
I Got Picked By The Cosmic God To Replace Him As The New Cosmic God!

Zyron's day was as normal as any other day. But suddenly after he blinked, he found himself in the middle of nowhere in the space. It turns out that the Cosmic God, the ruler and protector of the universe where Zyron exist has called him to announce that Zyron will be the next Cosmic God of the universe. Although anti-climatic and is beyond of Zyron's expectation, The Cosmic God gave the title on Zyron and hurriedly disappeared. Zyron is facing a new journey to understand the power that is given to him. And to discover every secrets and mysteries of the universe that is now on Zyron's hand.

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39 Chs



Once again I was blown away!


'AZTRA! Cast IMPACT BARRIER immediately after it was destroyed!'


The Kzarg' Virog repeatedly attack me while the casting of the impact barrier was almost like instant!

Shit how can I act so cool earlier when I don't even have the means to attack him!

I think I got so cocky because I'm the Cosmic God.

It's not my fault! I've never even experience fighting before even I was a human! Oh! I know what to do!

'AZTRA, open skill library!'


A virtual screen appeared in my mind and I immediately choose the +add skill

An orb materialised in front me. I quickly put my hand in and Chann energy in it. The orb shined brighter once I finished creating the skill.




When I opened my eyes, I saw the alien's fist almost reaching my face. But it's in slow motion. I tried to dodge but it's like my body can't move! Right! My thought processing is just fast! The fist landed on an invisible barrier in front on me and I was blown away again.

"That barrier is bothersome! You are a shame for calling yourself a Cosmic God! Fight me, you coward lowly human!"

The Alien shouted angrily.

"Is that so? Then, I shall fight you!"

I announced while wiping the blood from my lips.

Oh good! I still have blood as a Cosmic God! I really need this so that I can create cool scenes like these! Okay back to the problem!

The alien was annoyed and I can see his eyes twitching.

I reopened the skill panel again and the quickly creates a skill. An orb appeared again in front of me and then I started created a skill.

The alien seems to be wary at what I am doing because he stopped attacking. I can feel him condensing his Cosmic energy and surround his self with it. HAHA! Stupid!


The time stopped again and I walked towards the alien again while creating a skill again. Chronostatic body allows my body to react as fast as my mind can. And because thought acceleration is passive skill that automatically activates when AZTRA detects a threat. I can be fast in an instant.

The alien was shocked at what I just did and quickly dispelled the barrier he was creating with the condensed Cosmic energy to charge toward me. He ran towards me but it's just as fast as how I can walk now.

The expression of the alien turned into hatred. Who's slow now?

Finally the skill was finished. 'AZTRA? can you adjust my speed to level his please? I commanded with a smug faces that even insults the alien.


The alien finally moved faster in my perspective. But in his perspective, I slowed down. Because of that he revealed an evil smile. Really this guy is STUPID! HAHA.

Now, this is where my story as a protagonist really begins! 'Battle Usurper!'

The alien launched his right fist to my head. Instead of dodging it, I crossed my arms to block it. When he's fist hits my arms, I was pushed back by the force.

Wow, his blows was strong! If this was my human body, I think I would have been blown into pieces.

He continued with his left fist launching it in my abdomen. I once again block it with my arms.

A smirk appeared on his faced and he throws his fists to me continously which I blocked with my arms pushing me back everytime.

From how he sees it, he was winning. But little did he know, that every time he punch, my combat ability increases.

Battle Usurper, the new skill I created lets me absorbed every fighting style, move or technique my opponent use against me in a hand to hand battle. I created it like these because like I said! I don't know how to fight!

The alien felt ecstatic every time he punch me, seeing my arms generate bruises every time I block his hits gives him more pleasure.

Yuck, don't make that face! That's so ugly! Even though that's Mark face, but still! Imagine a girl seeing that kind of face, they will definitely shout 'hentai! Sasukete! And spray their pepper spray on his eyes.

His punches halted and I could feel Cosmic energy gathering in his fist.

"Take this you weak Fake Cosmic God! "

He said then drove his empowered punch on to my arms. It was stronger than any other punches he hit me. This time, I wasn't just pushed back but I flawed backwards.


In a dark wide space, we can see two teen boys. One was lying on the ground, one was laughing ecstatically. The laughing boy pointed his fingers on the boy lying on the ground.

" Zarathustra-sama is the one who should reign as a Cosmic God! Not you, your just a wea-"

His shouting was disrupted when a fist was buried in his cheeks that even made his head literally spin.

The boy who was lying on the ground a while ago was now in front of him with his fist full of smoke.

"Oh, now I confirmed that this was not Mark's body. Now I can do whatever I want to do on you."

Zyron said coldly as his Violet black hole-like eyes darted an immense pressure on the Kzarg' Virog' soul.

The alien flew backwards while releasing Violet smoke from his cheek. The alien landed a few meters away from Zyron. His former was quickly changing from a human boy into a a red skull faced alien with many horns protruding out of his head and long horns scattered randomly on his limp body.

He trembled at remembering what just happened. He was once filled whit arrogance because he thought he could easily defeat the new Cosmic God.

But now that he experienced how strong and scary the Cosmic God is, Al he could think was fear towards him.

"Please forg-"

His words was once again interrupted when Zyron reappeared on top of him.

"Shine! "


The fist dived in to his face again. His body twitch aggressively but after a second, it slowed down until finally it stopped from moving.