
I Got Married In Vegas?!?!

Set to marry a man her parents picked out for her that she doesn't love, Monet is still searching for a glimmer of hope that will get her out of this marriage to her fiancé.

ctrl_sadness · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"Monet, isn't this flower arrangement beautiful?" Her mother gushed for the millionth time. It was the day before her trip to Vegas and Monet was in a floral shop with her mother, Trevor's mother, and Trevor's older sister, Trinity, picking out what floral arrangements would be perfect for the wedding. It was a total drag for Monet to even be here and in the ugly she was wearing. She wanted nothing than to just scream at the top of her lungs and run out of the shop like a lunatic never to return, but she couldn't do that. All she could do was just plaster on a smile and bear.

"Yeah, mom. It's extremely beautiful," Monet lied through her teeth. Of course that arrangement wasn't beautiful in her eyes. That wasn't the type of flower arrangement she pictured for when she got married. She wanted something different from this bullshit her parents are putting through. The color scheme of the wedding, which was blue and white, wasn't even her idea. It was his, aka Trevor. Monet didn't have a say in the color scheme because he had completely taken over that aspect leaving her with everything else that was stressful.

The wedding colors she desired were emerald green and white. Her desired wedding dress was a gown that was so elegant and beautiful that it would make her look like an ethereal goddess from another world. She wanted her wedding to be so perfect and beautiful that she would be so happy to walk down the aisle with butterflies constantly fluttering in her stomach. Instead, she just had irritation and the desire to run away as far as she can on her mind.

The wedding and everything else didn't even feel like her own wedding. It felt like everyone else's such as her mother's and Trevor's mother's as well. Everything down to the floral arrangement, the venue, the shoes, the dress, the hairstyle, the food, the venue for the reception, and the location of the honeymoon were nothing of hers. Everyone else had contributed their ideas and desires for how the wedding should be without her consultation. No one cared about what she thought or how she felt. They just wanted order her around before and after she walks down the aisle in a gown she detests with a passion.

"Ooh! Yes that arrangement is so gorgeous. It'll look so nice," Trevor's mother, Yolanda, gushed.

"Especially with her dress," Trinity agreed. Monet decided to look around the flower shop at other things to take her eyes off the hideous looking flower arrangement. Monet walked around the shop while the three women continued to talk about the flowers. She saw many beautiful flowers around the shop that caught her eye. She leaned flower and sniffed a couple as a small yet beautiful smile formed on her face.

"I see that you like the lilies," The shopkeeper said. Monet turned to her with a smile on her face.

"Yes. They're very beautiful," She responded, "Although I do prefer cherry blossoms more than anything."

"Ahh. The Sakura flower is very beautiful, especially when it blooms," The shop assistant beamed.

"Really? Have you seen them in bloom?" Monet inquired.

"Back when I was living in Japan with my mother, I would always go to the park with her and grandmother to watch them," The shopkeeper answered.

"That sounds wonderful. I would love to visit Japan some day," Monet smiled.

"You should. It's a very beautiful country all year round," The shopkeeper told her. Monet nodded.

"Monet, come here so we can go take a look at the cake," Her mother said.

"Alright," Monet responded. She frowned deeply for a moment, which the shopkeeper noticed but didn't say a word about.

"Have a great day, ma'am," The shopkeeper smiled.

"You too," Monet smiled back. She walked out after her mother and the other two women. Monet hung back as they conversed about how the cake would look, which the mocha brown woman did not care about in the least. The cake wasn't even to her taste either. It was German chocolate, even though Monet preferred French vanilla with raspberry filling.

The four women piled into the car and headed towards the bakery, which was owned by one of the deaconesses in the church. Monet's parents had enlisted the help of this woman to create the cake, which she agreed to happily. That same woman was also majorly disliked by Monet. Why? Because the woman loved to run her mouth about any and everybody as if she was any better. That same woman aggravated Monet to no end because she would smile in your face once minute and talk shit about you the next. Not only that, but she always boasting about her already married daughter with three kids at the church and saying how great they were all the time as if nobody got tired of hearing about it.

Nonetheless, her parents still enlisted the help of this toxic woman to bake the cake without Monet's opinion at all and made sure the cake was up to their standards and the standards of the Adams' and their son.

When they arrived at the shop, the four women got out of the car and headed inside. They were greeted warmly by Harriet Riley, the owner of the shop and the deaconess of their church, and they hugged each other. Harriet got to Monet and pulled her into a warm hug.

"Monet, how are you feeling about the wedding?" Harriet asked. Monet plastered on a convincing smile as she looked at the woman.

"I'm doing alright. Just a little nervous about the big day," She lied convincingly. Harriet seemed to believe the lie because laughed.

"We were all nervous when we got married, Monet. Don't worry. Just remember that you'll be Mrs. Adams as soon as you say 'I Do'," The older woman assured her. Just hearing that statement made her skin crawl. Monet made sure to hold back the look of disgust that was trying to show itself on her face. She covered it with a smile.

"Thank you. I'll remember that," Monet said.

"Good. Now I know you're all here to see the cake," She turned to the others, "Just know that its almost ready."

"Do you mind if we take a look?" Monet's mother inquired.

"Sure. Come on back," She answered. The four women followed her to the back of the shop to inspect the cake. When they got towards the back, Harriet instructed for them to wait here. She had one of her employees follow her to the back.

"Hopefully this cake will look very good," Trinity said.

"Of course it will. Harriet is the best Baker in our church," Monet's mother replied.

