
I got kidnapped into the game and is forced to become the Governor

Thrown into an unexpected role, our protagonist finds themselves kidnapped and thrust into the position of Governor in a war-torn gaming region. Their mission is clear: win the Hearts and Minds of the people to garner support for the fledgling government. But as they delve deeper into the intricacies of governance, they soon realize that rebuilding requires more than just bricks and mortar. Facing opposition from both insurgents and his own Ministers intent on derailing progress, our protagonist must also employ Counterinsurgency (COIN) tactics and must navigate the complex landscape of politics and power struggles.

MrCAL · War
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41 Chs

A Marriage on the Brink

POV - Jordan Nelson

[Day 1, March 2002, 3pm]

Leaving the committee room, I made my way back to my office, where my secretary had already arranged for my favorite meal. Walking down the corridor, flanked by two committee rooms, I reached the Grand Minister's office. Its grand marbled doors greeted me as I pushed them open. Inside, Jasmin sat at the reception desk, her fingers moving slowly across the keyboard, struggling to form coherent words.

"Jasmin, my dear. Why the long face? You know I like it when you smile," I said reassuringly as I approached her desk.

She stood up, surprised at my sudden appearance. "Minister, I didn't know you were coming. I'm just trying to finish typing your daily activities," she said, her pitch slightly higher than usual, betraying her nerves.

"Ah, my activities. Right now I'm having my late lunch thanks to that Governor," I grumbled. "Would you help me with lunch, dear?" I gestured towards the door, indicating for her to lead the way.

"Of course, Minister," she replied, her eyes following me as she walked past her wooden secretarial table, heels clicking softly with each step. She cast one last glance over her shoulder before opening the door to my office.

The way she moves, it's like she enjoys teasing me, I thought. I followed behind her, she guides me past the meticulously arranged shelves of books, their spines catching the soft light filtering in through the window. As we approach my desk, she gestures with a slight sweep of her hand, indicating the plush leather chair awaiting me.

The Minister's desk dominates the room, a symbol of power and authority. Made of rich mahogany, it stands sturdy and imposing, adorned with polished brass fixtures.

A neat stack of documents awaits my attention, placed meticulously in the center. Behind the desk, a large window stretches from floor to ceiling, offering a panoramic view of the bustling city below. The warm afternoon sunlight filters through the sheer curtains, casting a golden glow over the room.

With practiced ease, Jasmin begins to prepare my favorite meal, her movements fluid and graceful. She slices through the tender steak with precision, the blade of the knife glinting in the soft light of the office. As the savory aroma fills the air, she arranges the perfectly cooked vegetables and potatoes on the plate with care.

Once the meal is plated, Jasmin leaned against the table, delicately lifts a forkful of food and offers it to me, her gaze steady and attentive. With a gentle smile, she encourages me to indulge in the culinary delight she has prepared. As I lean forward to accept the morsel, the flavors explode on my palate, a symphony of tastes and textures that satisfy my hunger and soothe my soul.

"Delicious as ever, Jasmin. Are you sure you did not cook this yourself?" I teased

Jasmin chuckled softly at my jest, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm flattered by the compliment, Minister," she replied, her tone warm and gracious. "But I must admit, I can only take credit for the presentation." Her humility and professionalism shone through, adding to the charm of her demeanor. With each bite, Jasmin's nurturing presence envelops me, her quiet efficiency a comforting reminder of her unwavering support.

As Aya entered the room, her presence commanded attention. She exuded elegance and poise, her steps purposeful yet graceful. Her eyes met mine, a flicker of fear and guilt filled my head. "Jordan," she greeted, her voice soft yet filled with a hint of authority. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

The secretary, quick to her feet as Aya entered, seemed to sense the tension in the room. "Oh no, Lady Nelson, just preparing lunch for The Minister," she explained hastily, her voice carrying a note of urgency. Her movements were fluid yet controlled, a subtle indication of respect for Aya's presence. I could see a hint of nervousness in her demeanor, perhaps aware of the delicate situation unfolding before her.

Jasmin glanced at her watch and inquired, "Would you like some tea, Lady Nelson?" Aya replied, "That would not be necessary, Jasmin,". With the tone set, the secretary placed her hand on her heart and executed a graceful curtsey before exiting the room.

Once Jasmin had departed, Aya's heels clicked sharply with each step as she moved towards me, finally settling on the edge of my desk. She took the fork and starts to feed me just as Jasmin did before commenting "She's pretty". Taking a deep breath, Aya continued, "Jordan, I believe it's time for us to consider the possibility of taking a second wife."

The unexpected words caught me off guard, causing me to cough in surprise. Aya gently patted my back as I regained my composure. Once the shock subsided, I focused intently as Aya began to speak. "I understand that this might come as a surprise to you, but please hear me out," she implored, her eyes searching his for understanding.

"I've thought deeply about this, Jordan, and I believe that having a second wife could bring balance and harmony to our family," Aya explained, her voice filled with conviction. "It's not a decision I take lightly, but I believe it's in line with our faith, also because I want a baby and for you to continue your family line."

The loss of our unborn child shook Aya to her core, plunging her into a dark abyss of despair and anguish. Depression and anxiety became unwelcome companions, their presence casting a shadow over our once-happy home. And as the months turned into years, the cruel reality of infertility only added to our anguish, each failed attempt at conception serving as a painful reminder of all that we had lost.

After a moment of reflection, I responded, "Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, Aya. I understand the importance of this matter to you, and I promise to give it the consideration it deserves. Let's discuss it further and pray for guidance together."

Hmmm. Not sure what to say.

MrCALcreators' thoughts