
I got isekai'd into my favorite magical romance manga

meet Genji Takahashi a 24yr old man with no girlfriend After purchasing his favorite manga he got hit by a truck bla bla bla and suddenly he is the protagonist of his favorite romance manga

readerg_23 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


it was late at night

"too late"

here tells the story of a young man in a manga store late at night purchasing his favorite romance manga


well its "the ring leader of magic"

the titles is really confusing right ?

but at least the protagonist there gets a girlfriend but our protagonist can't even get his own at his own age of 24yrs

probably because he's bad at flirting

anyways he always relies on romance mangas to keep him Company and his favorite being I'm the ring leader of a super hot waifu or itrloashw for short

it's all about the protagonist Yori slowly falling for a girl name Aiko

it's also about wizards,witches,sorcerers,necromancers and some elemental shit or some messed up magic

but like I said it mostly about love

right now he is purchasing the newest volume that just came out

"which is volume 16 btw"

and he is also crying


because volume 16 is the end of igiimfmrm

"I can't believe this is the end of this lovely manga" he said flipping through the pages

but hey all good things must come to an end right?

after purchasing the book , he was walking out in the streets late at night

now it's dangerous to walk at night but our protagonist don't give a shit about that

"I wish I was like Yori,he is so cool and handsome and strong no wonder Aiko fell in love with him''

but little did he know

that shitty wish was about to come true

he was crossing the road when a truck driving at almost the speed of light hit him hard

but the strange thing was that he didn't feel pain

"just darkness"