
Eternally Reborn Through Different Multiverse's

Megami is a girl that has always been anything but normal. From her past and her body she is even considered crazy due to her mental state but actually is a once in a generation genius when it comes to technology and magic. Now due to her own choices she has to traverse many universe's and even different Multiverse's as she gains and loses power. She has cursed herself to be someone special in every life with no breaks but she never forgets the memories that make her soul. She will walk many paths but on the bright side she isn't alone. She has the excruciatingly painful company of the fantasy existences most powerful (Powerful as in ran with their tails between their legs at the sight of someone more powerful) Gods in the form of their dying incarnate souls. She just can't catch a break no matter what life it is... or multiverse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scene from the Novel~ She is broken but undamaged She walks the path of infinite Importance She is her own misfortune 'Why is there a poem about me in practically every lecture? I didn't make that much of an impact did I? all I did was take over a domain because it belonged to me in the first place. I do kind of remember telling my demon assistant about my past lives... I think. Maybe? I have no way to know.' Megami thought as she sat through history class. She quietly and astutely observed the wome- everyone in class, closely waiting for the chance to pleasu- befriend the gir- them. Befriend them. [*BookInfo: It starts as fast paced and complex but it will become bigger and have more complete lives. Worlds will be revisited and I am open to having Megami visit worlds like One Piece, RWBY, FNAF, and any others that you suggest.] (*AN: This is my first book I have written so please enjoy it! Yuki will be happy if you read it! Yuki will be their best to make a cover worthy of you all.) *AN: This book has parts that seem to be skipped over but will be 'Remembered' by the MC at later chapters. An example of this is the Gods Game. The MC will not remember this fondly but is cursed to remember it vividly for a period of time.

YukiYuri_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"Ugh. I feel hurt in places I didn't know existed." Megami said aloud but soon regretted it.

"Ahhghaagk!" She yelled and grabbed her ribs that was one of many places in pain when she tried to get up.

She Had to breathe heavy breaths for a good hour before the pain started to calm down but it never went back to normal.

"Wa... Ha... Ha... d-d-der..." She said with as much effort as she could exert.

Shit. My eyes are not working, My body is in more pain than it has ever been. And I can't use energy due to pain... I hope whoever is there will come back soo-.

Megami heard a door open with a creak. "You really are a wonder. You survived having you organs punctured with holes and having 80% of your blood drained out of you. Are you even a mortal?" A mature woman's voice said with a gentle but mocking tone to it. Megami wondered who could have such a loving but deadly aura with just walking in the room. Megami tried to let out a sound to respond but was stopped with something soft touching her lips. She suddenly felt an overwhelming amount of energy entering her body.

"Apples." Megami said with a low and rasp voice.

"After you have some water missy." The woman said as she slowly dipped water into Megami's mouth. Megami drank it eagerly as she felt herself gaining energy. As the last of the water container was drank, Megami slowly opened her eyes. She saw a white plastered ceiling with blue painted walls and an LED lightbulb with a crystal hexagonal cover. She looked to her right and saw a window with a vast sea of grass and a pale blue cloudless sky beyond.

Megami nearly gasped in surprise as she has never seen something so beautiful in her life. If it wasn't for the pain she was feeling she would have thought she was in the after life or entered another world like in the books she heard people read. Megami Froze. She just remembered what happened before she woke.

"It's beautiful." Megami said softly with a small smile. "It is indeed beautiful. Even after 600 years it is still very calming." She turned around to see who the voice belonged to. What she saw made her freeze in place.

She looked at a mature woman with grey skin and ruby eyes with the scelera black like that of the abyss. Her lips were plump and light grey. Her ears were pointed and she had beautiful hair that seemed like the night sky. She had the figure of a model and her cup size was 'I cup'... She wore a one piece black blouse and darker gray sweatpants and to top it all off she had an apron on with cute kittens on it. To say the least it made Megami's heart race and her body hot to just look at the beauty.

Megami went into a serious blush.

