
duel battle part 2 josh god of wisdom

seeing my sister back off is verry trouble some even i know she has the passive Skill combat mastery damn i need to play my steps right or i will just end up being killed or close to it. i shighed as i examined his posture nad his weapon so close combat is not his thing he is useing a weapon that is based on outstretched attacks but still not quite aoe or tank i knod and charge at him {system notification quest has been recived defeat siblings reward 250 lvls} ok since when did the system show me the rewards? i ponder for a minute untill i see him rush me blocking his attack i grab my staff from enha. (name :josh (race :god (sibling) lvl:762) i see briefly before i manage to shove him back only for the system to ring out agian {system notification host has received 1500 fear pionts notice fear pionts has been converted into rage pionts host now has 500 rage} ok well thats good news the only mian concern is his lvl. i softly grunt as i rush at him quickly dogging around his staff in order to hit his chest or another spot he sees my actions only for him to jump back at the last seccond making me miss him 'that was too close ' josh thought silently i braced for a attack only for josh to raise his arm witcj glowed slightly gold until i saw the tribal celtic markings apper a beam of golden flame shot out of his hand i dogged creating more of a gap between us. the church and the crowd were silent as they wiated in anticipation for what would happen next untill sanico yelled out towards her sister "you can do this min hit him reall good for me ." after she did that the crowd started to shout anew and the bids had started up once more. josh gave a small mockingly smile as he dsshed towards min however what he was not expecting was for min to jump an spin her body sidewards 180 landing behind him only for her to hit his back hard causing josh to go flying fowards. he knew if he didnt regian his footing and for his sister to keep on pushing him he would have a major disadvantage aginst defence min however kept leaving major openings between her strikes she didnt smile she was serous as she counted to push her advace unaware she was knocking his hp dow verry low.

sanico's draconic eyes glowed red as she just simply siad "well thats not good if he dosent submit the fight he actually might end up dieing " luke just look at his sister sanico and gave her a raised eyebrow "although he might actually deserve it." luke just knodded before speaking "perhaps but if she is trying to stay incognito as what we both have seen that cant happen sister are you thinking what i might be?" luke asked"yes but is she purposely leaving herself open like that?" luke glanced at sanico only to see a side glance from his sister as she just knodded and he did the same before they both lept from the stands sanico summoned her scythe out of her inventory space attempting to strike right in front of her sister while luke was quickly approaching josh to retrieve him.