
122. Poor Musk Cat!

However, this medicine eventually had side effects, like a fattening agent. Women who ate this chocolate all began to get very fat, feeling as if even drinking water would make them fat, but for the sake of having money to spend, these people still chose to let their family members continue to eat chocolate.

The sweat that was produced was given a pretty name, Jade Dew.

It was strange to say, normal people's sweat isn't exactly stinking, but it definitely doesn't have any fragrance, yet Jade Dew was different, the freshly secreted Jade Dew had an enchanting fragrance.

Like the scent of lilacs.

Men who smelled this scent all felt their wives were the most beautiful women in the world, even as they got fatter and fatter.

In the end, the perfume factory businessmen proposed a new grade of Jade Dew, Red Jade Dew.

It was when the produced Jade Dew was red, every 5ML could sell for ten thousand yuan.