The moment Megami saw her she reflexively but her hands in front of her face, she had a crack between her fingers so she could still see the other girl- no woman.

"S-Sorry to bother you." I said with a low tone. It still hurts to talk.

"Now isn't the time to be messing around. If you can move that well then get up and follow me." The woman said which I followed or at least tried to until I fell on the floor. So embarrassing. The woman picked me up in a princess carry which just made me blush even more.

What is wrong with me? I have never acted like this before so why now? Did I get hit in the head or something?

We moved through a hallway with wooden floors and down some stairs then entered a door that had carved words that I for some reason understood. It says bathroom. Wait, don't tell me... I quickly looked at the woman and gulped. Wow was she beautiful.

"Well it looks like you have a crush." Said a motherly voice.

'W-Who said that?' I thought.

"She totally has a crush, Like it's obvious." Said a child's voice.

'What in the kosmē Universe...' I thought but I didn't have time to focus on that because I was set down in a big tub as I just realized I was bare for all to see.

"I'm sorry about your clothes. They were torn beyond repair." The woman said as she took her clothes off.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I asked with Shock, caution, and anticipation as she got in the tub as well.

"I-I think I can wash myself, can't I?" I asked looking for a way out.

"It's fine. Besides I haven't bathed in a few days. Do you mind getting my back." The woman asked.

"Sure" I said a bit too enthusiastically. She looked back at me with a confused look as she moved he hair to the front.

"What is your name little one" The woman suddenly asked as I washed her back.

"Shouldn't you say your name first." I asked back. You need to be cautious if you want to survive on the streets after all.

"Sorry. My name Is Ayumu Mikaribaba Maou. As you can see I am a demon. I am considered the guardian of this town." She said as she looked back at me with her sharp gaze.

'Did I offend her?'

"Well, Nice to meet you Ayumu. I am Megami Asutoraru Mahou. Thank you for saving my dumb ass from death. I really owe you more than I can give." I said as I turned around for her to wash my back. It's a give and take world you know!

"Where are you from. I have never seen anyone like you before." Ayumu asked.

I was suddenly sent a wave of sorrow as I realised the severity of what happened. "Nowhere anymore. I have lost everything with no way back and no way forward. I am now but a pathetic, weak and insignificant piece of... Ugh I don't even know how to describe myself anymore! I lost everything and everyone I ever Loved! They probably think I'm dead but I guess that I for the best." I dreadfully expressed as I cried tears of sadness.

Ayumu suddenly hugged me and whispered in my ear "You can stay with me Megami. I have room for you. I am getting tired of being alone anyway" She said with a smile that could cause anarchy.

"Thanks." I said with my mood a lot better.

'Your extremely weak to beautiful girls. Noted.' A deep voice analysed in my mind.

'Oh shut up Candle Fire!' I argued.

'Ohh! She got you gooood!' Teased a charismatic voice.

'You too Lamp Light!' I barked back. Everyone tilted their figurative heads in my mind.

"By the way... What is with that middle name of yours Ayumu? What does it mean?" I asked as we were getting ready for bed. We got to know each other more and found we get along like old friends seeing each other for the first time in years.

We spent the whole day inside and learning biology of fantasy creatures.

"I-It means Ancient Eyes." She answered with cold sweat dripping down her forehead.

"Really..." I said skeptically "Cause I remember reading somewhere about it involving an old hag." I finished with a smirk.

"It's not my fault my parents had atrocious naming sense!" She barked pouting.

We ended the day joking an I learned that she was not only beautiful on the outside but on the inside as well. We even had a lot in common and similar intelligence as well, but I'm smarter obviously.




"Hello Megami." Said a ball of fire with horns.

"Well I guess I will have to deal with you guys in my dreams now huh." I said crossing my phantom arms. In front of me was ten different beings, each having full control over an element.

Well, I guess It's time to awaken some awesome god level magic!

(*AN: YukiYuri here! I am happy your reading novel! Thanks a bunch and I hope you enjoy it! Please leave a comment for support!)