
I got kidnapped into the game and is forced to become the Governor

Thrown into an unexpected role, our protagonist finds themselves kidnapped and thrust into the position of Governor in a war-torn gaming region. Their mission is clear: win the Hearts and Minds of the people to garner support for the fledgling government. But as they delve deeper into the intricacies of governance, they soon realize that rebuilding requires more than just bricks and mortar. Facing opposition from both insurgents and his own Ministers intent on derailing progress, our protagonist must also employ Counterinsurgency (COIN) tactics and must navigate the complex landscape of politics and power struggles.

MrCAL · War
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41 Chs

Duty or Desire

POV - Jordan

[Day 2, March 2002, 5pm]

I cursed under my breath upon receiving the news that the 5:00 PM meeting had been canceled. Frustration clenched my jaw as I realized the implications: a critical opportunity to address security concerns had slipped through my fingers. However, there was no time to dwell on setbacks.

With a resigned sigh, I shifted my focus to the evening's function, where wealthy executives from the very country that had contributed to the destruction of my region were gathering to strike a deal. They were here with promises to rebuild our police department from scratch, offering their weapons, equipment, and training expertise.

Despite my inner turmoil, I knew the importance of maintaining a façade of diplomacy to get weapons needed to build my police force. As I mingled with the executives, their polished façade and smug demeanor grated on my nerves. 

Each handshake felt like a betrayal, "Gentlemen, thank you for meeting with me today.", I began, my tone measured as I addressed the room. "I understand your company is interested in securing a contract for the reconstruction of our police department?"

Their leader nodded eagerly with anticipation. "Yes, Minister, that's correct. We believe our expertise and resources make us the ideal candidate for the job."

I nodded, though inwardly and remained skeptical. "And what exactly does your company bring to the table in terms of equipment, training, and infrastructure?"

The executive launched into a well-rehearsed spiel "Well, Minister, we have state-of-the-art technology and training programs that are unmatched in the industry. We can provide everything your police force needs to be effective and efficient."

"Impressive" my tone neutral but my mind whirring with possibilities. "And I assume this all comes at a cost?"

The executive smiled, a knowing glint in his eye. "Of course, Minister. But rest assured, we are willing to negotiate a fair price for our services.", with this comment I couldn't help but notice the subtle hints and insinuations woven into his words

I pursed my lips and nodded "I appreciate that. However, I must also consider the best interests of our country and its people. Tell me, how flexible are you willing to be on the financial aspect of the contract?"

The executive's smile widened, "Minister, we understand the importance of being competitive in today's market. We are more than willing to offer discounts and incentives to secure this contract."

"I see." My interest is piqued "And what sort of discounts and incentives are we talking about here?"

"Well, Minister" The executive leaned forward, his tone conspiratorial, "let's just say that we're willing to make it worth your while to consider our proposal. After all, we believe in fostering strong and mutually beneficial relationships with our partners."

"Well, gentlemen," I raises an eyebrow "I will certainly take your proposal under advisement. But let me be clear—I expect nothing but the highest standards of integrity and transparency in all our dealings."

"Of course, Minister." The executive smiles knowingly "We wouldn't have it any other way."

The executive's words hung in the air, laden with an unspoken invitation. "Let's have a drink and discuss this more with a happier mood," he suggested, his smile oozing with charm.

I hesitated for a moment, my mind racing as I weighed the implications of his offer. On one hand, the idea of easing the tension with a casual drink seemed tempting—a chance to build rapport and perhaps glean more insight into their intentions. But on the other hand, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just another ploy to further blur the lines between business and pleasure.

Still, I knew that navigating these treacherous waters required a delicate touch. With a nod and a forced smile, I accepted the invitation, making a mental note to tread carefully.

"Sounds like a plan," I replied, my tone casual but guarded. "But let's keep things strictly off the record, shall we? I wouldn't want any misunderstandings."

The executive nodded, his smile widening ever so slightly. "Of course, Minister. Just a couple of gentlemen enjoying a drink and hashing out the finer details of a business deal."

We moved to a private booth so that our privacy is secured. As we discussed the terms of the contract, his subtle hints and veiled suggestions left little doubt as to their intentions. Though no specific amount was mentioned outright, the implication was clear—I was to receive a percentage of the contract value as a kickback for my cooperation.

"How about 10%?" he offered, his tone casual but loaded with meaning. "That would sound like a good number for your services rebuilding a country."

I hesitated for a moment, considering his words carefully. While 10% was certainly a tempting offer, I knew that I needed to play my cards strategically if I wanted to secure the best deal for my country.

"Ten percent," I repeated, my voice steady despite the turmoil brewing within me. "It's certainly a generous offer. But given the scale of the project we're discussing, I believe we could do better."

The executive's eyebrows shot up in surprise, clearly caught off guard by my counterproposal. "Better?" he echoed, his tone betraying a hint of skepticism. "And what exactly did you have in mind, Minister?"

I leaned forward, meeting his gaze with steely determination. "How about 20%?" I suggested, my voice firm. "That would provide us with the additional resources we need to ensure the success of this project, while still allowing your company to profit handsomely from the arrangement."

For a moment, there was silence as the executive processed my offer, weighing the potential benefits against the increased cost. Finally, he nodded, a knowing smile spreading across his face. "Twenty percent," he agreed, extending his hand across the table. "You drive a hard bargain, Minister. But I believe we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement."

I clasped his hand firmly, sealing the deal with a firm handshake. The prospect of kickbacks that could set me up for life and secure a prosperous future for generations to come was undeniably tempting. 

With our newfound wealth, our long-awaited dream of having a son will finally become a reality.

Hey guys, thank you for reading. Just here to announce that I have just started a new job and not in a good headspace to write.

Previously I have atleast 4-7 chapters as a buffer but with the new job, I have not been writing a lot. Saw that 2 chapters were left and had to knock one out.

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