
I got reincarnated as a mage

A young girl died and was reincarnated in a world filled with monsters and must now level up her skills to survive, with the help of her friends they push onward.

The_Ghostwriter_17 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The rune city of Olad

The sudden silence of us escaping the sharks slowly crept in as we descended the mountain. "Well that's unusual" vada said , I have never seen low level monsters attack humans before."

"So that's not a common occurrence then?" I asked. "And what do you mean by low level monsters."

"Well master, monsters here are ranked by their danger level towards humans, and seeing as how sky sharks are rather common creatures found throughout the country and are also known to be harmless to humans they are what we call lower level monsters " she said as she explained. But on the other hand there are other monsters who for some reason throughout the land have gained intelligence and will attack in a coordinated union and those are what we call Ranked Monsters, they have a specific system used to categorize them and they all have different abilities just like the humans. After acknowledging this the Hunter's guild was formed and is used as a platform for eliminating these monsters should they attack or pose a threat to humans. They are placed in a group which has the ranks A, B, C, D and S, with S being the most dangerous. As Vada so carefully explained we walked and finally reached the bottom of the mountain and into a forest with thick trees in abundance and the rushing sounds of water.

"Wow !" I said " Its majestic, I've never seen water this clear as I went to the edge of the river and gently placed my hand in the shallow banks."

"Indeed master this region is my domain" Vada said proudly as she looked onto the horizon.

"What do you mean your domain ?" I asked rather quickly. "Well master there are five great lands in which we spirits have been protecting for millennia and it just so happens that I've been protecting this one, as for the other four I'll get into it later, all you really need to know right now is that there are four other great spirits such as myself that protect said lands."

"I have a question master?" Vada asked as she prances infront of me.

"Sure what's up " I replied.

"Well you don't seem to have the common knowledge of this country nor do you have weapons or armor of any kind, just how did you make it through my dungeon?"

"Well about that" as I began to inform her of my dying and being reincarnated here situation.

"So you died in another world and got reincarnated here, no wonder your clueless. In any case what will you do now that your here?"

"Well I'm naturally gonna assume that equipment and food aren't free here, so our first order of business is to get some money."

"Yes, you are right master, I think it is the best course of action to register as a hunter, not only do you have access to other countries for free but they have also garnered influence throughout the years."

"Well if you think that's the best way let's do it, plus I'm not opposed to wearing bad ass gear" I said while imagining my new clothing.

"We should get going before nightfall" Vada said "The town area is just up ahead."

As we traversed through the forest we saw an abundance of wildlife and plants just co existing and making the forest a home to many.

"Here we are" Vada said as we both gazed onto what seemed to be a giant a ruined city floating in the sky.

I didn't know whether to be astonished or disappointed as I looked at the giant structure that was gently floating for what seemed to be a few miles in the air, with a few smaller broken pieces around it.

"Well master, what do you think?. This is the the rune city of Olad." she said with a proud look on her face again.

I stared at her and for a second thought to myself, I don't really know anything about vada. I'll be sure to ask when we get in the city.

"I have so many questions!!" as I looked in awe. "First off how do we get up there?, and why is it called the rune city?, what's a rune anyways?" I said while trying to figure out this very precarious situation.