
I Got Picked By The Cosmic God To Replace Him As The New Cosmic God!

Zyron's day was as normal as any other day. But suddenly after he blinked, he found himself in the middle of nowhere in the space. It turns out that the Cosmic God, the ruler and protector of the universe where Zyron exist has called him to announce that Zyron will be the next Cosmic God of the universe. Although anti-climatic and is beyond of Zyron's expectation, The Cosmic God gave the title on Zyron and hurriedly disappeared. Zyron is facing a new journey to understand the power that is given to him. And to discover every secrets and mysteries of the universe that is now on Zyron's hand.

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39 Chs


The morning class finally ended and I quickly leave our classroom. I was walking down the hallway thinking of where to put this corpse. I-i mean Mark! Of course he's still alive.

I eventually passed the staff room which gave me an idea. I entered in it and made sure no one saw it. The room was dark, various cleaning tools like mops and brooms scattered everywhere. This is a perfect place to dispose the body, I mean Mark!

'Release individual Mark Glasc. ' I commanded and a body materialised in front of me and then it falls.


Shit! He falls to the ground and release a grunt of pain. Why! I should have instructed in detail!.

"M-Mark! You're here! W-why are you sleeping in the staff room! We were worried about you! "

I quickly muttered. That's right! That's seems to be plausible right? After all Mark sometimes sleeps during class.

"What! No! I was just at the comfort room then something attacked me! It swallowed me! That's right! Something swallowed me! Zyron! I almost died WUAHH!"

Mark cried pulling my slacks like he's begging me to believe him. Poor guy.

"No! That's not possible! There's no alien here! I clearly saw you sleeping! Come on let's get back to our classroom."

"B-but! It's true! *sigh*"

Mark release a sigh of defeat giving up on forcing me to believe him. He wiped the tears on his face and I escorted him.

Wait! I almost forgot! What happens on the mark on our classroom! I was too exhausted I forgot about it!


Wow! You can do that? Wooh! That was close!

On our way back, we encountered Hannah and Cyrus. Cyrus Assaulted Mark with many questions and the later just shrugged his shoulder because he's not sure too on what to say.

Cyrus Felt the mood of his friend and we just headback not questioning him anymore.

We ate lunch together and the class started. It's afternoon already and the bell rang. Finally it's time. I bid farewell on my friends and head home quickly.

'AZTRA, is it ready?'


'Then please take me there.'


Our living room disappeared instantly and replaced by a pavilion in a beautiful landscape. I can't help but widen my eyes in awe. It's much more beautiful than I imagined!

The furniture was so refined and elegant, it was like furnitures in medieval style like on those animes and mangas of fantasy genre!

The pavilion was beautiful white with every edge coated with gold. It has intricate designs of golden leafs and vines patterned pleasantly. The floor was marble with designs of gold, black, grey and white scattered randomly.

The most beautiful part of this realm is the landscape! The skies above are clear and beautiful blue! From afar, you could see clouds scattered on the horizon.

The beautiful dome-like waterfall that was caging the medium lake below the pavilion comes with the soothing sound of vast amount of water falling, creating an eventual thunder like sounds.

It's so fantastic! But it feels empty somehow.


Oh! AZTRA is becoming more excellent! That's right! What this place need is creatures! I still have time! 'AZTRA! Please generate a new panel for lifeform creation. Add a functions that create lifeforms, modify life forms and soul generator for the life forms that I'll create. Is that possible?'


Yosh! This is gonna be awesome! Now I can be a real God! I'll be able to create lifeforms! So cool!

'Oh, also activate thought acceleration! '

With this, I'll have like many hours to produce my creations!

After a one hour of waiting, of course with thought acceleration, it should be just 5 minutes pass in original time.




The most awaited panel that I've been waiting for opened.









Okay! Let's start being a God!

----Luna's point of view-----

"Let's go. Zyron-sama is waiting."

Diabolo said to me before entering the portal that appeared in front of me.

"Hestia, take care about this underground castle while I'm away."

The spirit guardian in form of human with a lower half of a deer bowed to me. Her form was known to some earthlings as a dryad. She has pointed ears and porcelain skin that made her complexion looks pale.

"Leave it to me your majesty. "

I entered the portal and I was transferred in a realm that does not exist physically in this solar system.

He already know how to create a realm. He's majesty is too skilled on his power to be referred as rising star or a newly crowned Cosmic God.

A fantastic scenery appeared in my vision as I entered the realm where the meeting will be held.

A magnificent white pavilion with Golden designs welcomed me. It has beautiful furnitures and a big circular grandiose table sitting in the middle of the structure with golden chairs that had red cushions surrounding the table.

An enchanting waterfalls that surrounding a lake where the pavilion is standing is producing a calming sound. You could see a long creature with a head of a dragon that has soft features are hovering everywhere.

My eyes that can see through everything spotted a gigantic creature dominating the space in the skies.

It can be compared on a whale, a creature from earth. It's only difference are the translucent wings that looks like a thin fabric. The creature has 6 of it in both sides. It's sizes bigger than the whale by ten folds.

While I was immense at indulging the beauty of this realm. Portals appeared one by one encircling the round table.

Every one has different reaction. Some are like mine, Some keep their poker face and some has unreadable expressions.

Diabolo appeared besides Zyron-sama who is sitting on a carpet with his back onto us. A ball of light with pair of wings emerged from the orb in front of him. It hovered in an unstable manner before it finally circled gracefully around it's creator.

"Zyron-sama, everyone is here."

Diabolo whispered on his majesty.

Finally. The meeting will begin. We can all witness our majesty's intention. Will he rule the universe in peace, or will spread chaos.

His majesty stand up from the carpet and faced us. His eyes observed us one by one. As his eyes landed on me. I can fill my soul suddenly being connected on him without my permission. Truly a powerful Cosmic God. What will he do to us in wonder.

"I see. Then, we shall start."