.

He felt time slow down for a moment before dashing out of the way.

'Phew! Thank god I'm not fat and unhealthy.'

The truck swerved right and crashed on a lamppost by the sidewalk.

'Ha! Miss me with that weeb shit! Try again next time, truck-kun! I still want to live this shitty life!'

Cedric doesn't want to be one of those anime and light novel protagonists anytime soon. He still has a life to live!

The truck driver stepped out of the truck unharmed… unfortunately.

His face was flushed red as he looked around and stumbled on his feet. He saw Cedric and immediately bowed in shame.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! Are you hurt?"

The truck driver apologized to Cedric while slurring his words.

'This fucker… He's drunk driving! I fucking hate these kinds of highly irresponsible pieces of shit!'


Cedric screamed and lashed out at the pathetic drunk driver. The other passerbys agreed with him and started screaming at the irresponsible driver.

Thankfully, no one was hurt by the piece of shit.

The driver apologized and bowed in shame to everyone who kept on berating him.

Cedric looked around and saw some of the passersby calling for the relevant authorities with their phones.

He really didn't want to deal with this kind of situation, so he silently slipped away.

He eventually reached home without any further incidents.

He took off his hoodie and heated up water for his ramen.

He sat down in front of his computer before sighing.

The recent incident with the truck was one of the most insane and blood pumping moments of Cedric's life.

Although it was a little exciting, he really doesn't want to go through a similar experience again.

Cedric perked up as he remembered what he will stream tonight. The most popular MMORPG in the world, EfteRagna.

He booted up his computer and opened the game. He logged in and waited… and waited.

"Hmmm… Why is it taking so long?"

The game was stuck in the loading screen after Cedric entered his login credentials.

He tried exiting the game to restart it. He tried method after method but he still can't get out of the loading screen… even after he unplugged his computer.

"This is fucking weird, man…"

Cedric was frankly horrified by what he's seeing. But he didn't know that a lot more horrors were coming his way.

His whole computer set-up sparked as lightning coiled around the hardware.

He stepped back from his computer and stared in equal horror and awe. He took his phone and tried to record what was happening.

Before he could even turn on the phone, the lightning coiling around his computer jumped out towards him.

It was painful. The worst pain Cedric ever felt in his life.


Cedric's body spasmed and spasmed from the pain of the lightning before his vision went black… forever.

Heya, author here!

So... I don't know. I just wanted to say hi LOL

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