
I Got Legendary Dragon Sword As My First Weapon

I, Tarun, had always harbored a fervent desire to become a legendary swordsman in a world teeming with dungeons and thrilling adventures. Regrettably, in the mundanity of my real-life existence, I never had the opportunity to test my skills against even the most common of thugs. It seemed as if my dreams were destined to remain unfulfilled. However, fate has a peculiar way of intervening. A cataclysmic event unfolded as a meteor descended from the heavens, causing a cataclysmic dungeon breakdown. Suddenly, my life was thrust into uncharted territory, and the tantalizing possibility of my dreams coming to fruition loomed on the horizon. The question now is whether this cosmic intervention will alter the course of my destiny. Will I finally have the chance to embark on the adventures I'd long yearned for, and will I emerge as the legendary swordsman I'd always aspired to be? The unfolding of this newfound reality promises to be a captivating tale of transformation and adventure, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Sai_suke · Action
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64 Chs

I Am Selfish

After the officers had departed, I decided to review all the information they had shared with me. I pulled out my phone and began watching the news, aiming to cross-verify the details. Among the plethora of information, I came across a portal that contained data about various guilds and their respective leaders. To my surprise, there was no mention of any guilds operating within my own country.

As I contemplated this void, an idea began to form. What if I seized the opportunity to establish a guild in my homeland? The prospect was exciting, but it came with significant financial requirements. It led me to ponder the idea of functioning as a lone wolf. However, a thought struck me – why limit myself to being a lone wolf when I could aspire to be something even more formidable? The concept of becoming a "lone dragon" started to dominate my thoughts, with echoes of that dragon kid's fate still haunting my mind.

Determined and resolute, I decided, "I will become a 'lone dragon'."

I contacted the government representatives to convey my decision. They promptly provided me with a date and the location for our meeting. Eager to prepare, I headed to the hospital's terrace, where I engaged in rigorous sword practice, honing my skills and increasing my readiness for the challenges that lay ahead.

After my practice session, I reached out to my parents, needing to hear their voices. They recounted their fears during the recent incident and how the government had ensured their safety. Curiosity led them to inquire about my plans, and I revealed my intentions. They asked me a profound question: "Are you being selfish?" Yet, their final words carried their unwavering support, "Whatever you do, take care of yourself."

Their query weighed on my mind. Was it selfish to pursue this path? I contemplated the risks and the responsibilities. What would happen if I met an unfortunate end while clearing dungeons for the government? Would they provide for my parents? The burden on their shoulders far outweighed the government's obligations. For the sake of my future and my parents' security, I needed to be a little selfish.

On the appointed day, I arrived at the location provided. The building loomed with formidable security measures. Upon entering, I encountered a reception area, where I stated my name and explained my purpose. The receptionist promptly contacted the higher authorities and instructed me to wait in a designated waiting room.

As I sat there, I observed an eclectic mix of individuals, each armed with various weapons. Some wielded guns, others brandished swords, and still more had an assortment of arms. I was the sole person donning a coat, and it was evident that everyone was anxious about something. One by one, they were called into a room until I found myself alone in the waiting area.

Eventually, someone emerged and beckoned me to follow. I followed them into the same room that others had entered earlier. Inside, a substantial machine caught my attention, encasing a brilliant, shimmering blue object akin to the mana stone I possessed. They asked me to place my hand on a palm scanner, and I inquired about the necessity. Their response was simple – it was a formality.

I complied, and as my hand came into contact with the scanner, the mana stone began to radiate with an increasing intensity. Its brilliance grew to a blinding level, causing everyone present to shield their eyes. Slowly, the luminosity diminished, and the individuals operating the machine excitedly proclaimed, "It's showing 'S' class! He's an 'S' class adventurer!"

Guided by the person who had led me into the room, I was taken to the entrance of another chamber. They instructed me to enter, and I knocked on the door before cautiously stepping inside, asking, "May I come in, Sir?" The room contained an elderly officer seated at the head of a conference table, accompanied by four other officers and the two who had initially met with me.