
I Got Picked By The Cosmic God To Replace Him As The New Cosmic God!

Zyron's day was as normal as any other day. But suddenly after he blinked, he found himself in the middle of nowhere in the space. It turns out that the Cosmic God, the ruler and protector of the universe where Zyron exist has called him to announce that Zyron will be the next Cosmic God of the universe. Although anti-climatic and is beyond of Zyron's expectation, The Cosmic God gave the title on Zyron and hurriedly disappeared. Zyron is facing a new journey to understand the power that is given to him. And to discover every secrets and mysteries of the universe that is now on Zyron's hand.

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39 Chs


All the Gods mysteriously left the battlefield which shook the enemies. All the celestial Gods gathered and kneeled in an invisible floor in a row in front of an mighty looking entity.

The entity spoke few words with the kneeling Gods before his voice boomed across the battlefield which was heard by everyone.

"You're leader has been eliminated. All of you will be hold as prisoners of wars."

The voice carry intense intimidating pressure which even affects his own troops. Some of the alien let go of their weapons and rushed towards the remaining battleships. All of them panicked making everyone approach the battle spaceships in a rowdy manners. All of them gasp as one by one from the edge, Battle spaceships exploded consecutively which cause some of the ships move abandoning the remaining passengers but some of the passengers decided to rush out of the ship as the explosions gets closer.

The enemies' hopes were shattered as the last battle spaceship which is the only way for them to go back on their galaxies exploded along with the fools who remained inside. Everyone of them felt hopelessness, terror, and fear.

The mighty entity which is their enemies's leader raised his hands and in front of him a hole materialised. Every alien ran away from the hole but it was futile because the hole emits pulling force that sucked every enemy aliens inside of it.

Cries of terrors and shouts of help terrified the humans even though it was their enemy whose producing it. They witnessed a scene they thought on themselves a massacre. But the truth is, Zyron isolated them in a different space for they will be useful for him in the future.

The humans couldn't utter a shout of victory for what have they saw. But in just a snapped or Zyron, they were all transported just above a reddish brown planet with beautiful wide rings of asteroids. They were all amazed by the scenery slowly easing their fear and replacing it with awe.

The brightness of their sun gave them the feeling of home after fighting in darkness space.

"We're back."

One said to himself.

"We won!"

One exclaimed with mixed emotion of sadness and happiness.

"We protected our solar system!"

Many different shouts of victory resounded engulfing everyone with cheers and happiness. Everyone was silent as mugs and bottles suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Your victory was already announced in the remaining earthlings. You will be greeted there with cheers and congratulatory welcomes. But for now, enjoy the small victory our majesty has offered."

The once demon resembling death itself was now changed into a gentleman to state his messages without being feared. Countless orbs of blue lights appeared randomly giving the warriors a pleasant light as some of them reach for the mugs and bottles.

While the humans accepted the small occasion, all the Gods had entered a realm owned by Zyron. A small girl marching grumpily towards Zyron assaulted him with complains.

"Why did you end the war already! I haven't killed a million yet! I didn't even gain more than a hundred levels! How can you do this to me!"

She exclaimed slamming the unmoving chest of the Cosmic God. That war is a serious war which was all because of you.

" I suggest you treat problems you cause to me seriously so we can avoid you being erased as a player in my system. "

The slamming of his chest quickly turned into massaging of his shoulders and back when she heard his statement.

"Zyron-kun you're so bad at jokes you know that? Of course I'm taking it seriously! I even brought my friend- I mean, back ups so that our victory is much easy to achieve."

Uttered by her soothingly but the Cosmic God kept his in unbreakable stern mask.

"Oh? You mean you're teammates which you added in the system without my permission?"

The Cosmic God said it in a fake curious voice which was interpreted by the young girl as a threat which made her resolves to go back on her seat.

"That's nothing Zyron-kun! HAHA! Now, I let's start this serious discussions! "

She dismiss the threat and then she turned serious at his second sentence. The other Gods showed an expression of helplessness and some didn't react at all because they revered the girl with respect as she is the former Cosmic God and the only one who can joke with their majesty, the new Cosmic God.

"I would-like to share my information first that I haved gathered from my opponent Zyron-sama."

The black demon politely said which was given a nod by the Cosmic God. The demon then take a stand to state his information.

"I am knowledgeable in terms of names in the Celestial plane and I believe that a celestial demon named Beiretha is non existent in the Celestial plane. My claim was proven right by the individual herself when she said. ' I have not fought a demon like you in my universe.' She said."

The demon bowed before taking his seat again.

"Has anyone gained information similar too Diabolo here?"

The Cosmic God ask which was replied by only one person.

"This is not an information I gathered in the battlefield but is a knowledge of mine."

The rainbow-colored hair young looking girl said in a serious manner. The Cosmic God knows that when his senior acted like this, she becomes reliable and useful in discussions. The Cosmic God nodded and then gazed at her.

The young girl didn't bother to stand but just placed both of her elbow on the large circular table before talking.

"I knew that your fight with Zarathustra was interrupted by a third person. And it seems that the individual is stronger than Zarathustra herself right? am I correct?"

She asked on the Cosmic God which was just simply replied by a nod.

"Considering that the Female celestial demon that Diabolo faced are really not from our celestial plane and she and her companion appeared the same time with the individual Zyron encountered. There might be a possibility that they were from the other universe."