
I got Isekaied with OP Abilities

A College Student was killed by God and was given overpowered abilities and sent to another world for entertainment

AbyssalChaos_King · Fantasy
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Sent to Another World

After I regained my consciousness, I open my eyes and I looked around it was a forest.

I simply gotten up and just walked around not knowing were i was heading if I go in a random direction right then I should know were I am going right?

Well It dosen't matter I am merely just talking in my head at this point.

Kain:"If I keep on monologuing like this I might actually go insane or something atleast I have something unique about me no wait a lot of people monologue so I am not that special."

Well I say that as while walking I saw a dead body and the dead body was a girl her face seemed dilated and blank her eyes were dim as the clothes she was wearing was rags barely covering her body as many wounds were around it.

My reaction to this pitiful corpse was...emptiness I given a generic reaction but other then that in my mind it was empty I felt nothing no butterflies in my stomach feeling nervous or nausea or anything I just see a dead body nothing more and nothing less.

I walked past it after that when I saw the blood trail she left so I just went forward and follow it all the way to a Goblin villiage.

The Villiage was filled with Goblins all and all and how I felt about it was pure and utter nothing.

Well I ended up killing all the goblins at the end I didn't do it for any moral reasons or anything I just felt like it and how I did it? Well I just walk inside it and they started attacking me and it did nothing because I was invulnerable and because of that I just grab one of the weapons of them and kill them all with it.

Hah This actually makes me laugh you know seeing them all die and giving that scream.

But that feeling of excitement was gone after masscaring all of them I decided to left a message before I left and did a meme I know i drag all the bodies and made them look like the letters 420.

Now I feel content like I did something slightly funny I guess.

While I finished my Massacre after aimless walking I found a Villiage and walked inside all of them screamed at when they saw me.

Well my clothes were ruined and I was half naked for being attacked by the goblins although they weren't able to kill me they were able to ruin my clothing and my body was covered with Goblin guts they must've thought I went into a dangerous fight or killed someone it will be exciting if it was a dangerous fight or even killing someone.

? Weird I had a sudden thought of feeling excitement now it is gone but I guess it dosen't matter I ignored the stares and just asked for an inn and the innkepper who was 17 years old and was very nice and gave me the room for free how nice of her and when I asked where I can get new clothes and a bath she replied at quick although somehow scared expression saying that the inn had a bathhouse and there is a shop for clothing.

She was very nice I guess my life here might be more better I guess as I actually feel something.