
I Got Picked By The Cosmic God To Replace Him As The New Cosmic God!

Zyron's day was as normal as any other day. But suddenly after he blinked, he found himself in the middle of nowhere in the space. It turns out that the Cosmic God, the ruler and protector of the universe where Zyron exist has called him to announce that Zyron will be the next Cosmic God of the universe. Although anti-climatic and is beyond of Zyron's expectation, The Cosmic God gave the title on Zyron and hurriedly disappeared. Zyron is facing a new journey to understand the power that is given to him. And to discover every secrets and mysteries of the universe that is now on Zyron's hand.

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39 Chs


--------Alan Gomez's point of view--------

"That's all Mr. President. "

"Good work. Now send this to the Council and see if they agree."

"Yes sir!"

Kim bowed her head before she walked towards the door to take her leave. Kim must be really tired going to and fro. Same as my hands that scribbles on mountains of paper with a pen for like 20 hours.

The reports has always 80% a bad news that even burdens my work because I need to squeeze my brain to find a solution. My eyes are tired, my hands are tired, I am tired! I shouldn't have aspired to be a president.

"Sorry to burden your problems Alan. But I'll add a huge problem on top of it."

Suddenly, all hairs on my body stands after I heard a mysterious voice.


I shouted and then search for the emergency button under my desk. When my fingers found it, I quickly pressed the button.

Two guards rush in after they heard my voice.

"Mr. Presid-"

Their words was cut when they hit an invisible wall as they rush towards me.

"Can you tell your subordinates to shut up?"

The mysterious voice resounded again. It was a voice of a human but carried an intense pressure.

An orb appeared in front of my desk sparkling continously. The spark gets faster and faster and even shines brighter every time. I covered my eyes for it was to bright for me to look.

After a few seconds, I heard gunshots, continuous gunshots!

"Who are you! "

One of my guards shouted. I opened my eyes and what I saw was a boy made of glass. His insides are filled with ever flowing colors of Violet and blue. Countless lights are rushing along the movement of the colors inside his body.

His hair was hazing smoke of blue and golden sparks of lights. Two pairs of bright Violet eyes with two white pupils are staring at me. More like in my soul.

He keeps his poker face staring at me then he spoked again.

"I have a favor to ask you. Alan."


"Is the US ready?"

"Yes sir! US is now online!"

"China and Russia are online sir!"

"Same as Japan and Taiwan sir!"

"How many countries are online? "

"Sir! 72 countries are currently online. "

This much should be fine. The news will spread fast eventually because this is the most important moment of this planet.

"Okay, start the conference! "

"But sir!"

"I said start it!"

I shut one of my subordinates and the others inside the conference room followed my orders.


"Yes. I know."

I sat sat on the swivel chair at the center of a long circular desk. A large screen in front of me was standing and it is displaying a large rectangular box and inside of it are hundreds of smaller rectangular grids.

One by one, the rectangular black screen was replaced by a person in suit with their respective flag behind them.

"What's with the sudden emergency call Mr. Gomez? You better make sure that this isn't a waste of time."

"Indeed, we have our own crisis inside our country to face too. So this better be not you just asking help or advice."

Greg Smith of the United States muttered followed by Chen Huang's voice.

"Those problems of yours will definitely wait."

Every person inside the screen muttered words of annoyance and arrogant words.

"Master Zyron, it's ready."

I said in a low voice.

Everyone in the screen halt their sentences when a colorful light with a silhouette of a person appeared between me and the screen.

Some of them removed their glasses and some whispered in their secretary if there's a possible glitch or fake editing happening.

Zyron, the being who appeared in front of me a while ago was observing them. He touch my forehead earlier and I was transferred in space. From afar in that location, I can see countless lights that doesn't seems to belong on stars. Our position was changed like we were being swallowed from our back but my eyes wasn't able to look at my back for I was busy discerning what might those lights be.

The distortion in my view stopped and those light I saw was now just dot that I can't even see clearly. I noticed a big round object at my peripheral view and I saw an enormous round rock. I realise it was our moon.

My heart raced as I pray that I just misinterpreted what this being wants me to understand by doings this. But when I turned my head at my back, I can clearly see the earth.

My head keeps shifting back from where I saw the lights and the earth right in front of me. I glanced at the being named Zyron. He gave me a nod before uttering the sentence that I wish I wouldn't hear.

"This solar system will face war."

The presidents of various nation wasn't able to talk. Some of them were shocked and some are still holding on the thought that this was some kind of illusion or trick to waste their time.

"I need you to assist the warriors for the preparations for war. "

Zyron said and then he closed his eyes. At that very moment, I felt my soul react to something. I wasn't the only one, every one in the screen placed their hands on their heart with incomprehensible expressions.

Not only them, everyone in the room was the same. And then, everyone react at the same time as I heard a voice in my head.


The voice called, all people in the room and in the screen lingered their head like their searching for something. Until they stopped their head at the direction of Zyron whose in the middle of the room.

"A war will occur in a scale where no one has ever experienced. This war will determine your existence, your family, friends, and your whole species."

Again. I was transferred in space. But this time, not just me. From behind me, inform the of me, from everywhere I turne my head. There are countless of humans.

Some where shock and panicking, some are scared and worried,some are amazed and still discerning what is happening. The vision I saw earlier was now showned to everyone.

Eventually, my vision was now back at the conference room. Everyone was in sweat, some are scared and some even broke down or faint.

"Instructions will be instructed in the shells that will appear in your places. When using the vessel in the war, you don't need to be scared of dying unless you fail your mission which is to win. Various entities will help you. May you bring victory on yourselves and save your kind. "

--------------Zyron's point of view---------

There,there. That should be enough. I'm so cool as ever. 'AZTRA, place those shells in place where there huge amount of humans present.




Shells 3x bigger than a car appeared in various places projected in the countless floating screens in front of me.

Now that everyone in the planet is connected in me, they can use the homunculuses without issue. I made a pretty awesome appearance at the president's office. Pfft! I can't forget his face.

Anyways, AZTRA can manage the war preparation's procedures and stuff while all I need to do is say yes and add something or make few changes.

I'm in my room sitting in the bed and my phone rang. Hmm? Hannah? She might be excited or worried, but my guess is she is excited. She's still a wee bit after all. And I included one of her favorite anime there. Let me pick it up for a sec.

"Zyron! I'm here at the shell!"

Well that's fast, she sounds excited.

"It seems like we can fight without dying by using an avatar that is in space! Just like a video game! "

She exclaimed. Hey Hannah the world will end if you fail. Don't act like you bought a limited edition video game.

"And I am currently viewing all the avatar we can use. And one of them looks the same as Sh**n! Can you believe it? The avatar has skills too! And the skill of this avatar matches that of her!"

Wait, she's your favorite character? That brut woman?

"Woah! Your there already? Wait for me! I'll be there too. Let me hang up."

I said then I end the call. *sigh*. I feel exhausted though. Do I really need to go there? I wish I was N*r*t*.


I'm always keeping the word count to not pass 1400. but this one exceeds 1600! I didn't even realise. So now we have a very long chapter. I'm having a hard time cutting some paragraphs so this is the least I could deduce it to.

ETHEREAL_ZYRONcreators' thoughts