"That she is. That bake sale from last year was a hit because of her pies and cookies," Yolanda agreed. That was one thing Monet had to give to Harriet. She was a great baker with magic hands. That woman could make a simple red velvet cake taste heavenly.

"Here's the cake," Harriet announced as she wheeled a cart into the room. Monet's expression almost turned into one that said 'yikes', but she quickly covered it and feigned satisfaction with it.

"Wow. That is very gorgeous, Harriet," She remarked, "You did such a great job with the colors."

That cake was so ugly to Monet that it wasn't even funny. When the hell did he change the colors to navy blue, maroon, and gold? When? Just when? Also, that cake looked extremely busy to her. What happened to a little bit of simplicity?

"Oh. She's right, Harriet. You've outdone yourself," Monet's mother clapped her hands together.

"She's right. You really went above and beyond," Yolanda concurred.

"And the details are so beautiful," Trinity spoke up.

"Thank you," Harriet smiled proudly.

"Since the cake is ready, we have more things to prepare as well," Monet's mother informed the others.

"Yes we do. We already have a DJ, the caterer is all set, the dress looks very beautiful, the venue is all set, the cake looks perfect, and now all we need to do is find a good hairstylist," Yolanda said.

"Ooh! I have a friend who does hair," Trinity said.

"Do you mean Chelsea Daniels?" Monet's mother asked.

"Yes," Trinity smiled. Chelsea Daniels was one girl Monet could not stand at all. Chelsea was a very stuck up and bitchy girl that use to make fun of Monet all the way from elementary school to the end of high school. Chelsea made it a point to make Monet's life hell each and every single day. For Trinity to suggest the same girl who hated her and had once dated Trevor was detrimental to her mental health and hair. She had a feeling in her gut that Chelsea would would some way to sabotage her on her wedding day. Monet wasn't going to take any chances.

"Actually, Mom," Monet cut in, "A friend of mine from college agreed to do my make up and hair for the wedding. She agreed to help me when we first started planning."

"Really? Is she any good?" Her mother asked.

"Yes. Her social media page shows a lot of her work from her hairstyling to her make up skills. Plus she knows how to take care of natural hair like mine," Monet answered. If anything, Monet would rather her friend have her looking good than Chelsea. Not only that, but her friend was a licensed beautician with her shop that was gaining some traction on social media and in the city as well.

"Well it's settled then. Monet, I guess your friend will do your hair," Her mother said.

"Okay," Monet smiled. Mentally, Monet let out a sigh of relief. Her hair and dignity were saved.

"Other than wedding preparations. What about the bachelorette party?" Trinity inquired. Monet instantly perked up when she heard that. She did not want her mother or anybody within the wedding party, except for Jade, to plan it out. If anything, those people would just plan out something boring like a game night and Monet did not want that at all. She wanted to go to Vegas as planned with Jade and turn the fuck up.

"Ooh! I almost forgot about that," Monet's mother said.

"Me too," Yolanda replied.

"We can have a small dinner celebration," Trinity suggested. Girl, what? Hell nah. Why a dinner celebration of all things? You really made a bachelorette party turn into bingo night at a nursing home.

"Umm...actually. I was planning on going to Vegas for my...uhh...bachelorette party," Monet spoke up.

"Vegas?" Her mother asked incredulously. Monet could instantly tell that her mother was against the idea of her having a bachelorette party in the sinful city.

"Yeah," Monet chuckled nervously, "I kind of wanted to have one last hurrah with Jade."

Her mother's face scrunched up in disgust at the sound of Jade being mentioned. Monet knew then that their conversation wouldn't go over well.

"As nice as that sounds, Monet. You need to have a more quiet and relaxed night before your wedding. Not some sinful night that will lead you astray from God's teachings," Her mother hissed lowly.

"Mom, I won't be lead astray. Jade just wants to go to watch some of the acts and chill out in a hotel room," Monet answered.

"Hm. I highly doubt that," She scoffed.

"No, please. I just want one night to myself with Jade before I get married," Monet murmured. Her mother contemplated for a moment.

"We'll see after we discuss this with your father," Her mother said. In other words, no.

Later that night at the dinner for all their friends and family to attend, Monet sat at a table with her parents, her brother, Trevor, his parents, and his sister. They were all talking laughing as they sat sprung the table together. As for Monet, she was a little bored with the conversation that was taking place.

"Monet, I hear you're planning on going to Vegas for your bachelorette party," Trevor's father, James, said. All eyes were suddenly on her as soon as she heard that.

"Yes, sir. A friend of mine planned this trip as a wedding gift to me," Monet responded.

"A trip to Vegas as a wedding present? That's very nice of her," James smiled.

"Thank you, sir," Monet beamed.

"What did you two plan on doing in Vegas?" He asked.

"Just a little bit of sightseeing as well as going to see a couple of performances, then head to our hotel to hang out and talk," I answered.

"That sounds like fun. I hope you girls enjoy yourselves," He said.

"Thank you," Monet murmured.

"Is there room for one more person?" Trinity asked.

"I'm sorry, but she gave me two tickets for the trip which are for me and her," I answered.

"Oh. Well maybe I can buy a ticket and fly down there," Trinity smiled. Is she trying to sabotage their plans?

"Okay. That sounds nice," Monet plastered on a smile. She really did not want Trinity to come because this girl would be a bonafide snitch. Monet did want her there at all because this was her and Jade's trip together.

"Have fun in Vegas, you two, but not too much fun," Monet's father smiled. She could tell that he was probably furious, but he wouldn't show it in front of people. In fact, he was going to yell at Monet as soon as they piled into the car and she was not looking forward to it.

Sometimes she really did envy the freedom her sister had.