
i Got Reincarnated as a Slime Again and Met a Nice Spider

twitter: @iles_04蓝银皇吃了 this is a fan-fic about that time i got reincarnated as a slime and i am a spider so what

slime032345 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 4

Ok then, let's go. It is not a long story.

Yes ok now tell me.

My everyday life was nothing special but I was more bullied.

So I had no friends. And then one day when we were all sitting in the classroom, the classroom was bathed in a bright light and then I woke up in the egg.

Ok so you would be summoned.

Yes, probably, but what happened to the others? Kumoko asks.

I don't know if you want to find out or not.

Mmh I don't know. They never treated me well.

So yes or no.

No for now, maybe someday.

Okay, look ahead. I she light.

Yeah, that's right. Kumoko start walking faster.

Yes, there is an exit from the cave. I can see a tree. Kumoko shouts with energy.

She runs out of the cave and breathes deeply.

This is another world. Says Rimuru.

How? So this is a different world from the one you were in before.

Yes, it is. He answers.

How do you know?

It is another sign still.

Oh ok... and what do we do now.

I would say we should find a town or village where we can buy clothes for me so that I can get into my human form.

Ok that sounds good.

Tell me Rimuru, do you ever get hungry?

No I'm a slime I can't feel hunger.

What really you don't get hungry.

Yes... I can't taste anything either.

Which is real.

Yeah but not quite when I'm in my human form I can taste things.

Ok so when you are in your human form you can taste something.

Yeah, that's right.

Ok then let's find a town and buy you some clothes.

Ok, but where are we going to walk to?

But where should we walk to Kumoko asks.

Rimuru says. Let's go in the direction of the mountain over there.

There is a mountain on the horizon.

Ok then let's go.

Kumoko starts walking in that direction.

After a while Rimuru jumps off Kumoko's arms and runs into the forest.

What are you doing Rimuru. Kumoko asks in a confused voice.

I felt something.

Like what sensed.

Rimuru does not answer but continues to hop.

Kumoko runs after him.

They run for a while through the forest until they come to a waterfall. Rimuru stops.

What is going on Rimuru.

Rimuru does not answer.

What is the matter Rimuru.

At once the waterfall divides into two and an older man comes running through the middle.

Rimuru jumps behind a bush.

Kumoko does not know what to do and also goes behind the bush.

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