
I got reborn as megumi's older brother

Niko, a regular student, met an untimely end after being struck by a truck. His sole regret was not being able to watch the second season of Jujutsu Kaisen. To his surprise, he was granted the extraordinary opportunity to be reborn in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, but with a twist—he became Megumi's older brother. Moreover, he was given three wishes to help him navigate this new life the MC will be smart and for his appearance he will look like a younger version of toji

ZRUSQA · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Ch 27 Subjugation

After returning to Africa, Ichiro immersed himself in rigorous training for the ensuing months, preparing himself for the impending task of subjugation. In a vast expanse of open plain, resembling a flat canvas awaiting its artist's stroke, Ichiro stood alone, the gleam of determination in his eyes matching the shine of the sword strapped to his back.

"Huff, alright huff, I'm done warming up," he exhaled, his breath visible in the crisp air.

As he stretched his muscles, Ichiro's gaze scanned the horizon, absorbing the solitude of his surroundings. With each movement, he felt the weight of his training, the culmination of relentless dedication.

"Since I've been training for months now, I'm now ready," he declared to himself, the words carrying both conviction and resolve.

With a resolute grin etched upon his face, Ichiro's demeanor shifted, his expression turning serious as he stilled his movements. Standing tall, he allowed silence to envelop him, the quietude of the plain broken only by the gentle rustle of the wind.

After a moment of contemplation, Ichiro began to chant, his voice low yet steady, the syllables carrying an ancient resonance that seemed to resonate with the very earth beneath his feet. Each word spoken was imbued with purpose, a solemn invocation of his intent and determination.

As the chant continued, Ichiro's focus intensified, his mind clear and his spirit unyielding. In this solitary moment, amidst the vastness of the plain, he forged a connection with the land and the task that lay ahead.

And with each repetition of the chant, Ichiro's resolve grew stronger, his determination unwavering as he prepared to confront the challenges that awaited him in the journey of subjugation.

"In realms of twilight, shadows dance,

Skoll and Hati, their fates advance.

From ancient lore, their bond entwined,

In cosmic hunt, their destinies find.

Skoll, the prowler, with eyes ablaze,

Hati, the hunter, in moonlit maze.

Across the heavens, their chase unfolds,

Eclipsing realms, as saga foretolds.

Majestic wolves, with spirits untamed,

Their howls echo, where legends are named.

In my world, their tale is spun,

Skoll and Hati, 'come forth."

As Ichiro completed his chant, a shroud of darkness seemed to coalesce around him, giving birth to a black figure reminiscent of the night itself. In contrast, a radiant form emerged, glowing with a brilliance akin to the sun, both figures towering in stature like majestic steeds. Their eyes gleamed with an intensity that could pierce the soul, and their low growls resonated with a primal power that sent shivers down Ichiro's spine.

A/N the size of skoll and Hati here, is the size of a full grown horse and the size of the mini version wolf of Hati is the size of a gray wolf

"Wow, if glares could kill, I would be ten times dead," Ichiro muttered to himself, his voice laced with a mixture of awe and apprehension. "And besides, it's too dangerous being too close. I must create distance since I have no idea what these wolves' abilities are."

With beads of sweat forming on the right side of his face, Ichiro maintained a vigilant stance, his senses on high alert as he edged backward. Every muscle in his body tensed, prepared for whatever challenge lay ahead.

Not letting his guard down for even a second, Ichiro focused his energy, readying himself for action. With a swift movement, he vanished from his spot, only to reappear in front of the two imposing wolves, his eyes locked onto theirs with unwavering determination.

"I may not know what you're capable of," Ichiro spoke, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins, "but I will not falter in the face of danger. If you seek to challenge me, then let it be known that I am ready to face whatever trials await."

'Ichiro's blade sliced through the air with precision, aimed at the black wolf in an attempt to immobilize it. Yet, to his surprise, the wolf pivoted effortlessly to the left, evading the attack with a fluid grace that belied its size. In a swift countermove, the black wolf lunged towards Ichiro, but years of rigorous training allowed him to evade the attack with a deft sidestep.

"Whew, looks like this is not gonna be easy, huh?" Ichiro remarked, his breaths coming in steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Those two haven't shown their cards yet."

As Ichiro pondered his next move, a plan began to form in his mind. With a determined glint in his eye, he reached a conclusion.

"Alright, if you don't want to reveal your abilities, then I'll just put you two in a situation where you have no choice but to use them," Ichiro declared, his voice carrying a hint of determination laced with confidence.

Ichiro, once again, assumed his stance, shrouding his body in a veil of cursed energy. With determination etched upon his features, he propelled himself towards the wolves with a ferocity that left them no time to react. His blade found its mark, severing the limbs of the black wolf in a swift, decisive strike.

"Tsk, only the black wolf got hit, huh?" Ichiro remarked, his brow furrowed in concentration. "That white wolf is very agile. I thought they would be the same. Guess I was wrong. Well, it can't be helped. That's one down, one more to go-"

Before Ichiro could finish his sentence, a sudden impact from the side sent him hurtling across the land, his body skidding against the ground with a jarring force.

"What... what was that?" Ichiro's voice wavered with surprise and disbelief as he struggled to regain his bearings. "It's so fast... I couldn't even react... huh?"

As Ichiro pondered the sudden turn of events, his gaze fell upon the black wolf, which now stood upright as if the devastating blow he had delivered moments ago had been inconsequential.

"It healed itself?" Ichiro's mind raced with confusion and curiosity. "How...?"

As Ichiro's gaze fell upon the white wolf, a realization dawned upon him, and he came to a conclusion.

"Oh, I see. So you're the one behind it. Interesting," Ichiro mused, his voice tinged with newfound understanding.

With clarity now guiding his actions, Ichiro discerned the roles each wolf played in the battle. "So the black wolf deals with the attack, while the white wolf is responsible for healing it. Now I know the white wolf's abilities."

Determined to press on, Ichiro readied himself for another assault. Drawing his Solid Strike Cleaver once more, he infused it with cursed energy, preparing to launch a powerful strike aimed at both wolves from afar. With a fierce determination, he unleashed the attack, a massive and violent gust of cursed energy taking the shape of a slashing arc as it hurtled towards the wolves.

However, before the attack could reach its intended targets, the black wolf let out a sudden, piercing howl. From its shadow emerged a smaller version of itself, rapidly coalescing into a protective barrier that formed a formidable wall, successfully blocking Ichiro's assault.

"So, that's the black wolf's abilities," Ichiro remarked, his tone a mixture of admiration and determination. Even in the face of adversity, he remained steadfast, his mind already racing with plans to overcome the wolves' formidable defenses."

As Ichiro observed the wolves' defensive capabilities, a grin spread across his face, a glimmer of excitement dancing in his eyes.

"I guess my first plan to force them to use their abilities was not successful, considering they could've dodged the attack instead of blocking it just now," Ichiro remarked, his tone tinged with acknowledgment of the wolves' cunning.

With the wolves regrouping and preparing to counterattack, Ichiro braced himself for the impending onslaught. As the black wolf summoned its smaller counterparts to initiate the assault, Ichiro remained unfazed, his stance unwavering.

"Oh, they've started an attack, huh? Alright then, come," Ichiro called out, his voice steady and resolute.

The wolves swarmed towards Ichiro, their collective mass forming a formidable mountain of fur and fangs. Yet, just as they closed in on him, a sudden gust of wind swept through the battlefield, dispersing the wolves and revealing Ichiro standing unscathed amidst the chaos.

A young man now stood atop the dissipating mass of wolves, a flicker of amusement evident in his eyes as he regarded the wolves.

"Hey, is this all you've got?" Ichiro taunted, his voice carrying a hint of mockery as he surveyed the wolves with a sardonic grin.